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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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GeauxTigers99;1039323; said:
You're right, I don't know you or your experiences. I took your statement as another generalization of the sterotypical southerner, and didn't appreciate it.

But everyone has a story, and I probably shouldn't assume to estimate your "class" by one statement. Glad to hear you found the Northwest to your liking, hopefully you'll have reason to change your views of the South one day.:cheers:

Thank you.

I'll clarify my feelings on the South. You'll find assholes and ambassadors of good faith in any region of America. The South, IMO, doesn't hold the chancellor's cup on hospitality any more than another locale. There are great people all over. I just happened to be surrounded by a number of lesser personalities.

Cheers to you as well. :drunks:
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muffler dragon;1039164; said:
In ... North Carolina, Southern Hospitality ... [is] next to non-existent. ... IMO, southern hospitality is a myth ... You'll find assholes and ambassadors of good faith in any region of America. The South, IMO, doesn't hold the chancellor's cup on hospitality any more than another locale. There are great people all over. I just happened to be surrounded by a number of lesser personalities.

Muffler Dragon, telling a Southerner that Southern Hospitality is a myth is like telling a Christian that Christianity is a myth. That's just cold-hearted :(

Yes, of course there are honorable, courteous people all over the U.S., and the South doesn't have any more honorable, courteous people than any other part of the U.S.

But people who identify their self-concept as a "Southerner" believe in Southern Hospitality (just like people who identify their self-concept as "Christian" believe in the teachings of Christ).

These people you are talking about in North Carolina either didn't truly identify themselves as "Southerners," or they were hypocrites.

I don't know how it is up there in North Carolina, but Louisiana is very much the Deep South. Like in the rest of the Deep South, many people down here strongly identify ourselves as "Southerners," and we take Southern Hospitality seriously. It's not a bad thing -- in fact, you can even use it to your advantage. The next time you meet someone who identifies with being a "Southerner," and he doesn't act hospitable to you... call him out on it. Trust me, he'll make it up to you if he is not a hypocrite.
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JohnLSU;1039540; said:
Muffler Dragon, telling a Southerner that Southern Hospitality is a myth is like telling a Christian that Christianity is a myth. That's just cold-hearted :(

Yes, of course there are honorable, courteous people all over the U.S., and the South doesn't have more honorable, courteous people than any other part of the U.S.

But people who identify their self-concept as a "Southerner" believe in Southern Hospitality (just like people who identify their self-concept as "Christian" believe in the teachings of Christ).

These people you are talking about in North Carolina either didn't truly identify themselves as "Southerners," or they were hypocrites.

I don't know how it is up their in North Carolina, but Louisiana is very much the Deep South. Like in the rest of the Deep South, many people down here strongly identify ourselves as "Southerners," and we take Southern Hospitality seriously. It's not a bad thing -- in fact, you can even use it to your advantage. The next time you meet someone who identifies with being a "Southerner," and he doesn't act hospitable to you... call him out on it. Trust me, he'll make it up to you if he is not a hypocrite.

True story. ( i.e., I read it in the paper, so while the veracity of the conclusions set forth in the story may be questioned, the fact that I personally read it in the paper should not)

They found a lost boy about four or five, and had no idea exactly where he came from or the last name of his parents. The police and social services surmised he was probably from the south because of his manners (he said "Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir" when questioned), a practice which the northern local populace was not known to be so emphatic about following.

I have been in every state in the continental US, and I have to say, while it is difficult to put an exact definition on "hospitality", people in the south are absolutely more gregarious and friendly than the northeast. Lots of good people everywhere else too, but I find that in other areas people are less open - they are just as friendly when you get to know them, mind you, but in my experience southerners are more friendly and welcoming from the outset.
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College football
Buckeyes can feel like winners with a Wii

Thursday, December 27, 2007 3:32 AM
By Garrett Downing

"It was not easy" obtaining enough Nintendo Wii video-game systems, like the one above, for all of the players going to the Holiday Bowl, said bowl spokesman Mark Neville.

When the Ohio State University football team earned a bid to the national championship game, the players could cross some items off their Christmas wish lists.
In addition to a chance at the national title, the Buckeyes took home another coveted prize -- a Nintendo Wii video-game system.
Every player on the Ohio State and Louisiana State teams received a Wii and several other items as part of a bowl gift package.
Finding a Wii has been a difficult task for shoppers this year, but those working for the BCS national championship game -- and for two nonrelated bowl games -- gathered enough for every player on the teams involved.

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Fans troll for BCS tickets
Student lottery winners find plenty of people with lots of cash ready to purchase their ducats
Thursday, December 27, 2007 3:29 AM
By Encarnacion Pyle

Allison Heck, left, an Ohio State University sophomore, isn't someone Jodi Regula and her father, Johnny, are waiting for in the Schottenstein Center parking lot. Heck, a lottery winner for a ticket to the Buckeyes' national championship game in New Orleans, already had sold her ticket over the Internet for $700.

How valuable are tickets to the BCS title game?
The sign Jodi Regula posted on the windshield of her father's Cadillac at the Schottenstein Center parking lot yesterday sheds some light.
2 tickets to the game?
2 plane tickets to New Orleans?
Watching the Buckeyes tame the Tigers: Priceless!
Regula and her dad, Johnny, settled into folding chairs outside the Schott yesterday morning -- prepared to camp out all day for a chance to buy two tickets to the national championship game.
"I was born and raised with Buckeye blood," Regula told students as they passed by to pick up tickets to the Ohio State-Louisiana State game Jan. 7.
Many of those who won a student lottery to buy tickets also thought they were invaluable, which meant there wasn't a lot of scalping going on the first day their tickets were available.

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I find it interesting that with all the NCAA rules for student athletes that they are cool with all these gifts they give the guys for playing in a bowl game.

It is a bit Ironic to me that they get a Wii but let a coach give a kid lunch money and all hell breaks loose.
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Lockup;1039636; said:
I find it interesting that with all the NCAA rules for student athletes that they are cool with all these gifts they give the guys for playing in a bowl game.

It is a bit Ironic to me that they get a Wii but let a coach give a kid lunch money and all hell breaks loose.

Yeah or flights on a private jet, it gets REALLY CRAZY!!!:tongue2:
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OSU not overwhelmed by underdog tag Some Buckeyes like not being favored in BCS championship
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Thursday, Dec 27, 2007
COLUMBUS: Some teams play better as front-runners, whereas other teams play better when they are underdogs.
Put Ohio State in the latter category. The Buckeyes go into the Jan. 7 BCS National Championship Game getting as many as five points from the oddsmakers. With that status comes a chip the size of a boulder on a shoulder, and it's something with which they're familiar.
In an 11-1 season where they spent more time than any other team atop the BCS standings, the Buckeyes were considered dark horses to make the BCS National Championship Game. After stumbling in a loss to Illinois the week before vanquishing Michigan, they had to listen to people bray on about how OSU shouldn't be able to sneak into the title picture.

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JohnLSU;1039540; said:
Muffler Dragon, telling a Southerner that Southern Hospitality is a myth is like telling a Christian that Christianity is a myth. That's just cold-hearted :(

Yes, of course there are honorable, courteous people all over the U.S., and the South doesn't have any more honorable, courteous people than any other part of the U.S.

But people who identify their self-concept as a "Southerner" believe in Southern Hospitality (just like people who identify their self-concept as "Christian" believe in the teachings of Christ).

These people you are talking about in North Carolina either didn't truly identify themselves as "Southerners," or they were hypocrites.

I don't know how it is up there in North Carolina, but Louisiana is very much the Deep South. Like in the rest of the Deep South, many people down here strongly identify ourselves as "Southerners," and we take Southern Hospitality seriously. It's not a bad thing -- in fact, you can even use it to your advantage. The next time you meet someone who identifies with being a "Southerner," and he doesn't act hospitable to you... call him out on it. Trust me, he'll make it up to you if he is not a hypocrite.

Then I guess that I'll have to visit N'awlins some time and try out the theory. :wink:
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