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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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ulragincajun;1039057; said:
Just sending out props to the Buckeye Nation to get the job done. I'm writing from Cajun country to say that I want nothing more than to see these guys go down. Be careful their fans are very crude, and I mean VERY; but I think y'all can handle it. Just overshadow it with a victory. Geaux OSU! Beat LSU! Geaux UL!

As many of you have seen firsthand in your lives, Southern hospitality is real. But so is our passion for football and our love for drinking at football games. When you mix passion and alcohol, yes, expect some rowdy fans.

And ULL guy, why the hate for LSU? I've never seen that from a Cajun before. LSU takes half its students from Cajun territory, and those Cajuns I made friends with at LSU introduced me to their friends at ULL and I have many good memories of partying at ULL with all of them. And as for our rowdy fans, the majority of those are Cajun LSU fans, you have to admit. Cajuns are the most passionate group of people in Louisiana.
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And another thing, Cajun guy, you do know who Tommy Hodson is, right? If not then you're still a young kid. Hodson was the most loved QB that LSU has had in recent history -- he started at QB all four years at LSU, and he led us to two SEC Championships. Hodson also led LSU to our first top 5 finish in the AP Poll since 1961. And Hodson also led LSU to its first ever win at Tennessee's Neyland Stadium. In addition, Hodson was the first QB in SEC history to pass for over 8,000 career yards. Finally, Hodson was the QB during our famous "Earthquake game."

Hodson was a legendary hero at LSU. Guess where he is from? A small town in Lafourche Parish. He was a star QB and basketball player for at Central Lafourche High School. Every Cajun I know boasts about Hodson more than any other athlete that has come from Cajun territory.
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JohnLSU;1039136; said:
And another thing, Cajun guy, you do know who Tommy Hodson is, right? If not then you're still a young kid. Hodson was the most loved QB that LSU has had in recent history -- he started at QB all four years at LSU, and he led us to two SEC Championships. Hodson also led LSU to our first top 5 finish in the AP Poll since 1961. And Hodson also led LSU to its first ever win at Tennessee's Neyland Stadium. In addition, Hodson was the first QB in SEC history to pass for over 8,000 career yards. Finally, Hodson was the QB during our famous "Earthquake game."

Hodson was a legendary hero at LSU. Guess where he is from? A small town in Lafourche Parish. He was a star QB and basketball player for at Central Lafourche High School. Every Cajun I know boasts about Hodson more than any other athlete that has come from Cajun territory.

I am sorry, Jake Delhomme, QB for the Rajun Cajuns, is the crown prince of Boudreaux and Tibideaux land. I would say that Hodson is a CLOSE second..
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