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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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sluTiger;1038814; said:
Man these article about Miles being stupid or arrogant or careless are way off base... Oh Well...

I don't think the article you quoted (from a Louisiana paper, I might add) portrayed Miles as stupid, arrogant or careless. However, I thought his statement that if the game goes as it should, LSU should be up big after three quarters, was quite a stupid thing to say on Miles' part. But you can't fault the reporter for directly quoting Miles.
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The Winning Coach Will Be Wealthier

For college coaches there's an incentive to win

LSU football coach Les Miles kept on winning long after Georgia Dome workers swept up the confetti from the Tigers' SEC championship game celebration Dec. 1.
Miles won when Auburn gave Tommy Tuberville a $200,000 raise to $2.8 million for 2008. Miles won again when Bobby Petrino fled the Falcons to accept a $2.85 million a year deal from Arkansas.
The more they got, the more Miles got.
That's because his contract assures him that in the season after Miles wins an SEC title he will make at least as much money as the third-best-paid coach in the conference. (Alabama's Nick Saban and Florida's Urban Meyer remain Nos. 1 and 2.)
Miles's biggest payday, though, might still be two weeks away.
An LSU victory over Ohio State in the Bowl Championship Series national championship game on Jan. 7 would bump Miles's salary up at least another $530,000.
The key clause in his contract:
"In any given year, effective after the 2007 football season and each football season thereafter, if the football team wins the National Championship (as recognized by the Bowl Championship Series), the total annual compensation shall be adjusted to be no less than the third highest salary within NCAA Division I intercollegiate football."
That's no worse than the $3.384 million a year paid to Meyer, according to a USA Today study of coaches' salaries. (The nation's third highest college football coaching salary might be even more than that; private schools such as Notre Dame aren't required to disclose details of their coaches' compensation.)
Miles has more guaranteed cash riding on the outcome of a BCS bowl game than any other coach, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution analysis of coaches' contracts.
Even if he loses the game, Miles won't walk away from this postseason empty-handed. Not only would his salary climb by more than $1 million, from $1.8 million to $2.85 million, but he would also receive a bonus of $400,000 for winning the SEC West, appearing in the SEC championship game and earning a berth in national championship game.
Here is a quick look at what other BCS bowl coaches will receive.
Jim Tressel, Ohio State
The money at stake when the Buckeyes play the Tigers on Jan. 7 isn't specified, but it's presumably substantial. A clause in Tressel's contract provides that if and when his team wins a BCS national championship, Ohio State and Tressel will negotiate a new contract. His current one brought him $2.4 million in 2007, not including a $200,000 pool of bonus money for Tressel and his staff.

Entire article: For college coaches there's an incentive to win | ajc.com
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buckeyesin07;1038835; said:
I don't think the article you quoted (from a Louisiana paper, I might add) portrayed Miles as stupid, arrogant or careless. However, I thought his statement that if the game goes as it should, LSU should be up big after three quarters, was quite a stupid thing to say on Miles' part. But you can't fault the reporter for directly quoting Miles.

I noticed that as well.

So in Les Miles' mind things will not be going well if the game isn't out of hand in their favor after three quarters? Hmmm. Wonder how he's going to respond when that happens.
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Bloomberg: LSU, Ohio State Coaches Get Bonus No Matter Who Wins Title Game

LSU, Ohio State Coaches Get Bonus No Matter Who Wins Title Game

By Curtis Eichelberger

Dec. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Louisiana State University coach Les Miles and Ohio State coach Jim Tressel will be the biggest winners in this year's college football bowl season, no matter the outcome of their championship game in two weeks.

Miles has already earned $400,000 in postseason bonuses, and a national title would trigger a clause in his contract requiring the school to make him one of the three highest-paid coaches in the country. Tressel has made $200,000 in bonus money and will earn the right to have his deal renegotiated if the Buckeyes win the championship.


``If you win, it's all worth it,'' said LSU Athletic Director Skip Bertman. He said he probably will offset Miles's bonus and salary by increasing the prices of tickets and parking next year.

The 54-year-old Miles, who made $1.8 million this season before bonuses, agreed to a one-year extension in December that pushes his deal through 2012.


An examination of coaches' contracts at 81 of the biggest football programs at public universities this season showed the highest-paid coaches were Alabama's Nick Saban ($3.52 million), California's Jeff Tedford ($3.3 million), Oklahoma's Bob Stoops ($2.95 million) and Texas's Mack Brown ($2.9 million). Bloomberg News obtained the contracts using open-public-records laws.


Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Smith said bonuses began appearing in coaches' contracts in the early 1980s. Salaries were lower then, he said, and incentives allowed schools to offer better pay for winning teams.

``If you were successful, you'd be rewarded,'' Smith said in an interview.
With annual salaries at major football schools now exceeding a million dollars a year, Smith says he wonders whether incentives are still necessary. In many cases, he says, bonuses are added because ``that's the way it's always been done.''

Even if the Buckeyes hadn't made it to the championship game, Ohio State's Tressel, who made $2.2 million before bonuses this year, would have had a profitable January.

In addition to his $200,000 for playing for the national championship, Tressel, 55, the Buckeyes' coach the last seven seasons, is due a $425,000 longevity bonus for staying at the school through Jan. 31.

Smith says he reviews Tressel's pay each year and makes adjustments to ensure the coach is paid near the top of the Big Ten Conference and among the highest in college football.

Neither Miles nor Tressel were available to comment.
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sluTiger;1038905; said:
What, where did you read that? Seriously, I missed that quote...

In the article you were responding about.

If things go the way they are supposed to go and the game is decided by the third quarter, we'll all be happy, but things never seem to go that way.

I not sure this came out they way he wanted it to but it does look like some nice Bulliten board material.
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Lockup;1038916; said:
In the article you were responding about.

I not sure this came out they way he wanted it to but it does look like some nice Bulliten board material.

Oh I got you, that quote is pretty old and it may have taken place before right after the SEC CG. I do not think that was a direct reference to OSU, but hey put it on the board.

I think LSUsports.net may have some old games.
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Beat LSU

Just sending out props to the Buckeye Nation to get the job done. I'm writing from Cajun country to say that I want nothing more than to see these guys go down. Be careful their fans are very crude, and I mean VERY; but I think y'all can handle it. Just overshadow it with a victory. Geaux OSU! Beat LSU! Geaux UL!
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ulragincajun;1039057; said:
Just sending out props to the Buckeye Nation to get the job done. I'm writing from Cajun country to say that I want nothing more than to see these guys go down. Be careful their fans are very crude, and I mean VERY; but I think y'all can handle it. Just overshadow it with a victory. Geaux OSU! Beat LSU! Geaux UL!

Thanks for the props...GO BUCKS :oh:
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ulragincajun;1039057; said:
Just sending out props to the Buckeye Nation to get the job done. I'm writing from Cajun country to say that I want nothing more than to see these guys go down. Be careful their fans are very crude, and I mean VERY; but I think y'all can handle it. Just overshadow it with a victory. Geaux OSU! Beat LSU! Geaux UL!

LOL ...
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ulragincajun;1039057; said:
Just sending out props to the Buckeye Nation to get the job done. I'm writing from Cajun country to say that I want nothing more than to see these guys go down. Be careful their fans are very crude, and I mean VERY; but I think y'all can handle it. Just overshadow it with a victory. Geaux OSU! Beat LSU! Geaux UL!

We discovered tht when we played them in 1987 & 1988

Interesting articles about LSU fans (from other schools):

LSU fan behavior ruined the game - Opinions

Tiger Bait - Sports

Scout.com: Tailgating as “Tiger Bait” in LSU
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