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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Lousiana fan:

"You can do it... you can do it all night loong!"
got wavs? - Waterboy: youcandoitallnightlong.mp3

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Here ya go....

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - www.lancastereaglegazette.com - Lancaster, OH

Taking sides on BCS title game
Breakdown of Buckeyes' strengths show LSU will be no match for top-ranked team

OK, here we ago again, Buckeye fans. Another National Championship game appearance and once again another matchup with a fast SEC school. The perception around the country is Ohio State and the Big Ten are weak. And a lot of fans around the country are wondering if Ohio State is even worthy of playing in the national championship - or how bad they are going to get embarrassed.
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JohnLSU;1039127; said:
As many of you have seen firsthand in your lives, Southern hospitality is real.

This is definitely a regional consideration. In the [sarcasm]great[/sarcasm] Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Southern Hospitality exists in hotels and restaurants. Outside of those two venues, I would say it's next to non-existent. When people won't even say, "black" when referring to African Americans, I realize that the general society in said region is lacking in more things than hospitality.

Alas, I digress back to the thread at hand.
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I love it when articles do things like suggest that Ohio State can't win bowl games (check out their performance in BCS bowls) or that Tressel is Mr Conservative (ask VLloyd about that one).

Their right, LSU fans. We don't have a chance. Why even play this game?
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muffler dragon;1039164; said:
This is definitely a regional consideration. In the [sarcasm]great[/sarcasm] Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Southern Hospitality exists in hotels and restaurants. Outside of those two venues, I would say it's next to non-existent. When people won't even say, "black" when referring to African Americans, I realize that the general society in said region is lacking in more things than hospitality.

Well, at least you aren't generalizing....
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muffler dragon;1039164; said:
This is definitely a regional consideration. In the [sarcasm]great[/sarcasm] Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Southern Hospitality exists in hotels and restaurants. Outside of those two venues, I would say it's next to non-existent. When people won't even say, "black" when referring to African Americans, I realize that the general society in said region is lacking in more things than hospitality.

Alas, I digress back to the thread at hand.

Not sure where all that came from, but keep in mind that about 10% of people in the Piedmont Triad area are actually from here. Many of the rest of us are "damn Yankees".
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muffler dragon;1039164; said:
This is definitely a regional consideration. In the [sarcasm]great[/sarcasm] Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Southern Hospitality exists in hotels and restaurants. Outside of those two venues, I would say it's next to non-existent. When people won't even say, "black" when referring to African Americans, I realize that the general society in said region is lacking in more things than hospitality.

Alas, I digress back to the thread at hand.

So.........unhospitable, and racist........anything else you'd like to add??

Surely you can bring up poor education and corrupt politics, maybe even throw in some inbreeding comments.

Keep painting w/ that broad stroke of yours pal, and most importantly......stay classy:pissed:
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Edit: Decided to re-vamp my post.

BuckeyeInTheBoro;1039259; said:
Not sure where all that came from, but keep in mind that about 10% of people in the Piedmont Triad area are actually from here. Many of the rest of us are "damn Yankees".

Sportsbuck28;1039264; said:
I'm a damn yankee in North Carolina, and proud of it.

I'm glad you guys enjoy the South. The weather wasn't/isn't for me. FTR, my statement was strictly experiential. Not meant to defame, disrespect, etc.

GeauxTigers99;1039270; said:
So.........unhospitable, and racist........anything else you'd like to add??

Surely you can bring up poor education and corrupt politics, maybe even throw in some inbreeding comments.

Keep painting w/ that broad stroke of yours pal, and most importantly......stay classy:pissed:

I lived in NC for a total of seven years. As for the "broad brush" statement, considering you don't know me nor my experiences, I'll presume that you know what you can do with said brush.

Getting back to my original point (that I should have just stopped with): IMO, southern hospitality is a myth. I found the people in the Pacific Northwest to be just as pleasant and much less assuming.

But since this has little-to-nothing to do with the NC, I'll digress...
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muffler dragon;1039290; said:
Edit: Decided to re-vamp my post.

I'm glad you guys enjoy the South. The weather wasn't/isn't for me. FTR, my statement was strictly experiential. Not meant to defame, disrespect, etc.

I lived in NC for a total of seven years. As for the "broad brush" statement, considering you don't know me nor my experiences, I'll presume that you know what you can do with said brush.

Getting back to my original point (that I should have just stopped with): IMO, southern hospitality is a myth. I found the people in the Pacific Northwest to be just as pleasant and much less assuming.

But since this has little-to-nothing to do with the NC, I'll digress...

You're right, I don't know you or your experiences. I took your statement as another generalization of the sterotypical southerner, and didn't appreciate it.

But everyone has a story, and I probably shouldn't assume to estimate your "class" by one statement. Glad to hear you found the Northwest to your liking, hopefully you'll have reason to change your views of the South one day.:cheers:
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