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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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It's entertainment and you should always bear in mind while watching ESPN that the word "entertainment" is right in the corporate acronym. I really wish there was a college version of NFL match-up with Merrill Hidge and Ron Jaworski breaking down game film. There is way too much Jesse Palmer - Lou Holtz - Mark May going on at ESPN. There is a show called Crystal Ball on CSTV that is not too bad.
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jwinslow;1031130; said:
Another is Lou Holtz. I've heard from many that he is widely regarded as one of the best motivational speakers out there (for business conf's and such). Yet look at the pathetic output during his broadcasts. To me he's playing a role like so many others on that network.

I cringe just thinking about those god-awful "pep" talks Holtz gives. Something's got to give though, because I too have heard that he's an unbelievable sthpeaker.
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I'll bite here....

At the risk of sounding like a big turd (no link, sorry)

I find myself watching the Holtz pep talks moreso than some of the actual game action, and my group has been known to pause (DVR style) the tv if someone is not in the room, to wait for them...and while preparing to laugh hysterically, there have been some times where I didn't laugh at all! The Knicks jersey was hilarious, without a doubt, and I love the "Let's Go!" wave at the end, but Lou's main problem is being a half step slower than fast talkers like Mark May, and he sounds dumb because he quickly yells something just to be heard. My .02....

Maybe its just seeing him so many times in the '68 national title team picture (my late grandpa still has hanging) that I give the guy a free pass. Who knows.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1031399; said:
I just discovered this LSU "fan" site. I was appalled at how many classless fans were there. I just want to thank all of the intelligent and friendly LSU fans here on this site. I am sure it will be a great game! Here is a link to their forums... Tiger Rant - LSU Sports Forum @ TigerDroppings.com

I should have warned you. Tiger fans don't even venture over there. Go to TigerForums.com - LSU football - LSU sports - LSU Tigers - LSU message board instead.
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Hmm...well, I am a TigerDroppings member who visits the site multiple times a day. I, for one, do not remember seeing any "anti Buckeye Planet" sites on TD.com.

In fact, this site has been cited multiple times on TD.com as being a good OSU forum (hence my presence here).

My point? If you don't like our site, don't visit it. Furthermore, why go out of your way to start a thread like this? I promise you there are BuckeyePlanet.com members who are posting over on TD.com.

I've been lurking here for a few days, and I will continue to do so in the days to come because it's a fine site, best I can tell.

You won't catch me saying anything disparaging about this site, here or anywhere else.

I think to do anything else is truly..."classless", no?
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1031399; said:
I just discovered this LSU "fan" site. I was appalled at how many classless fans were there. I just want to thank all of the intelligent and friendly LSU fans here on this site. I am sure it will be a great game! Here is a link to their forums... Tiger Rant - LSU Sports Forum @ TigerDroppings.com

The LSU fans that have joined here and have made alot of great contributions to BP have warned us about tigerdroppings and have pointed us to the LSU scout site as the best place to go for intelligent conversation with their fans. As you would expect none of the LSU posters that are currently with us want anything to do with that site, they are far too intelligent and respectful. I joined there before I was warned, I have never activated my account and have not been back since. I have spent some time at scout and have had plenty of great interaction with and insight from the LSU fans here.
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NastyDogg72;1031437; said:
The LSU fans that have joined here and have made alot of great contributions to BP have warned us about tigerdroppings and have pointed us to the LSU scout site as the best place to go for intelligent conversation with their fans. As you would expect none of the LSU posters that are currently with us want anything to do with that site, they are far too intelligent and respectful. I joined there before I was warned, I have never activated my account and have not been back since. I have spent some time at scout and have had plenty of great interaction with and insight from the LSU fans here.
Ya I was directed to that site and I found it very fair and there were really intelligent posts there. I am new here, so I wasn't sure if you guys had already checked it out.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1031441; said:
Ya I was directed to that site and I found it very fair and there were really intelligent posts there. I am new here, so I wasn't sure if you guys had already checked it out.

Welcome to BP, I found my way here through the OZone site last year and can tell you this is the best Buckeye conversation and insight you will find on the web.
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