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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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NastyDogg72;1030795; said:
go st8,

If the tickets for students are the same as all past years the system works like this:

1 A student can get a lottery number

2 If their number comes up they have to got to the ticket office with their payment and student ID. They recieve a voucher that they must take to a ticket office set up in NO.

3 They then have to take this voucher as well as their student ID again to the ticket office in NO to pick up their actual ticket. In past years this ticket is exactly the same as all other game tickets, so from this point anyone can use it and not a voucher or anything.

So unless the policy has changed you would have to get a student that would go all the way to NO with you to pick it up and sell it to you there if you were looking at getting a ticket that way.


I am a student and won the "lottery" and have paid already for my tickets. I got 2 for being married. My wife can't go so I am wondering what I have to do for someone else to use her ticket. They said I can pick up my tickets at the Schott starting Dec 26th. I am hoping I get to pick up the actual tickets.
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JohnLSU;1028915; said:
and then they got absolutely humiliated like a bunch of little girls by Florida 41-14. It's one of the most humiliating experiences that any program has had in college football history.

You're a dipshit. If you think a 41-14 loss was bad, ask Oklahomo fans about the 55-19 ass-raping they took from USC in the 2004 NC game. You had best pray that LSU wins on Jan 7th, lest you be humilated on your home field by a bunch of "little girls"...
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MililaniBuckeye;1030899; said:
You're a dipshit. If you think a 41-14 loss was bad, ask Oklahomo fans about the 55-19 ass-raping they took from USC in the 2004 NC game. You had best pray that LSU wins on Jan 7th, lest you be humilated on your home field by a bunch of "little girls"...

Please forgive the LSU homer...
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MililaniBuckeye;1030899; said:
You're a dipshit. If you think a 41-14 loss was bad, ask Oklahomo fans about the 55-19 ass-raping they took from USC in the 2004 NC game. You had best pray that LSU wins on Jan 7th, lest you be humilated on your home field by a bunch of "little girls"...

Please forgive the Florida homer posing as an LSU fan...
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MililaniBuckeye;1030899; said:
You're a dipshit. If you think a 41-14 loss was bad, ask Oklahomo fans about the 55-19 ass-raping they took from USC in the 2004 NC game. You had best pray that LSU wins on Jan 7th, lest you be humilated on your home field by a bunch of "little girls"...

How old are you? First you give me a red "bad reputation" mark for that post, and now you write this? Yes, I'm sorry it was so harsh, but I figured all of you guys were man enough to take it. I want to see a good ball game between LSU and OSU. That comment was in response to a conversation I was having with several OSU fans who were letting their Buckeye ego go to their heads. That's the same attitude that failed the Buckeyes last year. Although I believe that the real Buckeyes (the actual team) felt absolutely humiliated last year, and will be VERY fired up for redemption this year, it would be nice to see most Buckeye fans be on the same page as the team. That's all I was trying to do. Not a bad thing.

Second, I wrote this over on Tigerforums, calling LSU a bunch of "little girls," and nobody freaked out (like you and BB73 on here have done so far):

"Yeah, don't remind me. Those two losses to a washed-up ND program were humiliating. I was at the '97 game in Tiger Stadium. They beat us down like little girls (6-24). It was one of the worst days of my life. At least we got revenge at the end of the season by beating them 27-9 in the Independence Bowl (we wore the yellow jerseys -- Rondall Mealey came in for an injured Faulk and had like 222 yards rushing). But yeah, then we go up to ND in '98 and lost again. Humiliating. Imagine how you people would have felt had ND somehow beat us in the Sugar last year."
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gost8;1030881; said:

I am a student and won the "lottery" and have paid already for my tickets. I got 2 for being married. My wife can't go so I am wondering what I have to do for someone else to use her ticket. They said I can pick up my tickets at the Schott starting Dec 26th. I am hoping I get to pick up the actual tickets.


If that is the case and you get to pick up the tickets it would be a major change from all past years. I know the reason for the change in '03 was to keep students from selling their tickets and to keep from having to check ID's at the game, not sure how good the security would be at the game as far as this goes. I know at the Shoe they don't even look at the photos on the ID's and tOSU has a provision that a student's family can use the student ticket without it being upgraded to General Admission as long as they have the student's ID with them. My guess would be then all you would have to do if you get your actual tickets on the 26th is make sure that the person other than your wife going with you should just have someones ID with them. Good luck and keep me posted, I would curious to see if the policy changed. Have a hell of a good time in NO, wish I was gonna be there.
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JohnLSU;1030968; said:
How old are you? First you give me a red "bad reputation" mark for that post, and now you write this? Yes, I'm sorry it was so harsh, but I figured all of you guys were man enough to take it. I want to see a good ball game between LSU and OSU. That comment was in response to a conversation I was having with several OSU fans who were letting their Buckeye ego go to their heads. That's the same attitude that failed the Buckeyes last year. Although I believe that the real Buckeyes (the actual team) felt absolutely humiliated last year, and will be VERY fired up for redemption this year, it would be nice to see most Buckeye fans be on the same page as the team. That's all I was trying to do. Not a bad thing.

Second, I wrote this over on Tigerforums, calling LSU a bunch of "little girls," and nobody freaked out (like you and BB73 on here have done so far):

"Yeah, don't remind me. Those two losses to a washed-up ND program were humiliating. I was at the '97 game in Tiger Stadium. They beat us down like little girls (6-24). It was one of the worst days of my life. At least we got revenge at the end of the season by beating them 27-9 in the Independence Bowl (we wore the yellow jerseys -- Rondall Mealey came in for an injured Faulk and had like 222 yards rushing). But yeah, then we go up to ND in '98 and lost again. Humiliating. Imagine how you people would have felt had ND somehow beat us in the Sugar last year."

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JohnLSU;1030968; said:
How old are you? First you give me a red "bad reputation" mark for that post, and now you write this? Yes, I'm sorry it was so harsh, but I figured all of you guys were man enough to take it. I want to see a good ball game between LSU and OSU. That comment was in response to a conversation I was having with several OSU fans who were letting their Buckeye ego go to their heads. That's the same attitude that failed the Buckeyes last year. Although I believe that the real Buckeyes (the actual team) felt absolutely humiliated last year, and will be VERY fired up for redemption this year, it would be nice to see most Buckeye fans be on the same page as the team. That's all I was trying to do. Not a bad thing.

XRayRandy? Is that you?
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JohnLSU;1030968; said:
Although I believe that the real Buckeyes (the actual team) felt absolutely humiliated last year, and will be VERY fired up for redemption this year, it would be nice to see most Buckeye fans be on the same page as the team. That's all I was trying to do. Not a bad thing.
I think the 'real' Buckeyes and the fans alike are fucking sick and tired of hearing 41-14. But, please continue to do so, as it is giving everyone a big chip on their shoulder.. the 'real' buckeyes and fans alike.

Last year was last year. This year is this year. I hope we kick the fucking shit out LSU in New Orleans, LA just so everyone will shut the fuck up about the mighty mighty SEC.
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