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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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GeauxTigers99;1047465; said:
Well..........I wasn't going to bring that up.:biggrin:

But since you mention it, I do realize that anything can happen. My point is that I really don't expect it in this game. Not w/ the styles both teams bring to the table.
Fair enough.
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WyoBuckeye;1047457; said:
Yep. There is a reason trick plays don't get run that often. They usually don't work! Throwing one in here and there when the risks aren't as high (in your opponent's territory) can be good to keep your opponent off-balance. But a little trickery goes a very long way. Given JT's reputation, I seriously doubt he has anything too drastic up his sleeve.

Tress's rep for the most part is playing conservative, field position, run the ball, control the clock, play stellar D style. But with the lack of need for his normal FLASH in the tOSU/scUM game, which if you look it isnt really trick plays, but he does switch up alot of stuff and add new wrinkles with un seen players and formations. Last year when Teddy got dropped so did 1/3 of Tress's playbook in the Title. I also believe he doesnt have anything UP HIS SLEEVE, he has a ton of plays STUFFED IN THE VEST. Mark it down he'll do something out of the "ordinary"(cite: 2004 Alamo Bowl, every scUM game minus this year, 2005 Fiesta Bowl) Man I don't think I've looked forward to a Monday this much in my life!!!!

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NateG;1047513; said:
Man I don't think I've looked forward to a Monday this much in my life!!!!



I agree wholeheartedly, however it just seems that Friday would be the next in line this week. I think having the Rose Bowl, etc on New Years and the BCS each subsequent evening would be a fantastic finale.

(BTW,I wonder if Okie is going to get our title from last year, ie; Sloklahoma?)

Last year the buzz words were "speed", "south", etc, and so far in this bowl season, words I keep hearing are "healthy" and "motivation". It's so interesting how the media paints a picture and the kids almost always bust it wide open.

On OSU scoring with the "trick" plays and the like, keep in mind that controlling the line of scrimmage is rule #1. Keeping less than 8-9 in the box against a highly physical team can force you to be creative in getting the ball in spots that will stretch a defense out. Trust me, I'm not jumping on the Urban Meyer Weiner bandwagon here, I want the Bucks to lay out the Tigers on every down.

If we can consistently do that, game over.

The lack of apparent options last year made a scoring machine run out of gas, so all I'm saying is that we should have some interesting strings to pull out in the very beginning to keep them honest the rest of the game.
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GeauxTigers99;1047455; said:
I realize that you said this is what you want, but do you truly believe that OSU will line up, put a helmet on a helmet, and "whoop their ass"??

I don't have a particular belief regarding that. I believe that the Bucks are going to come out with a chip on their shoulder and punch the Tigers as hard as they can. Will they do that throughout the game? I don't know. However, I do believe that IF tOSU is able to smash-mouth the football; then it's going to be a LONG, DREADFUL night for LSU.

I should also clarify that I'm not looking for pain for you or any other fan. I simply want redemption and I want it with a lot of stink on it.

GT said:
Not to bring up the ridiculous "undefeated in regulation" quote, but it bears a little relevance in that no team this season has "whooped LSU's ass". Sure, the Tigers have lost 2 games, but by no means have they had their asses handed to them. Personally, I just don't see that happening in the title game.

As BKB said, it happened one year ago.
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:osu:I guess I need to learn how to taze- huh Gatorubet? Trying to steal my question :lol:

The game as I see it will be determined by the lines, both O and D for both teams. If any one becomes dominant, that team should win. If they play to a draw, it will make for a close game. The Bucks D-line is better than last year's. Still, they are young so for me that is the question mark of the game. 2002 I knew that our D-line would be ready so I knew that we had a good shot to win. This year is much the same but I wonder if Gholston will have the impact that Will Smith did vs Miami. Since he did it versus Long of TSUN who is supposed to be the best tackle coming out this year, I don't see why not. I especially think they grew up since that Illinois game. LSU run blocks very well so I think the game will be close.

I can see the Bucks O-line dominating since there are at least 3 NFL level or future level road graders coming to play. Any one man, in this case Dorsey, can be stopped. Probably not 100% but he can be stopped. Since I don't know the rest of the LSU linemen, I am waiting to see what happens. If the others are good enough, Dorsey will be a problem or make the others better. How these fights turn out will determine the rest of the game except turnovers and lucky bounces and the like.

All I can say with the Buck's O-line, give Beanie 35 carries. I expect a close game. Florida played an almost perfect game last year. The Bucks need to return the favor.
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GeauxTigers99;1047465; said:
Well..........I wasn't going to bring that up.:biggrin:

But since you mention it, I do realize that anything can happen. My point is that I really don't expect it in this game. Not w/ the styles both teams bring to the table.

You make a great point. If Tress is ahead, NOT SAYING HE WILL BE (hopefully he is though :biggrin:), by say 10 points, in comes the Beanie wells up the middle conservative attack but only in the second half. If the Bucks are up by 10 in the first half, expect them to keep the momentum going.
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Tressel, Buckeyes arrive in Big Easy

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Thursday, January 03, 2008

NEW ORLEANS ? Ohio State coach Jim Tressel doesn't expect to have much leisure time while preparing to face LSU for the national title, but that doesn't mean he's not going to be able to enjoy himself.
"The beauty of my job," Tressel said, "is that work is play."

The Buckeyes began trickling in to their team hotel here Wednesday morning. Players arrange their own flights after being paid the equivalent of a full-price round-trip ticket by the school, and those who find discount airfares are free to pocket the difference.
They'll hold their first practice on location today at Tulane University. And given the challenge LSU poses, Tressel should have plenty to keep him busy (and happy).
"They're a great football team. They have great talent," Tressel said of the Tigers.

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Ohio State report
Foes come marching in to different beats LSU fans greet Tigers while subdued Buckeyes meet with BCS officials
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Thursday, Jan 03, 2008
NEW ORLEANS: About the only similarity between the arrival of the Ohio State and LSU football teams at their respective hotels was a Dixieland brass band playing.
Greeted with chants of ''Go Tigers!'' LSU coach Les Miles and players walked through a throng of fans. The Buckeyes' arrival was more subdued and businesslike; they offered smiles and handshakes to members of the Bowl Championship Series Committee at the team's hotel.
LSU defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey, winner of the Bronko Nagurski Trophy, Lombardi Award and Outland Trophy, reveled in the extra energy.
''It was nice to see our fans out there. They come out and support us everywhere. That's the one thing special about LSU ? the fans are going to support you no matter what,'' he said.
With the BCS National Championship Game being played just 81 miles down the highway from the LSU campus in Baton Rouge, La., there's little doubt that the Tigers will have a homefield advantage Monday.

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Buckeyes ready for difficult task in the Big Easy Tressel says team is excited to get to New Orleans for BCS title game
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Wednesday, Jan 02, 2008
COLUMBUS: The wait is almost over for Coach Jim Tressel and his Ohio State Buckeyes.
The Buckeyes are set to arrive in New Orleans today, where they will try to finish the job of winning a national championship. Ohio State will play LSU in the BCS title game on Jan. 7, and Tressel has a grasp on what to expect.
''My initial thought was how tough they were, both mentally and physically. And now as you watch all their films, that really comes through. They played a very rigorous schedule,'' he said. ''They had some injuries and some tough ballgames. The ball bounced the
way that you'd prefer maybe it doesn't, but they fought through it mentally.''
Tressel said his players are ready after spending much of the Christmas break practicing indoors in Columbus.
''They are excited to get to New Orleans,'' he said. ''I'd say that most of them have never been there. They've got a great appreciation for what that city has gone through.

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For Ohio State Buckeyes' greeting, Big Easy does it

Thursday, January 03, 2008Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
New Orleans- The six-piece 3rd Line Brass Band welcomed both the Ohio State Buckeyes and LSU Tigers to the Big Easy on Wednesday, five days before they'll meet in the BCS National Championship. The homestate and potential home-field advantage - a 900-mile flight vs. an 81-mile bus ride - was already apparent in the official greetings at the team hotels.
If LSU maintains this kind of edge in the Superdome on Monday, Ohio State might lose by 50. Playing the Tigers in New Orleans is like playing the Buckeyes in a bowl game in Toledo, said Elyria-born LSU coach Les Miles.
"Toledo might be a little distant," he backtracked. "Maybe Marietta."

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Tressel a big admirer of SEC
Buckeyes have something to prove

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/03/08 New Orleans ? Before Ohio State coach Jim Tressel flew to New Orleans Wednesday morning, he spent Tuesday night watching Georgia beat Hawaii 41-10 in the Sugar Bowl.
Tressel was, in a word, impressed.
"Georgia. Wow, they were something last night," Tressel said as he arrived at his hotel to prepare the Buckeyes for Monday's BCS championship game against LSU. "They were flying all over the place. There is no question that they are one of the best teams in the country.
"I have to confess I didn't make it through the whole game. It ended about an hour ago, didn't it?"
Tressel, who has the Buckeyes in the BCS championship game for the third time since 2002, is going to be spending a lot of time talking about the SEC in the days leading up to the national championship game. That's because in every press briefing he does, and there will be a lot of them, Tressel will be reminded of two very unpleasant facts.
? The Buckeyes, who won the 2002 national championship under Tressel, have met the SEC eight times in bowl games. Ohio State is 0-8 in those games.

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Is this the real title game?
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Some question if OSU, LSU are meeting for title[/FONT]
Thursday, January 3, 2008
By Todd Porter

NEW ORLEANS Flash and dash made a run at ruining Ohio State and LSU?s party in the Big Easy.

Because USC left Hummer-sized tire marks on the back of Illinois, and Georgia barely broke a sweat against Hawaii, are the Buckeyes and Tigers really playing for a national title at the Superdome on Monday?

?I know we?re playing for the silver crystal that signifies the national championship,? Ohio State Head Coach Jim Tressel said Wednesday, about an hour after landing in New Orleans.

?There are only two teams that have a chance at that. Outside, there?s other championships, and polls and that type of thing. For the one that really counts, only LSU and Ohio State have that chance.?

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Buckeye fans are slow to buy BCS gear
Thursday, January 3, 2008

As Ohio State readies to play for the national title for the second straight year, manufacturers, retailers and Buckeyes football fans are being more conservative about championship game gear.

Last year, tons of it became unsellable or unwearable after Ohio State?s 41-14 loss to Florida. As OSU graduate Steven Seeberg puts it: ?You don?t want to buy stuff and be stuck with those bad memories.?

Conrads College Gifts, just off the Ohio State main campus, is now offering only about half the championship merchandise it stocked last year. Another store, College Traditions, is carrying just 20 percent of the title game goods it carried in early 2007.
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