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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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BCS Spotlight: Buckeyes hope to bounce back better than Big Easy
Thursday, January 3, 2008
BY Todd Porter


As the sun rose over the Bayou Wednesday morning, Georgia fans smiled through their hangover. Hawaii fans, bundled up all week, looked puzzled. What the hell planet were they on that transformed a tropical winter into a real one overnight?

The remnants of Hawaii packed up and began the journey home. At about the same time, Ohio State?s charter plane, carrying Head Coach Jim Tressel, coaches, their families and administrators, landed.

Brrrr. Baby, it?s cold out.

Tressel wished he?d brought one of the Christmas presents given to him ? a nice, warm winter coat.

?When I got off the plane, I thought I should have (brought it),? Tressel said.

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Ohio State football notes
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Curfew? What curfew?

In the shadows of Ohio State?s hotel stands Harrah?s Casino, massive mecca of mischief, dazzling lights, slot machines, gambling and bling. A few blocks away is Bourbon Street and the French Quarter.

So you might think Ohio State Head Coach Jim Tressel is keeping his players under lock and key between now and Monday night?s BCS Allstate Sugar Bowl National Championship Game, right?


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Tigers feeling at home an hour?s bus ride from campus

Jim Naveau | [email protected] - 01.03.2008[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
NEW ORLEANS ? It?s not often that Toledo is compared to New Orleans, but LSU coach Les Miles did it on Wednesday shortly after the Tigers arrived for Monday?s Bowl Championship Series title game against Ohio State.
When he was asked if the Buckeyes having to play his team just 80 miles away from its campus would be like LSU playing Ohio State in Columbus, he said, ?More like Toledo, not Columbus.?
There is no question LSU?s travel to New Orleans was easier than it was for some Ohio State players.
The Tigers practiced Wednesday morning in Baton Rouge and jumped on a bus. ?It took about an hour,? All-American safety Craig Steltz said.
Meanwhile, several of Ohio State?s players had their travel plans scrambled by cold, snowy weather in the Midwest. Some were still just getting to the team hotel on Wednesday night.


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OSU makes some changes from last year?s BCS itinerary

Jim Naveau | [email protected] - 01.03.2008

NEW ORLEANS ? Jim Tressel was on top of his game when he met the media for the first time the week of the Bowl Championship Series on Wednesday.
He saw every question coming a mile away. There were no unexpected inquiries, none of those questions where he stops and slowly repeats the exact words he has just been asked while he formulates his reply in his mind before answering.
Of course, he had been hearing most of the questions since last Jan. 8 when Florida rocked the Buckeyes 41-14 in the BCS title game. He has had plenty of practice answering countless variations on that theme.
So, what was learned about the state of the Buckeyes from Tressel on Wednesday?
Start with the facts they arrived later than last year, they?ll get to sleep earlier than last year, and, if things go as hoped, they?ll learn from their mistakes and play a whole lot better than they did last year against Florida.

Cont...[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][/FONT]
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College football
Small-town giant
LSU's Dorsey, a big-time player, hasn't forgotten his roots
Thursday, January 3, 2008 3:22 AM
By Tim May

Steve Kashishian | The (Baton Rouge, La.) Advocate
LSU defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey won four major awards this year after passing up a chance to enter the NFL draft last spring.

NEW ORLEANS -- Glenn Dorsey is proof that it can pay for a college football player to return for his senior season. And not only because the defensive tackle became the most decorated LSU defender ever in winning the Lombardi Award, Outland Trophy, Lott Trophy and Nagurski Award.
Those were just warm-ups for the main event: He was the grand marshal of the Christmas parade this year in his hometown of Gonzales, La., the self-proclaimed "jambalaya capital of the world."
That's right. He upstaged Santa Claus.
"I never thought the day would come where I would get to be in a parade, to get the key to the city in my hometown," Dorsey said. "It was a pretty big deal to me, a huge honor.

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OSU braces for grilling
Buckeyes expect questions about last year's blowout loss in national title game
Thursday, January 3, 2008 3:13 AM
By Ken Gordon

Rob Carr Associated Press
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel is greeted during an arrival ceremony for the team at its hotel in New Orleans.

NEW ORLEANS -- At Ohio State's media day in December, coach Jim Tressel was like a caged animal being repeatedly poked with the stick of his team's failure against Florida last January. The tone of the questioning basically was: Why did that happen?
Hey, coach, do you sense a different tone in preparations for this year's national championship game than last year?
"I don't sense a big difference," Tressel said, "simply because I thought we did a good job preparing (last year) as we were in December here in Columbus."

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OSU notebook: Title won't be shared, Tressel says

Thursday, January 3, 2008 3:13 AM
By Tim May and Bill Rabinowitz


NEW ORLEANS -- After Southern California and Georgia rolled to impressive victories in the Rose and Sugar bowls, respectively, this question was bound to arise. Do those strong-closing teams have a legitimate argument to be included in a conversation about being the national champion, regardless of the Bowl Championship Series title game Monday night between Ohio State and Louisiana State?
"Well, I know we are playing for that silver crystal (football) which signifies the national championship, because there's only two teams that have a chance at that," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said yesterday upon arriving with his team. "Outside, there are other championships, and polls, and that type of thing.
"But for the one that really counts? LSU and Ohio State."

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Buckeyes arrive in Tiger territory
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

NEW ORLEANS -- When the LSU bus pulled up to the team hotel yesterday, the players were greeted by hundreds of Tiger fans who filled the lobby and spilled out into the street.

When the Ohio State players lined up for their official welcome last night, they were greeted by the Sugar Bowl committee members.

And nobody else.

There have been a few sightings of OSU fans, but already a week before the game, New Orleans has turned into Baton Rouge East. Even LSU coach Les Miles admitted this would be similar to the national championship game being played in Columbus.

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osugrad21;1047850; said:

OSU notebook: Title won't be shared, Tressel says

that article states that OSU will be practicing at either tulane or the Saints indoor facility. LSU will have all their practices inside the superdome.

Am I to understand OSU will not hold a single practice where they plan to play the game while LSU holds all of thiers there? That seems kind of wierd.
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Lockup;1047991; said:
that article states that OSU will be practicing at either tulane or the Saints indoor facility. LSU will have all their practices inside the superdome.

Am I to understand OSU will not hold a single practice where they plan to play the game while LSU holds all of thiers there? That seems kind of wierd.

Here's a quote from an article in the NO paper:

Ohio State chose to practice at Tulane and at the Saints indoor practice facility instead of the Superdome this week. The Buckeyes' only work at the Dome before game night will be Sunday, when they conduct a walk-through practice.
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Bill, the ragin cajun tennis standout... :slappy:

Daily Advertiser: LSU, Ohio State loyalties divide family

LSU, Ohio State loyalties divide family
Children's alma maters stoke friendly rivalry

Bruce Brown
[email protected]

A few short weeks ago, it took a vivid imagination for college football fans to conjure up a scenario that would pit LSU against Ohio State in the BCS National Championship Game at the Superdome in New Orleans.

Those conjurings were rewarded, though, when an unlikely set of occurrences put the two together for the title contest next Monday.
Fans of both schools were thrilled, of course, once the matchup was announced.

But for Bill and Glenda Bryan, the title picture is a unique one.

Bill, a former UL Ragin' Cajun tennis standout, is in his 17th year as the tennis professional at Aurora Country Club in Algiers, just a few miles from the Superdome. Glenda has worked her way into the teaching rotation at the club.

Their daughter, Lindsay, attended Ohio State on a tennis scholarship and was on a national champion squad while there.

Their son, Danny, got a tennis scholarship to LSU and was on a national champion team with the Tigers.

Now, the two schools will settle football's national crown in their adopted hometown.

"Everything fell into place," Bill said. "It's pretty exciting."
"When they announced the teams for the game, Bill and Danny were in the Dominican Republic, and I was by myself," Glenda said. "I was jumping up and down. I love Ohio State - Lindsay got a great education there - but I've always secretly been a Tiger fan.

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