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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

A point to remember regarding Oregon and the sure to be left coast media whining when they get passed over for ND and OSU.

Don't blame ND or OSU, blame whatever undeserving p.o.s team the Big least sticks in a bowl to get slaughtered by the SEC champ.
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A great point Jax. And by the way, until the last touchdown, your prediction was incredibly close. No doubt we are BOTH glad the "soul crushing defeat" went the other way.

On a completely different note, though still BCS related:

Would it not be GREAT for the Seminoles from my Tallahassee were to upset the Hokies in the ACC CCG in your Jacksonville? What I am most hoping for is for them to play the Buckeyes in the Orange Bowl. I know most other Buckeye fans would prefer a better match-up.

But wouldn't it be GREAT for those of us living in Northern Florida to see the Buckeyes Spank the Seminoles? That would make my whole year!
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A great point Jax. And by the way, until the last touchdown, your prediction was incredibly close. No doubt we are BOTH glad the "soul crushing defeat" went the other way.

On a completely different note, though still BCS related:

Would it not be GREAT for the Seminoles from my Tallahassee were to upset the Hokies in the ACC CCG in your Jacksonville? What I am most hoping for is for them to play the Buckeyes in the Orange Bowl. I know most other Buckeye fans would prefer a better match-up.

But wouldn't it be GREAT for those of us living in Northern Florida to see the Buckeyes Spank the Seminoles? That would make my whole year!

Yes I was quite unhappy for a couple of hours that my prediction was pretty much coming true. Well's fumble was the turning point, we were getting ready to put the game away and it just completely opened the door for scUM. Credit to scUM the 2 TO's were forced like a mofo, just great solid hits on their part. The special teams nightmare was just inexplicable.

As for the ACC situation, I'm extatic. If you wanna go to the ACC Champ game let me know and I'll see what I can do.

If VT wins we get a chance to shut that pack of mo's up and believe me, we will kill VT.

If FSU wins it is 1 of the 2 steps we need to happen to GUARANTEE a BCS bid and we'll get a chance to smack that ass in the OB. Again, I am just absolutely extatic.

You guys up north have no idea how sweet it will be to smash FSU.

What a great day!!
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After all the dust has settled from the ACC and SEC title games we could easily be looking at a Top 5 in the BCS of 1 - USC, 2 - Texas, 3 or 4 - Penn State then 4 or 5 - Ohio State.

That, at least, is how I see this panning out. Then no-one will be in a position to complain about the Big 10 getting to double dip.
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Tellshows early prediction is we will be 6th in the BCS, 7th in human polls.


This is what I have been thinking as well so now its pretty clear.

Any loss by LSU, VT or maybe even USC will move us up in the human polls and our computer rankings are huge. If we get to the top 4 its a done deal.

Also, imo, LSU and VT could both easily lose their CC games.

Regardless, our work is done, now we get to sit back and root for upsets.
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Yes I was quite unhappy for a couple of hours that my prediction was pretty much coming true. Well's fumble was the turning point, we were getting ready to put the game away and it just completely opened the door for scUM. Credit to scUM the 2 TO's were forced like a mofo, just great solid hits on their part. The special teams nightmare was just inexplicable.

As for the ACC situation, I'm extatic. If you wanna go to the ACC Champ game let me know and I'll see what I can do.

If VT wins we get a chance to shut that pack of mo's up and believe me, we will kill VT.

If FSU wins it is 1 of the 2 steps we need to happen to GUARANTEE a BCS bid and we'll get a chance to smack that ass in the OB. Again, I am just absolutely extatic.

You guys up north have no idea how sweet it will be to smash FSU.

What a great day!!

Oh I've got an idea...I still remember that humiliation under Coop. I would like nothing more than to sit Bowden down on his ass and put on a clinic
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Ohio State is ranked ahead of Oregon in both the human polls and the average of the computer polls. The BCS would have to go against it's own protocol to pick Oregon: A team that would produce less gate attendance and lower TV ratings for it's advertisers. Don't see this happening. The Orange and Fiesta will be fighting over us. Can't see the same enthusiasm for our feathered friends. Count the Bucks in.
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Tellshows early prediction is we will be 6th in the BCS, 7th in human polls.


This is what I have been thinking as well so now its pretty clear.

Any loss by LSU, VT or maybe even USC will move us up in the human polls and our computer rankings are huge. If we get to the top 4 its a done deal.

Also, imo, LSU and VT could both easily lose their CC games.

Regardless, our work is done, now we get to sit back and root for upsets.

A loss by USC to UCLA could actually screw us. USC would lose the automatic Pac-10 bid by their tiebreaker rules, and they would probably remain in the top-4 due to media love in the polls. The same thing is also possible if Texas loses the Big-12 CCG - while they wouldn't get as much voter love as USC, they would stay pretty high in the computers.

I'm done worrying about the SEC and ACC as far as our BCS chances. I don't think either conference has a chance at more than 1 bid any more. I think the only way we don't make it now is if Texas loses or USC loses.

And if we end up #4, it's not an automatic bid if #3 is also somebody without an automatic bid. Only one at-large bid is guaranteed between those 2 spots.
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This is from Bucknuts, he really broke it down and simplified the scenario, its a good article:

The Buckeyes in the BCS?
Late yesterday afternoon, the tiniest bit of joy was robbed from the Buckeye win as Penn State defeated Michigan State to win the Big Ten Title (shared) and claim the automatic BCS berth. That left three at large teams more likely to receive invites than Ohio State – Virginia Tech, Alabama, and Notre Dame. Arguments could have been made that the Buckeyes would bring a better crowd than the Hokies or fatter television ratings. Bama was thought to be a one faceted team with a poor offense and great defense, but they had just one loss. Notre Dame, despite a loss to Michigan State at home, is somehow inequitably ranked ahead of the Buckeyes. Yet the simple fact remained; Virginia Tech, Miami, Texas, Penn State, USC, West Virginia, LSU, and Notre Dame appeared ‘in’ with Ohio State waiting in line behind Alabama.
All that changed when Georgia Tech upset #3 Miami and Auburn whipped Alabama in the Iron Bowl.
The current scenario barring further upsets:
· USC will be the representative of the Pac Ten.
· Penn State snapped up the Big Ten berth.
· The winner of the Virginia Tech/Florida State championship game will represent the ACC. No matter who wins, the Buckeyes now have nothing to fear. There will be at most one single loss team out of the conference. If Virginia Tech loses they will not be ranked ahead of Ohio State.
· Texas is unlikely to lose to either Texas A&M or Colorado. The Longhorns will represent the Big 12 and play for a national title.
· Notre Dame will claim one at large berth barring a loss to a less than decent Stanford.
· The winner of Georgia/LSU will claim the SEC crown and their league’s BCS bowl. The loser is out of the BCS – or will at least fall below Ohio State.
· The winner of the South Florida/West Virginia contest will claim the Big East bid, and the loser will find themselves in a second rate bowl befitting their second rate conference.
This leaves one slot remaining with Ohio State and Oregon the top two teams in position to grab the prestigious opening. Given their national following, rankings, and quality losses (by a combined margin of 10 points), the Buckeyes will likely play in their third BCS bowl in the last four seasons.
An Ohio State game against LSU or Notre Dame would probably be the highest rated game this side of the national championship contest.
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A loss by USC to UCLA could actually screw us. USC would lose the automatic Pac-10 bid by their tiebreaker rules, and they would probably remain in the top-4 due to media love in the polls. The same thing is also possible if Texas loses the Big-12 CCG - while they wouldn't get as much voter love as USC, they would stay pretty high in the computers.

I'm done worrying about the SEC and ACC as far as our BCS chances. I don't think either conference has a chance at more than 1 bid any more. I think the only way we don't make it now is if Texas loses or USC loses.

And if we end up #4, it's not an automatic bid if #3 is also somebody without an automatic bid. Only one at-large bid is guaranteed between those 2 spots.

I thought the same about a USC loss at first but upon further review(lol) I submit the following.

A USC loss comibined with any VT/LSU loss will move us up far enough in the human polss and subsequent BCS polls so that we could jump USC in the BCS.

Essentially it would be
3. OSU

Now I know both 3 and 4 are not guaranteed a spot in that scenario but imo its then USC vs ND for the last at large spot.

Longshot? Yes, but VT and LSU could both very easily lose their respective CC games and if we get close to USC in the human polls we can overcome them in the BCS.

Throw in the travel and fanbase aspect and I would be pretty confident in that situation.
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Coaches poll is out first

[pre]<TABLE height=1073 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=464><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD class=inside-copy width=40 bgColor=#990000 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202 bgColor=#990000>Team (first-place votes)</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74 bgColor=#990000>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67 bgColor=#990000>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85 bgColor=#990000>
Last week

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Southern California (49)</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Texas (13) </TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>LSU</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Penn State</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Virginia Tech</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Notre Dame</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Ohio State</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Oregon

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Auburn

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Miami (Fla.)</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202 height=21>UCLA</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85 height=21>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>West Virginia</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=20>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Georgia

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Alabama</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=22>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202 height=22>TCU

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74 height=22>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67 height=22>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85 height=22>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Fresno State </TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Texas Tech

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Louisville</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Florida</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Boston College</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Florida State</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Wisconsin</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Michigan</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=40 height=21>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy width=202>Iowa State

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=74>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=67>

</TD><TD class=inside-copy align=right width=85>


Gained ground on the Domers, widend the gap on Oregon.

That tells me the media has decided OSU is at large #2.

Still root for any LSU, VT or ND loss.
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A USC loss comibined with any VT/LSU loss will move us up far enough in the human polss and subsequent BCS polls so that we could jump USC in the BCS.

Essentially it would be
3. OSU

Now I know both 3 and 4 are not guaranteed a spot in that scenario but imo its then USC vs ND for the last at large spot.
unless i'm wrong, aren't 3rd and 4th guaranteed a spot in the bcs? also, i will definitely not be rooting for a usc loss next week. that is a can of worms we don't want to open. as i've stated before, usc-ucla is the most crucial game next week, unless you're hoping for a notre dame loss.

edit: i'll be taking stanford (with points, of course) against notre dame.
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unless i'm wrong, aren't 3rd and 4th guaranteed a spot in the bcs? also, i will definitely not be rooting for a usc loss next week. that is a can of worms we don't want to open. as i've stated before, usc-ucla is the most crucial game next week, unless you're hoping for a notre dame loss.

edit: i'll be taking stanford (with points, of course) against notre dame.

read BB73's post he explains it perfectly.
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