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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

The ACC championship game is in Jacksonville, Florida. This gives the Noles a fan base advantage during the game between the Hokies and Florida State. I'm confident that the Hokies will muster NOTHING against a speedy and very aggresive defense like Florida States. Throw in the two running backs FSU has in Booker, and Washington and I see Florida winning this game.

Yes FSU has lost 3 games, but lets not forget how FSU's defense was actually more impressive in the Miami game than the Miami's defense. I just think Va Tech is a joke. They beat up on the teams they should, but they finally play a team in the top 10 (not anymore) and get man handled at home, at night, at the CRAZY LANE STADIUM. I'm going FSU over Va Tech.

As for the LSU V. Georgia Title game.. I'm still not sold on Les Miles, and I am sold on Mark Richt so I'm going with a hard fought Georgia win. Plus Georgia has the edge when it comes to running the ball....

I think We will end up playing Notre Dame....

Fiesta-Will Pick Notre Dame, then pick us with the second round of choices.

Orange- The Orange Bowl committee was at the MSU/PSU game. SO I'll say they'll pick them with the first pick, Then FSU because of a Coaches Matchup.

SEC- Atlanta=Georgia=Georgia Bull Dogs, and the second pick will be WVU.
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New CFN poll-

After what I saw of ND and OSU yesterday I would have OSU ahead of ND and ND at around 15......

It wouldn't negatively affect ND's BCS chances so I would like to see the human polsters move us past ND just to be fair. With the newly narrowed gap in the coaches poll I would say that if ND looks anything less than dominant vs Stanford its a distinct possibility.
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I just thought of something....

Look at it this way Fiesta gets the first pick with Notre Dame.

Why would the Orange Bowl pick the ACC team first? Because if they pick Penn State they're assured to get their ACC team anyways in the second round of choices.

The Fiesta Bowl wouldn't pick the ACC team with the likes of FSU/Va Tech who dont' travel as well as we do to roam to Arizona. So Fiesta would pick us.

The orange would then get to select the ACC team anyways. So it just makes sense that the Orange Bowl takes Penn State first, because they'll essentially get to chose the two teams they want instead of picking one team and hoping for another to not get picked.
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And Jim Delaney won't?
great point. while the nike sugar daddy might have deep pockets, some of you are ignoring a huge factor. Which conference is notorious for empty stadiums and poor TV ratings? the pac10. Which conference leads the nation in attendance and is favored by THE cfb tv network (abc)? the big ten. OSU was on national TV playing lowly SDSU. there is absolutely no comparison between the pac10 and big10.
Something working in our favor is the fact that Cal got fucked out of the BCS last year, and then got fucked in their shitty bowl game...
ndc, i've been seeing the notre dame-stanford game next week as a very possible bear trap for the irish.
stanford can play teams tough, but they aren't a very good team this year.
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stanford can play teams tough, but they aren't a very good team this year.
i think that stanford is good enough to pull off a 2-in-10 home victory against notre dame. i also think that stanford is good enough to make notre dame look not as good as the pollsters want them to be, which may drop notre dame behind us in the human polls (i know, that's just cosmetic at this point; it's also improbable).

Sat, Oct 22 Arizona State W 45-35
Sat, Oct 29 UCLA L 27-30

stanford has had its share of ugly games, but they have also proven that they can hang, albeit sporadically, with potent offenses. again, i'm not so much predicting a stanford victory as i am predicting that the tree will beat the spread.

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I think we're in* for the BCS, and here's why.

1. Miami lost, so we'll be ahead of them.
2. That leaves two teams that could possibly get an at-large bid (besides ND) ahead of us: LSU and Va Tech.
3. But LSU and Va Tech both play in their respective conference championships. Therefore, one of two things happen: they win, in which case they get an automatic bid for being conference champs, thereby not affecting our ability to get an at-large bid; or they lose, in which case it is their second loss of the season, and we get the at-large bid over them.

*Therfore, the only way I don't see us getting an at-large bid is if UT loses in the Big 12 championship game.
Of course, all this is assuming that Oregon shouldn't even be in the picture b/c they've played exactly one good team all year, and they got blown out. If your biggest accomplishment of the season is a loss, you have no right to complain about the BCS.

Does someone know something I don't?
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*Therfore, the only way I don't see us getting an at-large bid is if UT loses in the Big 12 championship game.
Of course, all this is assuming that Oregon shouldn't even be in the picture b/c they've played exactly one good team all year, and they got blown out. If your biggest accomplishment of the season is a loss, you have no right to complain about the BCS.

Does someone know something I don't?

a usc loss would be terrible for ohio state. in fact, a usc loss (if notre dame wins) likely knocks us out of the bcs picture. ucla (or oregon?) would represent the pac 10, and i'm nearly certain that notre dame and usc would be the at-large selections.
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from dennis dodd's article on cbssportsline:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] "If that's the case it will come down to a tough decision on how to replace the Longhorns. Does Fiesta Bowl executive John Junker prefer the feel-good comeback story of JoePa and Penn State or the feel-good comeback story of Notre Dame? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
Someone might have subtly answered the question, placing an orange on the podium before Paterno made his postgame comments. For now, call it Penn State and Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl -- but use a pencil."
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]http://www.sportsline.com/collegefootball/story/9052779/2
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