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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

triton63;713287; said:
If OSU and Michigan had some competition in their conference they would not want to go outside of it to play many games either. Florida, all SEC teams, play 8 conference games against teams like LSU, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia and Tennessee. You play a schedule like that and you wouldn't want to play anyone that was tough outside of your conference. It is a brutal schedule every year.
lol it's whatever
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triton63;713287; said:
If OSU and Michigan had some competition in their conference they would not want to go outside of it to play many games either. Florida, all SEC teams, play 8 conference games against teams like LSU, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia and Tennessee. You play a schedule like that and you wouldn't want to play anyone that was tough outside of your conference. It is a brutal schedule every year.

...and this is why the Ohio State loss sucks so bad. Was it embarrassing, sure, but now there is no chance of every getting you SEC yahoos to recognize that while you have a good conference it isn't an excuse for not playing any good competition OUTSIDE of that conference...well and that good competition actually exists outside the SEC.

Auburn barely beat Nebraska...a weak Nebraska in a very weak year for the Big12. Georgia had a down year as well and only started to show maturity in their bowl game. This vaunted Tennessee team you speak of has been down the past TWO years and got beat by lowly Penn St this year. Alabama, uh, have you seen their record or that bowl game loss to okie st?

There is competition in the Big 10, get over yourselves. Congrats to Florida, but one game doesn't make the whole conference invincible, as shown by the Arkansas, Tennessee, and Alabama losses.

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TimTaylor75;712989; said:
I am down about the loss on Monday, but I'll be damned if I'm not still going to show my support to my Buckeyes! We had a great season and are a great team and there is no reason to hang our heads in shame. We have a lot to be happy about in the 2006 season, so just keep that in mind.


Being proud to be a Buckeye doesn't change because of one loss.
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Its such a relief to read about other Buckeye fans who aren't totally trashing our team and throwing JT and TS under the bus. We know who the real fans are. I have sat and listened to so many people who nowI realize jumped on the bandwagon and lept off after our bad game. True Buckeye fans are angry as heck, yet we realize that this season was a great one and are thankful for the amazing season. I mean we still won the greatest regular season game in history, and also we still look forward to years to come. I am so proud of our football team for the 12 games they won, the 13h was terrible, but shizz happens.

Go Bucks!!!
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yeah I know the offensive line played horrible, but I thought they looked just as confused as they were out played. I thought Boone was especially confused. Bottom line is I think we played our National Championship on Nov.18th and we couldn't get our players to buy into the fact that this was just as important to our season. Florida had more to play for, and IMO motivation and preperation are all coaching. I just think we didn't make full use of the break..We installed nothing new, and what was worse was that the defense still seamed to make the SAME mistakes. This, all after 51 days off and while we could've been rusty we should've been able to come up with SOMETHING to be able to keep that game closer. Also I think that sometimes tressel does get stubborn with things, and I sure hope that changes.. Because next year I doubt we could run the same offense, maybe similiar to the offense but nothing like the wide open attack we did this year.

Also I might be the only one who thinks this, but did anyone else think that Marcus Freeman played a good game? I mean he was everywhere and he was laying the wood. I thought he and gholston were the bright spots on the defense..
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triton63;713287; said:
If OSU and Michigan had some competition in their conference they would not want to go outside of it to play many games either. Florida, all SEC teams, play 8 conference games against teams like LSU, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia and Tennessee. You play a schedule like that and you wouldn't want to play anyone that was tough outside of your conference. It is a brutal schedule every year.

This is a weak argument, several Big Ten teams are either ranked higher or just below the teams you mention from the SEC in the AP final rankings. Those teams are good teams but have up and down years just like the Big Ten teams. It's inevitable to happen as players move on to the next level or graduate. Tennessee was terrible last year, Alabama wasn't great this year, Georgia had an off year for them as well. Yet at times they can be excellent teams. Wisconsin had a very successful year including a rare Big Ten Bowl victory in 2006-2007 over YIKES, and SEC Team?? Penn State was top 25, Michigan was Top 10, as well as Wisconsin to go with Ohio State's #2, #1 all season. Iowa was ranked as high as #15 this year, had a very good offense, just not the defense to keep them in games. Michigan State perenially is a Top 25 team, but had a off year this year. Ohio State has a history of tough out of conference games to go along with their Big Ten battles. Texas the last two years, including Vince's Texas in 2005. Starting in 2008 our out of conference schedule will feature two teams that have historically been "OK", with USC and Miami, FL. Quit with the weak argument that your in conference games are so tough you don't need a tough out of conference game. The Gators are the champs and they played beautifully, congratuations on that. But leave weak arguments like this back on the Gator boards.
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Big Papa;713496; said:
This is a weak argument, several Big Ten teams are either ranked higher or just below the teams you mention from the SEC in the AP final rankings. Those teams are good teams but have up and down years just like the Big Ten teams. It's inevitable to happen as players move on to the next level or graduate. Tennessee was terrible last year, Alabama wasn't great this year, Georgia had an off year for them as well. Yet at times they can be excellent teams. Wisconsin had a very successful year including a rare Big Ten Bowl victory in 2006-2007 over YIKES, and SEC Team?? Penn State was top 25, Michigan was Top 10, as well as Wisconsin to go with Ohio State's #2, #1 all season. Iowa was ranked as high as #15 this year, had a very good offense, just not the defense to keep them in games. Michigan State perenially is a Top 25 team, but had a off year this year. Ohio State has a history of tough out of conference games to go along with their Big Ten battles. Texas the last two years, including Vince's Texas in 2005. Starting in 2008 our out of conference schedule will feature two teams that have historically been "OK", with USC and Miami, FL. Quit with the weak argument that your in conference games are so tough you don't need a tough out of conference game. The Gators are the champs and they played beautifully, congratuations on that. But leave weak arguments like this back on the Gator boards.

:bow: :lift:

well put
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StadiumDorm;711923; said:
Remember, we went from '68 until '02 without a title. We never even had a chance for a title in a bowl game under Cooper. And I think it's fair to say that, with Tressel, we'll be back soon enough.

Whoa! When the Bucks beat Arizona State in the Rose Bowl they had a shot at the NC. ASU was ranked #1 and was the only no loss team in the final four games. Had they destroyed ASU... as they might have... there was a strong sense that the final vote would put OSU back up at #1.

Alas, the loss to MSU came too late in the season.
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