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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

smashmouthOSU;711525; said:
Wonder if any of those national championship items for the losing teams get leaked? I bet they go for some money on ebay! Reason i bring this up is because Macy's was opening up at 11pm tonight to sell championship shirts and stuff. I guess they probably closed the doors again at 1130p!

and that comment is relevant because??

It appears that this Florida team has fans completely unworthy of it.
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alexhortdog95;711511; said:
From Outside looking in:

Seemed that the Defense of OSU was confused the entire first half. Thought the O was going to make it a game, but Florida recovered beautifuly and the rest was history.

You guys had a great season. Just decided to play your worst game when it counted - happens to all great teams eventually.

Don't down your coaching staff - that's what's going on here all the time. Talent wise, not there yet - and should have beaten Auburn - but came up short ourselves. You guys just ran into a team that wanted it much more than you guys did.

Thanks for a good season.

Go Big Red!

I don't think anyone here is starting a "firetressel.com" site (or any other member of our coaching staff) -- but seriously, it seemed like they had no gameplan at all tonight and didn't make any serious adjustments either.
It doesn't all lay at the feet of our coaches, but it doesn't seem like they did anything to help the situation either.
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23Skidoo;711474; said:
Empathy ?

I will never be embarrassed to be a Ohio State fan,that certinly isn't the right term for people to use. It's just a convienent front for "bruised egos". Obviously,what hurts the most is how this ended for the seniors. All the crow from othe fans/media just comes with being a fan of a big time program.

It's especially tough when you are a huge sports fan who likes to watch all those shows. I'll still be in my Oden jersey rooting on the bucks tommarow vs Wisky,but won't be watching a great deal of espn or anything of the like for awhile. Ya win some and ya lose some,the boys will be back.
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The whole team looked high.

Maybe Florida was just that good?
Or the OSU players were high?

And I never expected the OSU lineman to block for Troy by turning around and yelling "LOOK OUT!"
Were their defensive ends so good the tackles couldn't even touch them?

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Well, I hope the team wasn't practicing that defense for 51 days. And I wonder if we practiced any running plays during that time.

Otherwise, it was a great season pre-January 8th.

I can't sit here and say the SEC is better because of one game. I can sit here and say that Meyer was better prepared than JT which shocks me. Maybe the recruiting failures were taking time away from game planning or whatever?

Anyway...thanks for a great season Bucks!
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Official 'What Happened?' thread

Wow. I didn't see that coming. Not by a long shot. I knew the Gators had a chance, but 41-14? *One* Buckeye offensive touchdown? No, I definitely didn't see that coming.

So, What the hell happened? I'm no expert, and am certainly no coach. I hardly know an 'X' from an 'O', but a few things seemed apparent to me.

#1: Where was our offensive line? I knew they wanted to pressure Troy, but it seemed like they were able to get into our backfield every single play. Not only that, but when Troy did have a few seconds, there was nowhere to throw the ball.

#2 We missed Teddy. Big time. I was psyched about our depth at WR. How could they possibly cover our #4? our #5? Well, with our #1 out of the picture, evidently, it wasn't really that hard.

#3 Where was the run play? I don't feel like they truely 'stopped the run' in the first half. I feel like we didn't give the run a chance. I feel like we put the yoke squarely on Troy's shoulder (or arm) and said 'let's do this'. Big mistake, imo. We didn't give Pittman a chance. especially in the first and second quarters, when it mattered most.

#4 Why play what looked like a zone 'D' the entire first half, when it obviously wasn't working half way through the first quarter? Our half time adjustments were obviously very effective - is it really that much to make *some* adjustment in the first or second quarter?

Hats off to the Gators. They played lights out. We were outplayed and outcoached. I really didn't see it coming, but in hindsight, I have to give credit where it's due. Congrats to the Gators on their National Championship. Now we get to spend the next 8 months dissecting 'what went wrong'. Damn.
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Well... it hurt. I give Florida all the credit they deserve and more. They truly played like champions. I wish I could say the same for the Buckeyes tonight; however, I trust Tressel to take this loss and use it to our team's maximum advantage as the Bucks go forward. I'm sure this loss is something our younger players will never want to experience again.

Thanks to the seniors for a wonderful season of football. They can keep their heads held up high after ass-whomping Michigan over the last few years.
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nhbuckfan;711538; said:
The whole team looked high.

Maybe Florida was just that good?
Or the OSU players were high?

And I never expected the OSU lineman to block for Troy by turning around and yelling "LOOK OUT!"
Were their defensive ends so good the tackles couldn't even touch them?


stay classy
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buckeyeboy;711545; said:
You said it, fella. In '02 no one thought we had a chance, yet we won. This year, most people thought we'd win easily, and we got crushed. You can't take ANYTHING for granted.


it was a big year anyway. That was the year I married my wonderful wife, I was promoted at work to a job I'd wanted from day one. I was able to watch my favorite pro sports team win the Stanley Cup....

But above all that and with the exception of my wedding, that football team still sticks in my mind.

Memories are great, but it shows me at least that college football is a gauntlet of sorts. Losses happen, life goes on.
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23Skidoo;711536; said:
I don't think anyone here is starting a "firetressel.com" site (or any other member of our coaching staff) -- but seriously, it seemed like they had no gameplan at all tonight and didn't make any serious adjustments either.
It doesn't all lay at the feet of our coaches, but it doesn't seem like they did anything to help the situation either.

Well the first half the bucks looked confused because, well, they were confused. Hell, I was confused, they called some great plays but that two qb, 3 wide outs, and no half back set seemed to leave question marks over everyones head.

As for our offense, I have never seen anyone blow through our o-line like that, not only that, when someone gets through I am used to seeing them run around and fall as if there were benny hill music playing, however, tonight the gators had his ticket.

They played a great game while we played our worst game, it's a bummer but it was still a great season.
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LordJeffBuck;711471; said:
No we are not - we are just people who have nothing better to do than root for a team that we could never have actually played for. Games are all about the players, not the fans - whatever we feel, they feel it 1000 times more right now. Let's not feel too sorry for our poor selves....

At the risk of sucking up to a board admin type (my preference is to ride them mercilessly until they're good and tired of me), you couldn't be more correct.

Feel what you feel now for the players. For Tressel. For his staff. There are players whose futures could be in question because of what happened tonight. Assistant coaches will have to answer some painful questions. Tress will have to answer the same questions over and over to every group of bloated alumni, boosters, and recruits he deals with.

The game is over for us. There are real people who will be dealing daily with the consequences of this performance for months or even years.

For the guys who will never play past this level, this is their last game ever. Feel for them.
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