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1. They are going to have to create divisions for CCG. THAT WILL LEAD TO Ssituations like last year when the best SEC team didn’t get to the playoffs. 2. It will also lead to situations where a playoff team will get the benefit of the better team having to play a CCG while they take week off. 3. And ther’s ND who doesn’t have to play a CCG to get in.(no I’m not drunk. The current is for my I pad puts the keyboard over the space I’m trying to write in.)
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1. They are going to have to create divisions for CCG. THAT WILL LEAD TO Ssituations like last year when the best SEC team didn’t get to the playoffs. 2. It will also lead to situations where a playoff team will get the benefit of the better team having to play a CCG while they take week off. 3. And ther’s ND who doesn’t have to play a CCG to get in.(no I’m not drunk. The current is for my I pad puts the keyboard over the space I’m trying to write in.)
Why aren’t you drunk at 11:30 on a Friday? Are you feeling okay?
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Bad News guys. Michigan state has the Heisman locked up

Since it stipulates his senior season then that would be the 2026 Heisman

Since he is very unlikely to be in East Lansing in 2026, it doesn’t seem that outlandish that he’d compete for the Heisman that year. Lots of guys have that potential… those who find teams that are, you know… good… have a chance… right?
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