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B1G West contenders, and how they get to Indy:

Illinois: win their last 2 games, at TTUN and at NW’ern, and a Purdue loss

Purdue: win their last 2 games, vs NW’ern and at Indiana, and an Iowa loss

Iowa: win their last 2 games, at Minny and vs Nebraska, and an Illinois loss

Minny: win their last 2 games, vs Iowa and at Wiscy, and a loss each for Illinois AND Purdue

Wiscy: needs a miracle

It looks like Iowa probably has the most control, but Purdue might have the best chance.
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B1G West contenders, and how they get to Indy:

Illinois: win their last 2 games, at TTUN and at NW’ern, and a Purdue loss

Purdue: win their last 2 games, vs NW’ern and at Indiana, and an Iowa loss

Iowa: win their last 2 games, at Minny and vs Nebraska, and an Illinois loss

Minny: win their last 2 games, vs Iowa and at Wiscy, and a loss each for Illinois AND Purdue

Wiscy: needs a miracle

It looks like Iowa probably has the most control, but Purdue might have the best chance.

So vengeance for 2017 and 2018 in the same year? Sign me up.
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B1G West contenders, and how they get to Indy:

Illinois: win their last 2 games, at TTUN and at NW’ern, and a Purdue loss

Purdue: win their last 2 games, vs NW’ern and at Indiana, and an Iowa loss

Iowa: win their last 2 games, at Minny and vs Nebraska, and an Illinois loss

Minny: win their last 2 games, vs Iowa and at Wiscy, and a loss each for Illinois AND Purdue

Wiscy: needs a miracle

It looks like Iowa probably has the most control, but Purdue might have the best chance.

I smell another Coach Of The Year award cooking up.
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5-3 Iowa (Nebraska)
5-3 Purdue (@ Indiana)
4-4 Illinois (@ Northwestern)
4-4 Minnesota (eliminated)
4-4 Wisconsin (eliminated)

Simplified tiebreaker summary:
  • Iowa wins tie with Purdue
  • Illinois wins all 3+ team ties
  • Iowa wins all 3+ team ties that don't include Illinois
Another way of saying it:

Iowa is in with a win.
Purdue is in with a Nebraska upset of Iowa on Friday and their own win over Indiana.
Illinois is in if they beat NW’ern and Iowa and Purdue both lose.

If all 3 lose, Iowa wins it.
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Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren told ESPN this week that, at its league meetings in the spring, the conference will discuss whether to keep or eliminate football divisions in anticipation of a 16-team league for the 2024 season. Both UCLA and USC announced their intent to join the Big Ten this past June, effective for the 2024 campaign.

"We have a list of very important items and and the future of our divisions is one of those important items,” Warren said. "It's already been teed up."

Multiple conferences throughout college football have shared similar intentions or the possibility to move away from divisions within its respective conferences. The Pac-12 decided to eliminate divisions in its football conference before the 2022 season began.
This discussion comes alongside the awaited approval from the University of California Board of Regents on UCLA’s expected move to the Big Ten conference from the Pac-12. The regents are expected to meet Dec. 14 to finalize a decision.

"I've been working on integration of both USC and UCLA, but we have been respectful of the process that UCLA has gone through with the California board of regents," Warren told ESPN. "We're excited about welcoming USC and UCLA into the Big Ten Conference. Hopefully, whatever the remaining open issues are that exist, they can be resolved here so we can proceed forward in the manner that we had agreed upon.

"It's a major focus of our conference, to integrate them properly."

When UCLA and USC announced their move to the Big Ten conference in 2024, Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff did not seem to take it well on UCLA’s parting, citing financial issues as the reason why he doubted the move would happen for the Bruins. That comes despite massive projected increases in revenue thanks to the Big Ten's record setting TV rights deal that was finalized this summer.

It was shared in September that, in a reported last-ditch effort, Kliavkoff sent a letter to the UC Board of Regents in another attempt to block the Bruins’ departure from the Pac-12, according to Billy Witz of the New York Times.

LA Times reporter Teresa Watanabe shared in a tweet Nov. 17 that UCLA Chancellor Gene Block was advocating for UCLA’s move to the Big Ten, telling the UC Board of Regents that the university will spend $10 million annually in additional academic, mental health and nutritional support for students, along with more charter flights to minimize travel time.

UCLA's departure, should it be approved as expected, will mark a near century-long run in the Pac-12 Conference. The Bruins joined what was then the Pacific Coast Conference in the late 1920s.

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/michi...l-divisions-during-spring-meetings-199307281/
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Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren told ESPN this week that, at its league meetings in the spring, the conference will discuss whether to keep or eliminate football divisions in anticipation of a 16-team league for the 2024 season. Both UCLA and USC announced their intent to join the Big Ten this past June, effective for the 2024 campaign.

"We have a list of very important items and and the future of our divisions is one of those important items,” Warren said. "It's already been teed up."

Multiple conferences throughout college football have shared similar intentions or the possibility to move away from divisions within its respective conferences. The Pac-12 decided to eliminate divisions in its football conference before the 2022 season began.
This discussion comes alongside the awaited approval from the University of California Board of Regents on UCLA’s expected move to the Big Ten conference from the Pac-12. The regents are expected to meet Dec. 14 to finalize a decision.

"I've been working on integration of both USC and UCLA, but we have been respectful of the process that UCLA has gone through with the California board of regents," Warren told ESPN. "We're excited about welcoming USC and UCLA into the Big Ten Conference. Hopefully, whatever the remaining open issues are that exist, they can be resolved here so we can proceed forward in the manner that we had agreed upon.

"It's a major focus of our conference, to integrate them properly."

When UCLA and USC announced their move to the Big Ten conference in 2024, Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff did not seem to take it well on UCLA’s parting, citing financial issues as the reason why he doubted the move would happen for the Bruins. That comes despite massive projected increases in revenue thanks to the Big Ten's record setting TV rights deal that was finalized this summer.

It was shared in September that, in a reported last-ditch effort, Kliavkoff sent a letter to the UC Board of Regents in another attempt to block the Bruins’ departure from the Pac-12, according to Billy Witz of the New York Times.

LA Times reporter Teresa Watanabe shared in a tweet Nov. 17 that UCLA Chancellor Gene Block was advocating for UCLA’s move to the Big Ten, telling the UC Board of Regents that the university will spend $10 million annually in additional academic, mental health and nutritional support for students, along with more charter flights to minimize travel time.

UCLA's departure, should it be approved as expected, will mark a near century-long run in the Pac-12 Conference. The Bruins joined what was then the Pacific Coast Conference in the late 1920s.

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/michi...l-divisions-during-spring-meetings-199307281/

It will be interesting to see how in the hell they try to do this.

I'm anticipating Leaders and Legends level fuckery.
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Even with its new TV deal not yet underway, no conference made more money than the Big Ten in the 2023 fiscal year.

According to tax returns obtained by Sportico, the conference earned $880 million from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, beating out the SEC's $853 million for the most revenue an athletic conference earned during the fiscal year.

The Big Ten distributed roughly $60 million each to its 14 member schools for the year, adding up to roughly $840 million of the $880 million paid out, with Maryland and Rutgers paid a slightly smaller chunk. That leaves more than $40 million spent on salaries, legal fees, independent contractors and other various expenses.

Former conference commissioner Jim Delaney ate the biggest chunk and was paid $5.8 million in total from incentives, deferred pay and retirement compensation. He was also paid a $400,000 salary as an outside consultant for the league.

Delaney's successor before current commissioner Tony Petitti, Kevin Warren, received a total of $3.7 million. Warren departed from the conference's offices in 2023 to take over as CEO of the Chicago Bears.

Revenues are expected to increase further on next year's report after the Big Ten started its new seven-year, $7 billion media rights deal on July 1, 2023, the first day of the 2024 fiscal year.
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