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I mean it's good for Illinois competitively but I was kind of surprised and slightly disappointed Ohio State isn't on the schedule next year....haven't played in 5 years, the 2020 game was cancelled...2015 was your last trip to Champaign...hopefully we see a winner take all battle for the B1G title and the Illibuck in December :biggrin: still the coolest trophy in college football to me
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Quick, without looking can anyone guess who is the only team in the BIG that doesnt play a single Power5 school OOC next season..
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Hey, they pick the 5 B1G teams with the toughest 2023 schedules (in no specific order), i.e. Indiana, Purdue, Sparty, Rutgers, and Penn State. You think it is coincidence that all 5 just happen to play Ohio State (and yeah, they also play scUM)?
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One thing to take from that is that Illinois wins any 3-way, 4-way, or 5-way tiebreaker they’re involved in.

Another takeaway is that those are the permutations assuming an Illinois loss to TTUN and a Wisconsin victory over Corn.

In other words, they didn’t even include anything particularly unlikely. Each of those individual outcomes is unlikely only because there are so many of them

The very definition of chaos
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Another takeaway is that those are the permutations assuming an Illinois loss to TTUN and a Wisconsin victory over Corn.

In other words, they didn’t even include anything particularly unlikely. Each of those individual outcomes is unlikely only because there are so many of them

The very definition of chaos

Here's one without those assumptions. Crazy!

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