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Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

Magua;1867289; said:
Based on what I seen, I think 10am in the morning.

That's your IMO. I think we can paint the endzones here.

Lol, I don't know why so many of you are putting so much emphasis on what TG thinks. He's the coach, but he's not always the father figure for everyone that goes through there. Some times, people make their own decisions. If Walker wants to go play football for Lane Kiffin and the Trojans, by all means, do so. One guy doesn't make or break our program, nor does it mean we have a gushing leak in our Glenville Pipeline. Lets just all calm down here.
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southcampus;1867291; said:
That's your IMO. I think we can paint the endzones here.

Lol, I don't know why so many of you are putting so much emphasis on what TG thinks. He's the coach, but he's not always the father figure for everyone that goes through there. Some times, people make their own decisions. If Walker wants to go play football for Lane Kiffin and the Trojans, by all means, do so. One guy doesn't make or break our program, nor does it mean we have a gushing leak in our Glenville Pipeline. Lets just all calm down here.

Don't really see anyone worked up.....Should we leave the discussion board blank???
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southcampus;1867291; said:
That's your IMO. I think we can paint the endzones here.

Lol, I don't know why so many of you are putting so much emphasis on what TG thinks. He's the coach, but he's not always the father figure for everyone that goes through there. Some times, people make their own decisions. If Walker wants to go play football for Lane Kiffin and the Trojans, by all means, do so. One guy doesn't make or break our program, nor does it mean we have a gushing leak in our Glenville Pipeline. Lets just all calm down here.

Also, people put way too much emphasis on the handful of kids that wait until the end to decide. It's as if they've forgotten all about the really good football players that have already made their decisions and are coming to Ohio State.

Good luck to Mr. Walker, whatever his choice may be. The Buckeyes will be fine. Has anybody here missed Seantrel Henderson, Rico McCoy, Jason Gwaltney or Shawn Crable?
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I think if Aundrey goes anywhere other than Ohio State, we can all just reference the Mayan calendar for the reason why.

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MililaniBuckeye;1866980; said:
Let's just say that if there was a vBet on this at this instant, based on a PM I just got, I'd bet all billion+ vCash that he's a Buckeye...every single buck.

I don't have a billion, but I'd like to make an "all in" bet with you on this. I'm betting Aundrey to U$C and you are betting OSU????

Put your money where your mouth is.
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southcampus;1867291; said:
That's your IMO. I think we can paint the endzones here.

Lol, I don't know why so many of you are putting so much emphasis on what TG thinks. He's the coach, but he's not always the father figure for everyone that goes through there. Some times, people make their own decisions. If Walker wants to go play football for Lane Kiffin and the Trojans, by all means, do so. One guy doesn't make or break our program, nor does it mean we have a gushing leak in our Glenville Pipeline. Lets just all calm down here.

lol what? Other than a few of the new guys nearing the ledge, most of us realize it's not the end of the world. I just posted the same thing you did in different words like a page back.

We were just making jokes about the usage of "seen" and 10am in the morning/evening,
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jlb1705;1867294; said:
Also, people put way too much emphasis on the handful of kids that wait until the end to decide. It's as if they've forgotten all about the really good football players that have already made their decisions and are coming to Ohio State.

Good luck to Mr. Walker, whatever his choice may be. The Buckeyes will be fine. Has anybody here missed Seantrel Henderson, Rico McCoy, Jason Gwaltney or Shawn Crable?

Yeah but those guys were sure-fire all americans!!!!

oh wait...
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Well, since USC will be at home, he may be able to watch Marcus Hall on television next year playing in the national title game. So there's that.

Good luck to the young man. Choosing to be a Buckeyes is a decision you rarely regret. Choosing to be a Trojan? Well... I just hope it works out for him.
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