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Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

Holy Buckeye!;1867264; said:
I hope I feel a tug on my leg or see my SC Alumni who is my Accountant on the KTLA News getting pulled out of a crack house.

Let's hope and for the people that think that this wouldn't be a big deal or this kid is mediocre are you kidding or losing your mind? :crazy:
Well, maybe I'm losing my mind. I think he'd be a good get, I'd be thrilled to have him in this class, but he's hardly the type you lose sleep over. Curtis Grants you lose sleep over. Aundrey Walkers you move on to the next one. And like I said, if he really wants to play for a couple of greasy used car salesmen like Kiffin and Orgeron, maybe he's not cut out to be a Buckeye anyway. Strictly my IMO.
jlb1705;1867294; said:
Also, people put way too much emphasis on the handful of kids that wait until the end to decide. It's as if they've forgotten all about the really good football players that have already made their decisions and are coming to Ohio State.
x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...this is a spoiled, spoiled fanbase and sometimes we act like petulant children the first Wednesday in February.
amybuckeye;1867297; said:
I don't have a billion, but I'd like to make an "all in" bet with you on this. I'm betting Aundrey to U and you are betting OSU????

Put your money where your mouth is.
Wow...that's bold at this stage in the game. :lol:
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Magua;1867298; said:
lol what? Other than a few of the new guys nearing the ledge, most of us realize it's not the end of the world. I just posted the same thing you did in different words like a page back.

We were just making jokes about the usage of "seen" and 10am in the morning/evening,

haha yeah, I guess you're right. I've been reading too many boards/twitter posts. Forgot that I was on BP for a second.
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amybuckeye;1867297; said:
I don't have a billion, but I'd like to make an "all in" bet with you on this. I'm betting Aundrey to U and you are betting OSU????

Put your money where your mouth is.

amybuckeye;1867314; said:
I'm taking this bet!!!!!!

Why aren't you responding?................

amybuckeye;1867315; said:
Hello Millilani?????

Please remember that it's neither late evening nor blizzarding in Hawaii...
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Magua;1867319; said:
You realize vMoney is not "real" money correct?

Also, he said vBet at that instant - it is no longer that instant and things have obviously changed. But in any event, way to take a chance and challenge the bet lol

No really???. I was planning to cash my 401k in on that bet......

The bet was whether Aundrey would become a Buckeye. NLOID is tomorrow, instant or no instant, his bold prediction/bet is looking iffy "at that instant"
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amybuckeye;1867323; said:
No really???. I was planning to cash my 401k in on that bet......

The bet was whether Aundrey would become a Buckeye. NLOID is tomorrow, instant or no instant, his bold prediction/bet is looking iffy "at that instant"

i think you need to calm down and maybe go shovel your driveway or something...take out some of the aggression
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NFBuck;1867312; said:
Well, maybe I'm losing my mind. I think he'd be a good get, I'd be thrilled to have him in this class, but he's hardly the type you lose sleep over. Curtis Grants you lose sleep over. Aundrey Walkers you move on to the next one. And like I said, if he really wants to play for a couple of greasy used car salesmen like Kiffin and Orgeron, maybe he's not cut out to be a Buckeye anyway. Strictly my IMO.

x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...this is a spoiled, spoiled fanbase and sometimes we act like petulant children the first Wednesday in February.

Wow...that's bold at this stage in the game. :lol:

They are greasy that is for sure and Kiffin hasn't won anything period. Fully agree that Grant is a special player but Walker was the best O-lineman at the Army All Star Game and we are a little in need of depth upfront. Also, I don't think SC would be chasing Drey down soooo hard if he was well, a middle of the road player..... anyway I'd love to drop some "yeah I thought he was coming your way the whole time dude" with as much sarcasm as I can muster if he goes for the Block O Hat tomorrow, but I think he is a Troy boy unfortunately.
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