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Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

BUKEsqBuck;1867244; said:
So was there just a tweet? did he announce? is it time for a title change? can we get more specific?
All based of some tweets and relayed message board chatter from insiders who had been steadfast about tOSU getting Walker. I still think it could be drama building, but who knows anymore. I hope he comes here, but if not, oh well, on to 2012. If he can be snake oiled by Lane Kiffin and Ed Orgeron, than maybe tOSU isn't the best place for him anyway...
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NFBuck;1867250; said:
All based of some tweets and relayed message board chatter from insiders who had been steadfast about tOSU getting Walker. I still think it could be drama building, but who knows anymore. I hope he comes here, but if not, oh well, on to 2012. If he can be snake oiled by Lane Kiffin and Ed Orgeron, than maybe tOSU isn't the best place for him anyway...

^^This, especially the last part.
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What commonly happens is that once a kid has made a firm decision he will notify the "losing" coaches. From there it leaks to various insiders. That is how I am reading Walker.

We will see.
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There is absolutely a chance he goes to USC but until we see a Gville kid with a commitable offer go elsewhere I will continue to believe he comes our way.

Again, this type of thing happens every year to create suspense. I have no doubts that USC "Wowed" him but this is an in-state kid we are talking about. I trust our BPRT over tweets from "experts" who profit from creating suspense.
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From my SC friends I guess he had a super trip and wanted to commit on the spot but needed to check with Mom and Dad. I guess the lack of depth on the line and early playing time was the big sell..... 80 and sunny this past weekend didn't hurt either. I still think he is a Buckeye but wouldn't be shocked if he verbals to SC


MililaniBuckeye;1859545; said:
Your SC friends are either pulling your leg or are on serious crack...or both.

I hope I feel a tug on my leg or see my SC Alumni who is my Accountant on the KTLA News getting pulled out of a crack house.

Let's hope and for the people that think that this wouldn't be a big deal or this kid is mediocre are you kidding or losing your mind? :crazy:
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ScriptOhio;1867193; said:
I never got past this picture.


John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 - June 4, 2010); yes, obviously he did go to heaven.


The irony of that picture is that Wooden's version of heaven centers around his wife, not the USC Song Girls.


The rest of us may want to be in heaven surrounded by the Song Girls. Wooden wanted his Nell. RIP, Coach Wooden.
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Aviator330;1867252; said:
He's making his decision at 7am tomorrow morning is what I seen on twitter.

I mean absolutely no offense, but I gotta get my anal retentiveness out. The possibly bad news this evening has really helped to build it up, so I'm going to focus my attention on something else for a minute or two:

I saw? Correct
I've seen? Correct
I seen? Never okay

(and for future reference to many others who use this, it's "would've," not "would of.")

2) 7am tomorrow morning, as opposed to 7am in the afternoon?

Okay, now that that's out of my system, I'll try my hand at reading WAY too deep into things... he's apparently going to announce at 4am USC time? I'll just keep saying that to myself over and over for the rest of the night as I keep my fingers crossed!
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