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Aundrey Walker (Southern Cal Signee)

buckeyeinfla;1867214; said:
this looks like it is going bad quickly
Meh, depends on your perspective. Hardly a make or break reccruit, but that won't stop the scout/rivals board nancys from melting down. Would he be/have been a nice get? Sure. But not worth the angst that will erupt on those boards. Add nobody to this class and I'm happy. Give me Grant and I'm ecstatic.
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Like NFBuck said, if he signs with us - faaaaantastic. If he doesn't - it's still faaaaantastic to be a Buckeye.
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Well, we were running a bit tight with scholarships anyway. If Aundrey signs with USC, and Ejuan leaves that would give us 2 big spots for the monster Ohio recruiting class next year. If they come, great! If not, we have enough depth to still be fine
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NFBuck;1867216; said:
Meh, depends on your perspective. Hardly a make or break reccruit, but that won't stop the scout/rivals board nancys from melting down. Would he be/have been a nice get? Sure. But not worth the angst that will erupt on those boards. Add nobody to this class and I'm happy. Give me Grant and I'm ecstatic.
i'm there with you, but i can't help but think about a possible code red situation on the offensive line in 2012. let's pray that there will be no injuries or academic casualties. let's also pray that at least two of carter, brown, and underwood show out.
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I agree that OL is a position of concern down the road, but (and admittedly, I'm no expert) I don't see Walker as galaxies better than the kids we brought in this year. OL recruiting is always a tricky thing, so I guess what I'm saying is that Walker didn't make me feel "warm and fuzzy". Would be/would have been a nice one to grab, but not somebody I lose sleep over. All this means to me is OL recruiting is front and center next year and fortunately, next year is a good year for that.
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NFBuck;1867231; said:
I agree that OL is a position of concern down the road, but (and admittedly, I'm no expert) I don't see Walker as galaxies better than the kids we brought in this year. OL recruiting is always a tricky thing, so I guess what I'm saying is that Walker didn't make me feel "warm and fuzzy". Would be/would have been a nice one to grab, but not somebody I lose sleep over. All this means to me is OL recruiting is front and center next year and fortunately, next year is a good year for that.
And argueably the midwest's best OL next year, Kyle Kalis, is already in the fold. Would be great to get Walker, but luckily the program is in extremely good shape right now.
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Exactly. Not to mention the talk of Graham Glasgow, the OT who's taking his visit soon. He could probably be converted to OG or get his feet wet on the line before becoming our full time replacement for Adams. On the whole, I was worried that we were going to sign too many kids this year and not have enough left over for next year's crazy class. It'll be sad to lose Aundrey but we'll forget about him soon enough next year (if he goes to USC that is). Last ohio recruit to go to USC was Fred Davis, and we all know what happened to him. Actually, we don't.... lol. There's a reason for that. Its sink or swim at USC
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OSU_Buckguy;1867221; said:
i'm there with you, but i can't help but think about a possible code red situation on the offensive line in 2012...

This is my primary concern as well. I don't care where he's from, missing on an OL prospect this late hurts. Granted we do have some commits on that side of the line in Carter, Underwood, Bobek and Brown, but it may make for a thin depthchart.
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NFBuck;1867231; said:
I agree that OL is a position of concern down the road, but (and admittedly, I'm no expert) I don't see Walker as galaxies better than the kids we brought in this year. OL recruiting is always a tricky thing, so I guess what I'm saying is that Walker didn't make me feel "warm and fuzzy". Would be/would have been a nice one to grab, but not somebody I lose sleep over. All this means to me is OL recruiting is front and center next year and fortunately, next year is a good year for that.
i, too, didn't thank that the inclusion of walker would transform our offensive line class from pedestrian into outstanding. however, as of right now, i'd rather have a sophomore walker in 2012 than a freshman whomever. then there's also that one in the hand, two in the bush crap.
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