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Not an Apple user, but ran across one of the new iPhone 5s the other day at Best Buy.

After all the hoopla over the "giant, retina display," I was utterly underwhelmed. Certainly nothing there to make me want to ditch my Droid Charge, though the 4G availability is certainly a plus.
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Any iPhone users on here having trouble with their phone's wifi?

The option to turn my wifi on is currently set to off and is greyed out.

Not really looking for a solution as I've researched that already, just trying to see if it's a large scale problem.
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Mac;2247338; said:
Got the replacement 5 yesterday. This thing is scratched up and the anodized metal by the silent switch is all screwed up. Here we go again.

I give up :(

White is the way to go in my IMO. The metal doesn't show scratches or wear since it isn't dyed/painted, and the glass doesn't show fingerprints as easily.
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sepia5;2248585; said:
And why does the Librarian of Congress decide national policy regarding the legality of how I use my devices?

Because Congress is retarded and granted that power nearly 15 years ago in the poorly conceived and woefully outdated Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
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sepia5;2248567; said:
Who the hell is the Librarian of Congress?

It's not her.
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