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buxfan4life;2252162; said:
Thanks for the tips guys. So far liking it, but does anyone else have a problem with the touch screen not registering correctly when plugged in to charge? I noticed yesterday that when it is plugged in, it won't open the app I touch, but something on the complete opposite side of the screen no where near my finger opens up. This is not really a problem, just an annoying quirk that can be worked around.

Did you try turning off/on your phone to resolve it?
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Mac;2252167; said:
Did you try turning off/on your phone to resolve it?

No, I 'll try that. It is only when plugged into the wall, though. When I have it connected to my laptop for charging, it works fine.

I am getting used to it, and like many of the features I have come across. The case I got is perfect, since I have already scratched the screen protector and dropped in the garage this morning trying to put it back in the holster. (told you I was hard on phones :lol:)
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buxfan4life;2252559; said:
No, I 'll try that. It is only when plugged into the wall, though. When I have it connected to my laptop for charging, it works fine.

I am getting used to it, and like many of the features I have come across. The case I got is perfect, since I have already scratched the screen protector and dropped in the garage this morning trying to put it back in the holster. (told you I was hard on phones :lol:)

My iPad did that when it was plugged in through a non Apple charger. By chance is your charger an aftermarket one?
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fanaticbuckeye;2252562; said:
My iPad did that when it was plugged in through a non Apple charger. By chance is your charger an aftermarket one?

Yep. I was using a car charger through an adapter for a regular outlet, and it is a Belkin charger I believe.

Eh, like i said in another post, not that big of a deal right now. I don't (as of yet) have a need to have it plugged in while using it.
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For anyone with an old iPhone 3/3GS that likes to save money by being behind the curve (like me), the iPhone 4 is now 99-cents for eligible upgraders with a renewed 2-year commitment through AT&T.
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Okay, so I'm new to this whole ridiculous smartphone craze, but Verizon is currently offering the Iphone 4 for free with a two-year contract and I am thinking about upgrading from my 4 year old dumb phone.

Is there any reason why I should get the 4S ($100) or the 5 ($200) rather than the 4 (free)?

I won't be streaming video or music - 2 GB should be more than enough data, right? And if I'm someplace with WiFi, I can connect to the WiFi and stream via that, yes?
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Bucky Katt;2306398; said:
Okay, so I'm new to this whole ridiculous smartphone craze, but Verizon is currently offering the Iphone 4 for free with a two-year contract and I am thinking about upgrading from my 4 year old dumb phone.

Is there any reason why I should get the 4S ($100) or the 5 ($200) rather than the 4 (free)?

I think the 4S is going to be the best bang for your buck It seems like it's the same as the 4, but it has a better processor and better camera. The camera doesn't seem like it would be a big deal, but it has completely replaced my point-and-shoot. If you use a point-and-shoot camera yourself, you may want to consider the camera in the iPhone you get because you'll probably end up ditching your regular camera like myself and most other people have.

Also, if you're the type who isn't going to upgrade iPhones with every new model or even every two years, a newer model is the way to go since it will be supported longer by operating system and app updates. In that respect, while you would get more mileage out of the newest model, I think the 4S is the real sweet spot for value.

Bucky Katt;2306398; said:
I won't be streaming video or music - 2 GB should be more than enough data, right? And if I'm someplace with WiFi, I can connect to the WiFi and stream via that, yes?

2GB should be plenty if you're not streaming a bunch of music or movies. Plus, you can use Wi-Fi like you mentioned. Between home and work, my data use comes on Wi-Fi about 90% of the time. If your phone is not going to be connected to a Wi-Fi signal most of the time though, it may be something that you want to toggle on or off in the settings on your phone. If you're on Wi-Fi most of the time like I am, it can be a bit of a battery saver, but if you're off Wi-Fi a lot it can be a drain if you don't turn it off because it will keep searching for a connection. My wife doesn't have Wi-Fi at work, so she leaves it turned off even at home to save her battery. She doesn't stream music or video and doesn't come close to using 2GB, even though all of her data is coming from our carrier.
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I recently ran into the same consideration for work, Bucky.

A store rep summed it up for me like this: the 4 is a single processor, the 4s and 5 are dual. The 4s is essentially the same as the 5 as far as speed. I chose the 4s, and I've been pleased. One thing that I didn't know at the time and have since found out is that the 4 will not support FaceTime or those types of video chats, because it doesn't have the two cameras.
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Bucky Katt;2306398; said:
Okay, so I'm new to this whole ridiculous smartphone craze, but Verizon is currently offering the Iphone 4 for free with a two-year contract and I am thinking about upgrading from my 4 year old dumb phone.

Is there any reason why I should get the 4S ($100) or the 5 ($200) rather than the 4 (free)?

I won't be streaming video or music - 2 GB should be more than enough data, right? And if I'm someplace with WiFi, I can connect to the WiFi and stream via that, yes?

There was a major jump in image quality from the 4 to the 4S. I use the camera all the time on my smart phone. Fishing, boating, other outdoor activities, if you have kids, ever do any Facebook posting, and it's also nice for using it as a reference where you take a picture to remember a given feature. Also several apps now use the camera in some way, the nicer the camera the better that app will function. And don't say to yourself "I will not be using many apps" everyone says that at the start but then it hits you that many apps are free and very helpful. Just my two cents. I'd go for the 4S as long as money is not really tight. If money is a big issue then do the marriage a favor and go free.
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muffler dragon;2306405; said:
One thing that I didn't know at the time and have since found out is that the 4 will not support FaceTime or those types of video chats, because it doesn't have the two cameras.

Not sure where/how you found that out, but that's incorrect. I have a 4 and FaceTime works just fine. And yes, the 4 has two cameras.
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