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I think I am getting an iPhone 5 (or whtever the newest one is) for work later this week. Any recommendations on a good hard case/screen protector for it? I am sort of hard on phones.

edit: Just was informed that it is an iPhone 4s.
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Check out otterbox. The defender series is the bulkiest but provides great protection.

I personally went with otterbox commuter (soft rubber case sandwiched by a hard case. It will be delivered today.

For ultimate protection, maybe check out LifeProof (it's an $80 case) but also makes it waterproof
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Received my Otterbox Commuter case yesterday. It's a nice and snug fit. It adds some bulk, however, one thing I love about this case is I can lay it face down, and there's a few mm's from the screen touching the surface due to the edge all around the phone.

Great case, and I highly recommend it for adding protection without the huge amount of bulk.
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Mac;2251293; said:
Received my Otterbox Commuter case yesterday. It's a nice and snug fit. It adds some bulk, however, one thing I love about this case is I can lay it face down, and there's a few mm's from the screen touching the surface due to the edge all around the phone.

Great case, and I highly recommend it for adding protection without the huge amount of bulk.

I went with the Otterbox Defender for the belt clip and durability. The Commuter was what I was originally was looking at, but after reading reviews online, it seemed I needed a bit more protection. I tend to drop my phone quite a bit, so the bulkier Defender seemed right for me. Found one for $18 on Amazon, free 2 day shipping with Prime.

DGADBTWSOM;2251278; said:

Eh, I just needed a durable phone case and I have a wallet where all that other stuff goes already. Neat design, but looks like it might be a bit difficult getting that in and out of your pocket. The $60 price tag is a bit much as well.
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buxfan4life;2251340; said:
I went with the Otterbox Defender for the belt clip and durability. The Commuter was what I was originally was looking at, but after reading reviews online, it seemed I needed a bit more protection. I tend to drop my phone quite a bit, so the bulkier Defender seemed right for me. Found one for $18 on Amazon, free 2 day shipping with Prime.

Still a good choice. Can't go wrong with Otterbox!
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Ok. My first post with the new iPhone. Going to have to get used to the touchscreen, but so far no real probs.

How do I make sure everything closes so that the battery doesn't run down so fast? Seems like once you open an app it stays running even after you exit.
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buxfan4life;2251507; said:
Ok. My first post with the new iPhone. Going to have to get used to the touchscreen, but so far no real probs.

How do I make sure everything closes so that the battery doesn't run down so fast? Seems like once you open an app it stays running even after you exit.

Double-click the home button on the front of the phone. This will open the app tray at the bottom of the screen. You can scroll to the right to view apps that are still "open". Tap and hold for a few seconds until it starts to wiggle, and then tap on the X on the app icon to kill an app. If you want to switch to that app rather than closing it, just single tap on the app icon in your tray.

The apps in your tray are not always "running". Generally speaking, apps that are paused or backgrounded like that will not eat into your battery or RAM significantly because of how iOS manages tasks. However, sometimes location services can stay on in a backgrounded app or a bug can occur that can cause a paused app to eat battery power. I don't make a habit of killing paused apps, but it's one of the first things I clear out if I'm having trouble holding a charge.
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jlb1705;2251511; said:
Double-click the home button on the front of the phone. This will open the app tray at the bottom of the screen. You can scroll to the right to view apps that are still "open". Tap and hold for a few seconds until it starts to wiggle, and then tap on the X on the app icon to kill an app. If you want to switch to that app rather than closing it, just single tap on the app icon in your tray.

The apps in your tray are not always "running". Generally speaking, apps that are paused or backgrounded like that will not eat into your battery or RAM significantly because of how iOS manages tasks. However, sometimes location services can stay on in a backgrounded app or a bug can occur that can cause a paused app to eat battery power. I don't make a habit of killing paused apps, but it's one of the first things I clear out if I'm having trouble holding a charge.
Never knew this. Thanks for sharing.
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iPhones would have problems with BT connections and this is how you'd fix them. Too many resources being used and apparently iPhones (use to?) push BT connections down the priority list. I don't know that it is still the case or not. I find myself closing the apps out regularly just out of habit.
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FWIW, I don't close out apps in the tray except for location service ones, and I don't have issues. I've done it this way for a few years

So don't feel like you have to close out the apps
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Thanks for the tips guys. So far liking it, but does anyone else have a problem with the touch screen not registering correctly when plugged in to charge? I noticed yesterday that when it is plugged in, it won't open the app I touch, but something on the complete opposite side of the screen no where near my finger opens up. This is not really a problem, just an annoying quirk that can be worked around.
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