Apple Sells a Crazy 7 Million iPads During the Holidays For Record Earnings
If you were wondering just how huge the iPad was this holiday, the answer is
very. Apple sold 7.33 million tablets last quarter on the way to a record profit of $6 billion. And we haven't even mentioned the iPhones. In the company's last quarter of selling the iPhone through a single US carrier, Apple sold a whopping 16.24 million handsets. That's an 86% increase over a year ago; Apple now sells nearly as many iPhones as iPods (19.45 million). The Mac business also grew, though not by quite so lofty a margin; the 4.13 Macs Apple sold in its last fiscal quarter represents a 23% increase over last year.
Record profit and sales was unsurprisingly matched by record revenue, which at $26.74 billion nearly doubles last year's mark of $15.68 billion.
The earnings release didn't shed any more light on the
condition of Steve Jobs or sales of Apple TV, and I'm looking forward to seeing if Apple has any comment on their modestly flagging (down 7% year over year) iPod business. We'll be listening in to the company's earnings conference call at 5pm EST to see if any details spill out.