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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

I am in Wilmington, Deleware...but was lucky enough to be staying next to a Damon's that had the BTN. So went over there to watch the Buckeyes...the PSU and App. State games were also on. Most fans here were Penn State, we aren't that far away from Happy Valley. There were a few michigan fans and then a handfull of Buckeye fans. After the Buckeye game was over and the Penn State game was over everybody started to focus on this game. The few michigan fans that were there were so nervous, and then so happy when Michigan got the ball back up by 1. But obviously it fell apart and App. St. won. So we did the OH...IO cheer across the resturant when the fieldgoal was blocked, and high fived the PSU fans. Then as one Michigan fan walked by to leave the resturant...I said, "Well...there's always next year." And he turned around and got really angry and said, "It's bad enough that you are from, Ohio. But it's bullshit that you are being an asshole about it." It's Michigan...so it's definitely not bullshit.

How great it is. They start their season with national championship hopes...only to have any chance of a national championship disappear 3 hours after the season started. What a joke.

If winning a D1aa championship makes App St. so good...then how come they lost to NC State 23-10 last year before going on to be the best team in D1aa...while NC State went on to only win 2 of their remaining 11 games.

Michigan has more talent...but they may have the least desire and the worst coaching in college football.
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ashlandbuck;917861; said:
I just came from the umgoblue fan forum.
The meltdown has started and I love it. The majority seem to believe that the fall of the program has officially occured today.

Yes, I took a peek there earlier tonight. One guy was actually blaming the AD for the loss. His reasoning is that they should never have scheduled App State and scheduled a cupcake. Maybe next year they will schedule the North Carolina School for the Blind and then it will be a night game....:scum4:
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Topic author: Wolverine076
Subject: The downfall of the program has started.
Posted on: September 01 2007 7:35:37 PM

Actually, it's already been in motion for about 4 years. Prepare to get blasted by Oregon next weekend, they'll probably drop 70 on us. Lloyd Carr and ALL his coaches should be FIRED NOW.

No more homerism, no more excuses, this is it. The Michigan team looked TERRIBLE on all sides of the ball today, bench Henne and start Mallet, what a disgrace, what a puke.


Reply author: Sea Bass
Replied on: September 01 2007 7:50:51 PM

Yep. And then get blasted by Notre Dame the following week and then Penn St. And after 0-4 Lloyd still won't be fired. I guess they just don't care up there in AA anymore.

Edit: Well, after a couple hours of waiting for an announcement of his being fired, it's apparent he's got job security for life. He'll be there as long as he wants to be. @#$!ing great...

:slappy: :slappy:
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I was stuck going to a sports bar down here in Myrtle Beach, SC just to see Ohio State play due to BigTen Network complications. That put me in the same boat as many in Columbus, unfortunately... OSU did well, but definitely have work do to if they're going accomplish anything this season.

Anyways... The bar had DirecTV, and had a TV on next to the YSU @ OSU game which was showing App St @ M!ch*g@n. There were actually a few App St alums who came in to watch the game. All game long, it was just looking bad for ol' UM. Then in the 4th quarter, it looked like the blue rodents had it all wrapped up. Especially with the field goal they made with only like 2:30 left on the clock. But then, their new secondary got torched as App St moved within field goal range. They kick on 1st down, and.... it's good!!

All the App St fans were severely worried when they kicked it on 1st down, because it left 30 seconds on the clock. And it looked like they were right to be worried when Henne hit that pass for like 60 yards down to the App St 20 yard line. But then UM kicks with 6 seconds left, and App St blocks for the second time. Oh, man... You should have seen those App St fans. They were in their glory. Of course, all the OSU fans (myself included...), Penn St fans, and Michigan St fans that were in the bar didn't mind sharing their celebration. The fans in App St have even torn down their own goal posts down in Boone, NC!


Now... I am not one of the obnoxious, overboard, I-hate-UM type of OSU fans. Objectively, this is bad for the BigTen, especially with the way that the bowl season went for us. Plus, being down here in SEC country, all I've heard from all SEC fans since January is how inferior the BigTen is. This will obviously fuel that flame into a bonfire. This definitely hurts the blue rodents' season in a major way, and I don't see anyone voting them anywhere near the NC at the end of the season. The crazy thing to keep in mind is that M!ch*g@n can still make a BCS bowl game if they recover and win the conference... But at this point, I'd say that beating OSU at home is the only thing UM fans are probably hoping for at this point... Any UM fans mind weighing in on what they hope for on the balance of the season?

Congrats to App St and all their fans!! Plus, how'd you like to be the App St AD after the game... "Uh... Excuse me... I know this is a bad time and all, but you mind if we get that check for $400,000 before we get on the bus?"

One more gem to share this evening...:

:oh: :io:
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