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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Bleed S & G;917932; said:
I thought the field goal at the end of the game was one of the dumbest things in the world. You give scUM 26 seconds to win the game? Why not run the ball to the middle or if you prefer the hash you were on, outside of it.. let the clock run and spike it with 5 seconds left.

'derr, lets kick the ball on 1st & 10 with 30+ seconds left'

he tried to hand it away.

They didnt have any timeouts and didnt want to rush the field goal team onto the field with that kind of pressure. It wasnt the easiest choice to make and it almost came back to haunt them, but anything to make that kick easier was worth it.
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Bleed S & G;917932; said:
I thought the field goal at the end of the game was one of the dumbest things in the world. You give scUM 26 seconds to win the game? Why not run the ball to the middle or if you prefer the hash you were on, outside of it.. let the clock run and spike it with 5 seconds left.

'derr, lets kick the ball on 1st & 10 with 30+ seconds left'

he tried to hand it away.

Agreed. But it only made the finish all the more dramatic, don't you think?

Jerry Moore may not be the best "on the field, game day" play callers, but he has put together one of the best PROGRAMS in all of college football.
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EastFourteenth;917938; said:
They didnt have any timeouts and didnt want to rush the field goal team onto the field with that kind of pressure. It wasnt the easiest choice to make and it almost came back to haunt them, but anything to make that kick easier was worth it.
I think its a no-bainer.. spike the ball. Theres no reason to rush them, but 30 seconds is plenty of time to line em up and spike it. Hell even take a knee, get the clock running, and then spike it.
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Bleed S & G;917949; said:
I think its a no-bainer.. spike the ball. Theres no reason to rush them, but 30 seconds is plenty of time to line em up and spike it. Hell even take a knee, get the clock running, and then spike it.

You're probably right, but hey...it worked out. MICHIGAN LOST TO APPALACHIAN STATE! LOL!!!!!!!!
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Yeah, you can really pin this loss on Lllllloyd and his coaches. Did not have his team prepared properly and they apparently thought they would just win by showing up. It does look bad for the Conference, but it's scUM, if anyone from this conference is going to get humiliated to this extent, it's going to be Lllllloyd and Co.

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Bleed S & G;917949; said:
I think its a no-bainer.. spike the ball. Theres no reason to rush them, but 30 seconds is plenty of time to line em up and spike it. Hell even take a knee, get the clock running, and then spike it.

Because if it's blocked and you recover it, you get to kick it again.
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Some of my favorite meltdowns so far:

* Michigan7777
* 1814 posts this site

Posted: 9/1/2007 10:02 PM
Re: Carr is a genius!!!

It is just sad to see are entire season ruined just because we weren't ready for a Div-1AA team we had 9 months to prepair for at home. Offense could not execute and defense Ron English you stupid mother ****** you let a division 1-aa team score 34 points on are defense at home wtf is wrong with that guy im sorry for my choice of words but I cannot believe are coaching staff let are players come to such a outcome it is there job to get these guys ready and not buy into all the hype and they failed to there jobs.
Posted: 9/1/2007 4:50 PM
Re: Best Thing That's Happened For Years

If I were the guy making these decisions, I'd be hot on the phone to Brian Kelly -- yesterday! I think you'd find yourself with a very Tressel-like coach, and Tressel-like results. JMHO.

Posted: 9/1/2007 6:07 PM
Anyone else expecting 0-12?

Might as well. Well I am anyways. we lost to the worst team on the schedule, now there is no way we can beat Penn State or Wisconsin,or anyone really.


Post #399

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How can East Carolina get a game with you guys?Reply ...what do we need to do to get you guys on the schedule?

Posted on 9/1 10:10 PM | IP: Logged

3 Honks
Post #918
of 3,245,876,012 total
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I can't even enjoy Notre Dame getting smoked...Reply that's how bad it feels.

Posted on 9/1 10:03 PM | IP: Logged
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Thump;917968; said:
Would like to see Bo exhumed tomorrow to see if he is now indeed face down.

What are they? 0-3 since he died? How many points have they given up in those three games? I think it is well over 100!

Can't tell you how many people I saw with TSUN gear on last week here at the business school. Think that will change this week?
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