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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

ashlandbuck;917861; said:
I just came from the umgoblue fan forum.
The meltdown has started and I love it. The majority seem to believe that the fall of the program has officially occured today.

Please use the search function before starting another Michigan meltdown thread. :biggrin: Of course, you have to specify the sport (football or basketball), or the time of year - early season losses, November losses, Bowl game losses. Hate to kick a man when he's down - unless it's a Michigan man.
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808 Buck;917869; said:
Please use the search function before starting another Michigan meltdown thread. :biggrin: Of course, you have to specify the sport (football or basketball), or the time of year - early season losses, November losses, Bowl game losses. Hate to kick a man when he's down - unless it's a Michigan man.

That's the best time to kict them your foot is that much closer!!
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This was so amazing...at the game we kept getting updates and yelling to everyone around us the score, by the second half there was more interest in the Michigan game than our blowout. I got back in time to see the last drive, and see Michigan get to the 20, and then the block....amazing.
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I can't believe I didn't get to see this.. Oh my god.. My entire year has been "made". This football season has to be amazing with a start like this. Good Lord, is it possible?!! And now, of course, let me say...

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Here's my story. My girlfriend and I were at Shoe and sat in the South Stands. We were walking out after the game, well aware of the score when we took notice of the TVs that were showing the scUM game, and the crowd that had gathered. We got there just in time to see Hart break his big run.

After that TD and the subsequent INT of the ASU pass, the crowd dissipated and my girlfriend says, "Let's go."

I said, "There's still time, and stranger things have happened. We have nothing else to do, AND I HAVE COMPLETE ABILITY IN M*CH*G*N'S ABILITY TO SUCK."

So, we stood and watched as the final four minutes of this HISTORIC embarrassment unfolded. The crowds around the TVs in the concourse beneath the South Stands got bigger and bigger. There were literally hundreds of people screaming wildly - it was a great scene and serves as a reminder of why the Ohio State - scUM rivalry is the greatest on Earth. The disdain from one side for the other never ends and knows no bounds.

And I don't want to hear anything about how this could be bad for the Buckeyes because of what it does to the Big Ten's reputation. This kind of thing was bound to happen someday, and (excepeting Notre Dame perhaps) it couldn't have happened to better and more deserving folks.

Ohio State... Southern Cal... App State. 3-game losing streak.
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HineyBuck;917836; said:
Coach Jerry Moore after I've come back to Earth. One of the all-time greats, at any level, in my book.
I thought the field goal at the end of the game was one of the dumbest things in the world. You give scUM 26 seconds to win the game? Why not run the ball to the middle or if you prefer the hash you were on, outside of it.. let the clock run and spike it with 5 seconds left.

'derr, lets kick the ball on 1st & 10 with 30+ seconds left'

he tried to hand it away.
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