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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

LordJeffBuck;917611; said:
Losing 50 grand on the Michigan-Appalachian State game ... priceless! :groove:

Just remember, kiddies - Appalachian State is hot, Hot, HOT!

Told ya! :biggrin:

No, seriously, I never thought that App St would have the juice to pull it off, but I knew they'd play it a lot tougher than what most thought and knew they wouldn't be a cake walk. Hell, look how tough YSU played against us today. App Stat would be a 5-3 team in the Big 10 and YSU would be a 4-4 or 3-5 team in the Big 10...they upper echelon of I-AA (fuck that FCS shit) is actually pretty decent.
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MililaniBuckeye;917650; said:
Told ya! :biggrin:

No, seriously, I never thought that App St would have the juice to pull it off, but I knew they'd play it a lot tougher than what most thought and knew they wouldn't be a cake walk. Hell, look how tough YSU played against us today. App Stat would be a 5-3 team in the Big 10 and YSU would be a 4-4 or 3-5 team in the Big 10...they upper echelon of I-AA (fuck that FCS shit) is actually pretty decent.

Would you take either of the two to add a 12th team?
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I was listening to the Jim Rome show on Friday afternoon. I heard a Michigan fan call in and go off about about App. State fan sexing up their sisters before the game and showing off their tooth and what not. Well, looks to me like App. State brought their tooth and bit scUM in the ass with it!

I agree with above, I know I'm supposed to root on the Big Ten but I'm as giddy as a lottery winner this afternoon! :biggrin:
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MililaniBuckeye;917668; said:
Tell my why, Einstein...

Huffing toxic substances...lack of branches in the family tree...age related mental ossification?

I don't know actually but the why isn't really important.

NC State 10-23 L
LSU 0-24 L
Kansas 8-36 L
Wyoming 7-53 L
Hawaii 17-40 L
Marshall 7-50 L
Wake Forest 10-20 L
Wake Forest 20-16 W
Auburn 15-22 L
Wake Forest 30-27 W
Clemson 12-23 L
Wake Forest 13-19 L
Wake Forest 24-23 W
Wake Forest 10-12 L
Wake Forest 3-20 L
NC State 10-35 L
Wake Forest 7-10 L
Clemson 0-34 L
Wake Forest 17-3 W
Wake Forest 12-23 L
Clemson 0-48 L
NC State 0-56 L

Appalachian State is a combined 4-18 vs Division 1A schools since 1990.

All 4 of those wins came against Wake Forest which had an overall record of 66-115 during that time frame placing them at 99th overall in winning percentage for Division 1A.

That means App St went 4-6 against one of the worst programs in Div 1A and 0-12 vs everyone else. The worst team in the Big10 (Indiana) slots in at 92nd overall (7 spots above Wake).

Youngstown State's sole success was against Kent (4-3) the WORST 1A team before Buffalo got bumped up, Akron (4-1-1) & Ohio when they were both the dregs of the Div.

Having success against MAC bottom dwellers isn't equatable with being a mid-pack Big 10 team.

Actually competing in a major conference is a far cry from occasionally knocking off an opponent at the beginning of the year.

Mid pack teams like Minnesota, MSU & Purdue have better athletes and more depth (even bumping them up to 85 schollies) than either of the aforementioned programs and going against that greater talent & numbers for an entire season wears down even the best of teams.

A highly regarded team like PSU has struggled to keep it's conference record above the numbers you mentioned since joining.

Appalachian State ain't PSU.

I have no doubt that either program could manage to find success if moved up to 1A but neither has the components needed to beat Big 10 (or SEC, Big12, PAC10, Big East) schools on a regular basis. The benchmark for making the jump is Marshall. They wouldn't have 5-3 in the Big10 and had much better athletes than either App or YSU.

Now just for once put your money where your mouth is and support your own silly claims.
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