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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

What I found most amazing was the momentum shifts in the game.

Typically when a huge underdog wins, they follow the simple method: Get a lead and hold on for dear life.

Today's game wasn't like that.

App St. got down early, then took a lead, then expanded on that lead... then played like shit for most of the 2nd half. It really seemed that the wheels were falling off, and the 3 turnovers in the 2nd half seemed to be too much to overcome. scUM kept inching closer and closer, and finally took the lead. With ~2:30 to go, it seemed certain that the wind had left the sails of App St... but lo and behold, they got a 2nd wind. Amazing.

The whole scUM losing aspect notwithstanding, it was a great game in and of itself.
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The thing that amazed me is that Michigan did step up in some key situations but App. State was the better team... They had it on one of the screens at the bar I was at and Mike Hart just took it into his own hands and broke a bunch of tackles... Then They get to the 20 with 6 seconds left but App. State just wanted it more. Good game and Great Job on embarrassing the Big Ten!
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briegg;917621; said:
I know we are supposed to root for the B10 and for TSUN so that we can both be undefeated at the end (last year was amazing), but it's impossible not to enjoy this result.

Great post and I agree, on one hand I don't think it helps us out with the idea that the B10 is weak this year, however, with Hart on this TSUN team it makes it difficult for me to root for them at any point. :slappy: HOT HOT HOT! :slappy:
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