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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

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"Bad for the Big Ten."

I keep reading that phrase - especially on the scUM boards. From where I stand, it's bad for M*ch*g*n - and nobody - especially THEIR fans should be passing responsibility for this debacle toward anyone beyond that sorry collection of players and coaches. Call me shortsighted, but Ohio State didn't just go out and lay an egg against the JV National Champions, so I don't see how anybody can say that steaming pile of a performance by M*ch*g*n was a reflection on the Buckeyes or any of the other teams in the conference and went out there today and took care of business.
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jlb1705;918035; said:
"Bad for the Big Ten."

I keep reading that phrase - especially on the scUM boards. From where I stand, it's bad for M*ch*g*n - and nobody - especially THEIR fans should be passing responsibility for this debacle toward anyone beyond that sorry collection of players and coaches. Call me shortsighted, but Ohio State didn't just go out and lay an egg against the JV National Champions, so I don't see how anybody can say that steaming pile of a performance by M*ch*g*n was a reflection on the Buckeyes or any of the other teams in the conference and went out there today and took care of business.

That's what I've been thinking. Honestly, I would rather they have won the game, but the only thing Michigan losing is going to change for OSU is that people in the media might talk about the Big 10 being over rated. As long as this doesn't cause use to lose much ground in the rankings, our record can speak for itself.

(But I'm not gonna lie, IF a team in the Big 10 was going to lose to a 1-AA team, there's no doubt that I'd prefer it to be Michigan. :scum4:)
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jlb1705;918035; said:
"Bad for the Big Ten."

I keep reading that phrase - especially on the scUM boards. From where I stand, it's bad for M*ch*g*n - and nobody - especially THEIR fans should be passing responsibility for this debacle toward anyone beyond that sorry collection of players and coaches. Call me shortsighted, but Ohio State didn't just go out and lay an egg against the JV National Champions, so I don't see how anybody can say that steaming pile of a performance by M*ch*g*n was a reflection on the Buckeyes or any of the other teams in the conference and went out there today and took care of business.

With all due respect (since I am new to the forum here...), but you're not down here dealing with crazy SEC fans. They associate all bad things any non-SEC team does with every other team in their conference. And vice versa with SEC successes against non-SEC teams.

For instance, there are many South Carolina fans down here that give me a hard time every day about how bad we got beat by Floriduh. But then they take it a step further and then say that, since South Carolina only lost to Floriduh by one point on a blocked field goal, that South Carolina would have beaten Troy Smith and the Buckeyes by at least two touchdowns.

It does no good to point out logical arguments to them regarding playing insanely above their talent level for that particular week, or that South Carolina almost lost to Furman (FURMAN!!), or anything else... That's why they're crazy SEC fans.

By the way, College Football Final just came on the WWL... It'll be interesting to see what Desmond Howard has to say on the loss.
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jlb1705;918035; said:
"Bad for the Big Ten."

I keep reading that phrase - especially on the scUM boards. From where I stand, it's bad for M*ch*g*n - and nobody - especially THEIR fans should be passing responsibility for this debacle toward anyone beyond that sorry collection of players and coaches. Call me shortsighted, but Ohio State didn't just go out and lay an egg against the JV National Champions, so I don't see how anybody can say that steaming pile of a performance by M*ch*g*n was a reflection on the Buckeyes or any of the other teams in the conference and went out there today and took care of business.

You have a point but it won't change national perception. After scUM and tOSU both got lambasted in their bowl games, the perception is that the Big Ten is overrated. This game is just the confirmation many people needed.
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scooter1369;918045; said:
You have a point but it won't change national perception. After scUM and tOSU both got lambasted in their bowl games, the perception is that the Big Ten is overrated. This game is just the confirmation many people needed.

You may very well be correct scooter, but honestly, I really don't give a flying fuck!! scUM suffered a historic loss today, as another poster put it, an upset that possibly 50 years from now upsets will be measured against, and I was alive to witness it.

I swear that with my last breath before death, I will utter "Appalachian State", chuckle, and die with a smile on my face.
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