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Any Runners? (10K or marathon)

Folanator;1582881; said:
Would like to go over to Europe and do France, Austria or maybe South Africa.

<- Jealous!

I'm tentatively planning on doing the new Rev3 race up at Cedar Point next year. Got a sponsorship application in for a free race entry, but if that falls through I hope to still do it. My wife is signed up for IM Louisville 2010, so that would let us do some of the long rides together since the races are only a couple weeks apart.

I've done...well, really nothing since CDA, so I'm in the same boat of slow. Although my slow is slower than your slow. I can *definitely* break 42 - maybe even 50! :wink:
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Folanator;1582881; said:
Not sure I am going to be racing IM anytime soon. Might try next year after I have had some time to build a base. Would like to go over to Europe and do France, Austria or maybe South Africa.

There's a new full IM in Regenburg, Germany (or Austria) that has its first running next summer (Aug?). I glanced over their website and the venue looks gorgeous.

I'll give you and MolGen a run-down on Busselton, Australia after I finish (hopefully) the Western Australia IM on Dec 5th. Did a 112-mile around-the-island ride three Sundays ago, a 60-mile "sprint" ride on the flats around Hickam AFB two weeks ago, and another 112-miler Sunday, so my biking should be OK. That 26.2-mile run afterwards is what's going to be a real beyatch...
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I'm pretty disappointed at this...

NYT: Is N.Y. marathon winner American enough? - The New York Times- msnbc.com

NEW YORK - As soon as Mebrahtom Keflezighi , better known as Meb, won the New York City Marathon on Sunday, an uncommon sports dispute erupted online, fraught with racial and nationalistic components: Should Keflezighi’s triumph count as an American victory?


In a commentary on CNBC.com , Darren Rovell wrote, “Nothing against Keflezighi, but he’s like a ringer who you hire to work a couple hours at your office so that you can win the executive softball league.”


The online postings about Keflezighi were anonymous. One of the milder ones on Letsrun.com said: “Give us all a break. It’s just another African marathon winner.”


Keflezighi said on Monday that remarks about his heritage were not new. “I’ve had to deal with it,” he said. “But, hey, I’ve been here 22 years. And the U.S.A. is a land of immigrants. A lot of people have come from different places.”

Check that - I'm really disappointed in this. Kind of a rude way to bring the family back down to earth after all the excitement this weekend. I know it's not how everyone feels, but still this stings a little.
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Merih;1583127; said:
I'm pretty disappointed at this...

NYT: Is N.Y. marathon winner American enough? - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Check that - I'm really disappointed in this. Kind of a rude way to bring the family back down to earth after all the excitement this weekend. I know it's not how everyone feels, but still this stings a little.

That's not just wrong and bigoted, it's embarrassingly bad journalism! Last I checked, Meb's been living in the US longer than most Olympians have been alive. He's just as American as me.

For what it's worth, that author has since issued a retraction where he admits he didn't do any research:

What I Got Wrong About Keflezighi - Sports Biz with Darren Rovell - CNBC.com
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MililaniBuckeye;1582906; said:
There's a new full IM in Regenburg, Germany (or Austria) that has its first running next summer (Aug?). I glanced over their website and the venue looks gorgeous.

I'll give you and MolGen a run-down on Busselton, Australia after I finish (hopefully) the Western Australia IM on Dec 5th. Did a 112-mile around-the-island ride three Sundays ago, a 60-mile "sprint" ride on the flats around Hickam AFB two weeks ago, and another 112-miler Sunday, so my biking should be OK. That 26.2-mile run afterwards is what's going to be a real beyatch...

I can get into any of those races I mentioned for free. I am just a tight ass. :biggrin: Actually at this point, I am guessing I could get into any race except for Kona. Sweeeet
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Merih;1583127; said:
I'm pretty disappointed at this...

NYT: Is N.Y. marathon winner American enough? - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Check that - I'm really disappointed in this. Kind of a rude way to bring the family back down to earth after all the excitement this weekend. I know it's not how everyone feels, but still this stings a little.
Don't worry about it. Anonymous internet posters? Saying negative things about someone? Shock!!!

As for the letsrun.com quote.. I frequent that website and the boards, and the posters are miserable. If he cares about their opinion, he should just count his stars that he didn't run any faster, or they'd call him a drug cheat.
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There's a new full IM in Regenburg, Germany (or Austria) that has its first running next summer (Aug?). I glanced over their website and the venue looks gorgeous.

I'll give you and MolGen a run-down on Busselton, Australia after I finish (hopefully) the Western Australia IM on Dec 5th. Did a 112-mile around-the-island ride three Sundays ago, a 60-mile "sprint" ride on the flats around Hickam AFB two weeks ago, and another 112-miler Sunday, so my biking should be OK. That 26.2-mile run afterwards is what's going to be a real beyatch...
i dont think they are going to let you ride a harley mili....
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MililaniBuckeye;1589263; said:
Shhhheeeeyiitt...you oughta see what I was going to use to get through the 2.4-mile swim...
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Time to revive this thread...

bkochmc;1582243; said:
I've been thinking about the marathon ever since the Columbus Marathon... went to the expo and that really got my blood flowing. I have quite a bit of work ahead if I want to do that though...

Well, I finally signed up for something more than a 5-K/4-mile race. While I am not yet brave enough to tackle the full marathon I will be running the Columbus Half this year... they already have my money so now I'm committed. My goal is to break 2 hours... we'll see how that goes.

To double my pain I also signed up for a 20K at Hocking Hills in September, exactly a month before the Columbus Half. Considering the terrain and that the race is only 3/4 mile shorter than a half marathon it'll give me a good indication on where I stand with my goal of breaking 2 hours in the Columbus Half. I've got 7 weeks to get ready for this race... with as hilly as this course is I would be pleasantly surprised if I finished anywhere near 2 hours. Right now I can sustain a 8:30 pace for 7 miles on flat land but once you throw those hills in there... who knows.

Is anyone planning any races for this fall?
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bkochmc;1740346; said:
Time to revive this thread...

Well, I finally signed up for something more than a 5-K/4-mile race. While I am not yet brave enough to tackle the full marathon I will be running the Columbus Half this year... they already have my money so now I'm committed. My goal is to break 2 hours... we'll see how that goes.

To double my pain I also signed up for a 20K at Hocking Hills in September, exactly a month before the Columbus Half. Considering the terrain and that the race is only 3/4 mile shorter than a half marathon it'll give me a good indication on where I stand with my goal of breaking 2 hours in the Columbus Half. I've got 7 weeks to get ready for this race... with as hilly as this course is I would be pleasantly surprised if I finished anywhere near 2 hours. Right now I can sustain a 8:30 pace for 7 miles on flat land but once you throw those hills in there... who knows.

Is anyone planning any races for this fall?
There's still time to withdraw and drink beer while watching tOSU games....:biggrin:
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bkochmc;1740346; said:
Is anyone planning any races for this fall?

Good luck in the half! We'll probably be out spectating if the weather's nice. The Hocking Hills race sounds a bit masochistic, but good luck there too! :p

I did indeed sign up for the Rev3 Iron-distance triathlon at Cedar Point on Sept. 12 as my big race this fall, as mentioned above. It's the same distance as an Ironman, just a different brand. I got beat out for the free entry by my wife, though. :sad: I'm hoping to finish under 14 hours, and maaaayybe under 13 if it's a perfect day.

And then the Bourbon Chase 200 mile relay with a team in October down in Kentucky - that one's just for fun, no serious training for it. I just hope my legs have come back from Cedar Point by then.
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bkochmc;1740346; said:
Well, I finally signed up for something more than a 5-K/4-mile race. While I am not yet brave enough to tackle the full marathon I will be running the Columbus Half this year... they already have my money so now I'm committed. My goal is to break 2 hours... we'll see how that goes.
Running a half marathon under 2 hours is pretty good...good luck!

bkochmc;1740346; said:
Is anyone planning any races for this fall?
Signed up for a marathon training clinic that starts at the end of the month, in preparation for the Honolulu Marathon in December. I'll use that as a springboard for the 14 weeks of pre-Ironman training starting in January getting ready for Ironman South Africa. Traveling from Honolulu to Port Elizabeth, SA, is gonna be a mother fucker (28 hours minimum flight time).

MolGenBuckeye;1742389; said:
I did indeed sign up for the Rev3 Iron-distance triathlon at Cedar Point on Sept. 12 as my big race this fall, as mentioned above. It's the same distance as an Ironman, just a different brand. I got beat out for the free entry by my wife, though. :sad: I'm hoping to finish under 14 hours, and maaaayybe under 13 if it's a perfect day.
I was looking at their website. The only reason I wouldn't do that race is that it's not a "official" sanctioned Ironman. Yeah, same distance, etc., but for some reason a non-Ironman race doesn't, at least in my mind, carry the same prestige as a sanctioned Ironman race. That's not to belittle your doing the Cedar Point race. Good luck with it, and I hope you crack 13 hours (that's my goal for South Africa next year).
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MolGenBuckeye;1742389; said:
The Hocking Hills race sounds a bit masochistic, but good luck there too! :p

If I wanted to be really masochistic I could have signed up for the 40K or 60K race but I figured I'm not that crazy... yet. :wink: Speaking of being masochistic, you and Mili may be certifiably crazy to do full triathlons. How do you train for an event like that? Do you do any kind of workout that is close to that total distance before the event?

I'll admit, part of my motivation for the Hocking Hills 20K is nostalgia. My high school cross country team would go to Hocking Hills for a week to train (I grew up in the flat lands of northwest Ohio) and the "highlight" run of the week was running the 20K course. I even found out via Facebook that one of my old cross country buddies is running the 20K race too, though he'll probably end up beating me by a good amount. :lol:

Does anyone know of any good places in Central Ohio to do a hill workout? I'm looking do to a 7-10 mile run with some decent hills in it. I've heard Highbanks Park has some good hills for this part of the state but I haven't yet checked it out.
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There is a race in Virginia I am targeting for my comeback. It's a IM distance off road.

2.4 swim
112 bike on the trails. 15,000 in climbing. Prob a 9-10 hour effort.
26.2 run on the trails.

I am guessing a good time would be 16-17 hours.

Just noodling it right now, but me likes the sound of it. I will post details when I get more.
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