I'm saying right now - again, for those who didn't hear - that we are not talking about widespread censorship. What we are talking about is a request of BP members and an expectation of those who directly represent the site to not engage in the excessive denigration of any race, religion or sexuality or any individual affiliated thereto. If a healthy debate arises from the use of a word like "homo," then get your camera ready because I'll be dancing the cutest little jig you ever fucking saw, because that's what I love about this place. If we continue to see threads like this, that serve no other purpose than to give outside observers a reason to discount or discredit the site, then prepare for the repercussions to which 3yards referred previously. Furthermore, likening all this to saying "Fuck Michigan" is not a reasonable justification. This site was created for the sole purpose of harboring and engendering the fanbase of The Ohio State University and its athletics.
"I hate homosexuals."
"I hate Michigan."
One of these statements is widely accepted to be part of the culture of Ohio State and its fans.
One of them is not.
This is a pretty crystal clear issue, and I'm getting frustrated about the difficulty we're having getting it under control. There is a hell of a lot to do and say here on BuckeyePlanet that doesn't involve the things we're discouraging here, so don't pretend that anyone is saying anything unreasonable. If all this needs to come from Clarity, so be it. I will implore him to repeat himself.