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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

Brings up a good question. How do y'all like the Big Ten network? I've wathced a little of it this year, and would love to have that type of setup available for the SEC.

Most folks around C-Bus don't get it (time-warner)...announcers are sub-par...total package (game coverage, camera angles, etc.) probably grades out at a D-/C+...hopefully it will only get better
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gud2b4lsu;1018555; said:
I think your team is slightly overrated because the B10 is down this year. Like it or not your schedule was padded. With that said I also believe that you are good enough to compete with LSU ,if you guys dont give up when the Tigers start laying lumber. (like you did against UF).
Also, You may travel well but please do not even think your numbers will be close to The LSU faithful. If you bring 150,000 to sit outside the stadium they will still be out numbered at least 3 to 1. Good Luck

I think your team is slightly overrated because the B10 is down this year.
Overrated by whom, the polls or media? I agree that the Big-10 was down and we benefited from it.

Like it or not your schedule was padded.
Agreed but not as much as douchebags like Colin Cowherd claim.

With that said I also believe that you are good enough to compete with LSU ,if you guys dont give up when the Tigers start laying lumber. (like you did against UF).
Trust me, giving up will not be an option.

Also, You may travel well but please do not even think your numbers will be close to The LSU faithful. If you bring 150,000 to sit outside the stadium they will still be out numbered at least 3 to 1.
You underestimate us.

Good Luck
And to you.
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jwinslow;1018758; said:
Also, they usually replay about 4 games during the week, including some espn/abc games.

This is how I get my midweek football fix. Of course Minnesota vs. Bowling Green wasn't much of a fix.

CRUSH41BUCKEYE;1018757; said:
I was wondering what everyone else thinks the in-game % of fans will be. Each school gets 16,000 tickets, which I think is about 20% of the capacity of the Dome. The rest of the tickets are in the hands of a local residents, corporate sponsors, and ticket brokers. I know OSU fans will pay top dollar for tickets, but given the location of the game (and local ties to the corporate sponsors) it will be hard for OSU fans to keep up. I would be happy if it was only 60-40 in favor of LSU.

We heavily outnumbered OU fans in '03. Notre Dame was well represented in the streets of NOLA, but either didn't make it into the dome, or just made zero noise. Not even during pregame festivities.
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This is how I get my midweek football fix. Of course Minnesota vs. Bowling Green wasn't much of a fix.
:lol: I hope they weren't wearing those yellow abortions. Another big thing is the ability to record a game I could not during the weekend. Say PSU-UM & OSU-MSU had 2 games at 3:30, as well as a premiere b12 or SEC game. Without a 2nd tivo, I can't record that 3rd stream. Now I can wait to record the UM game until later in the week. Not necessarily something a healthy fan needs, but us addicts appreciate the content :biggrin:
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jwinslow;1018769; said:
:lol: I hope they weren't wearing those yellow abortions. Another big thing is the ability to record a game I could not during the weekend. Say PSU-UM & OSU-MSU had 2 games at 3:30, as well as a premiere b12 or SEC game. Without a 2nd tivo, I can't record that 3rd stream. Now I can wait to record the UM game until later in the week. Not necessarily something a healthy fan needs, but us addicts appreciate the content :biggrin:

By the way...does anyone have a DVD of the Akron game...all I need to complete the season
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I don't think we are overrated because though the Big 10 is weak this year, we beat the teams we should have beat convincingly and the tougher ones we beat well enough. We really dominated scUM more than the scoreboard suggested and anytime you shut out a school like scUM (regardless of how down they are), you have to be one heck of a team and one heck of a defense. Defense wins championships but I must admit I'm a bit worried by the inside run because we haven't always showed up to play against it.
Honestly the spread option to the perimeter never worked against us because our OLB's (Larry Grant and Marcus Freeman) are fast, fast, fast. Not to mention our DE's are responsible. When the option killed when Juice either gave right up the middle, or kept it right up the middle. I wish we could just crash the DE down constantly and force the oponent to the outside every time because I think we would be fine if that happened. Of course we can't do that every time they come out in the spread but if the DT's can't hold their ground, I wouldn't mind experimenting with it to see if it works. Even though the interior DL has been a weakness, I wouldn't be surprised to see them play with some fire and stuff up the middle because I think the talent is there but we are just young.
On a side note on the Big 10 being weak...everyone complains about Illinois getting in simply because of the Pac 10's obsession of Pac 10 vs Big 10, however they all are screaming Missouri needs in to make room for ASU in the BCS. Does anyone remember that Illinois came darn close to beating Mizzou in the beginning of the year? Also, does anyone remember ASU getting slaughtered by USC? Does anyone remember them getting dominated by Oregon? Barely pushing past Arizona by a field goal? Please...Illinois deserves to be in the game even though I don't think they will beat USC.
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Excellent Thread and a great job by our "rival" Tiger posters so far. I've been over to their scout site, and so far, a pretty cool group of "Cats." Most of the punking over there is coming from fans of other SEC schools. These guys from LSU look like that they might be "keepers,"

In reading the posts, I was laughing at some of the Tiger fans substitutions for "bad words." Not to promote, but the George Carlin rules do not apply here:

Tits (which really didn't belong on the list)

Don't abuse, but a "heartfelt" expletive from time to time does help get y'er point across y'all.:beer:

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Bleed S & G;1019046; said:
There will be a good number of us Buckeyes down there.. can't wait! I think tickets will be 30-70 in LSUs favor, but I can easily see 40-60 and wouldn't be surprised if it was 50-50 the more I think about it

when we play OU in 2004, they had a really great turn out. Usually games of this magnitude, it doesn't matter where it's played, both teams will be represented. It's a home game in the sense that LSU fans won't have to travel as far but, when it comes down to it. we're each allotted the same amount of tickets and eBay doesn't discriminate. What were known for is being extremely loud and I'll take it to the bank that LSU fans will be louder than buckeye fans...and yes I've been to many OSU games in the shoe and have seen how loud you can get.
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Tigerkid05;1019062; said:
when we play OU in 2004, they had a really great turn out. Usually games of this magnitude, it doesn't matter where it's played, both teams will be represented. It's a home game in the sense that LSU fans won't have to travel as far but, when it comes down to it. we're each allotted the same amount of tickets and eBay doesn't discriminate. What were known for is being extremely loud and I'll take it to the bank that LSU fans will be louder than buckeye fans...and yes I've been to many OSU games in the shoe and have seen how loud you can get.
Thats fine, but if you really think that if the crowd is split, that noise will be a big factor your mistaken. This team is used to noise just as LSU is.. you guys have death valley, tennesse, and the swamp.. we have the big house, happy valley, and the shoe.. we get everyones loudest crowd and best game week in and week out just as LSU does.

I guess all I'm saying is to the LSU fans who feel they will have a "noise" advantage and a overwhelming numbers advantage shouldn't get their hopes up.
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