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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

GeauxTigers99;1018689; said:
LOL.....All I can say is that you guys asked for THEIR opinions of your team. I know you didn't expect them to say that they thought you would dominate the SEC like you did the Big 10, did you? :lol:


:cheers: and GEAUX TIGERS!!!

yes, we did. :p
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smith403;1018732; said:
Whatever happened to the up and coming coach in the late 80's (when we played LSU) ...Mike Archer

DO NOT mention that name on an LSU forum.

Archer was Arnsparger's DC. When Ansparger left, he recommended Archer for the job. We chose Archer over Spurrier. Mike won 10 games and the SEC his 1st year, and slowly fell apart. He ushered in the 1st of 6 straight losing seasons to start the 90's. Last I heard of him, was in '02 he was the DC at Kentucky. I don't think he's there anymore, but have no clue where he ended up.
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sandgk;1018724; said:
Darn right '97.

Irony being that ND Alum DiNardo was at that time the Tigers coach.

Yep. We hired a guy with a career losing record away from Vandy. We lost at home to ND in '96, and in South Bend in '97. Finally got to beat them in the Independence that year (Gerry's last winning campaign here).
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Nutriaitch;1018740; said:
Yep. We hired a guy with a career losing record away from Vandy. We lost at home to ND in '96, and in South Bend in '97. Finally got to beat them in the Independence that year (Gerry's last winning campaign here).

And now a member of the Big 10 Network (studio)
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smith403;1018743; said:
And now a member of the Big 10 Network (studio)

Brings up a good question. How do y'all like the Big Ten network? I've wathced a little of it this year, and would love to have that type of setup available for the SEC.

Muck;1018752; said:
Well this thread is educational if nothing else as I had never heard of the nutria before.

Anyone who hunts giant smelly rodents can't be all bad.


If you're not ready for it, the 1st time you hear one shreik in the early hours of the morning (around dawn) you might chit your britches. It sounds like someone is choking a baby while a cat is squealing in the background.
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Pheasant;1018602; said:
We won't know really whose schedule was padded until after the Bowl season. I don't remember that great team you guys beat this year...who was it, again?

Nobody gave up against Florida. They simply didn't execute and didn't play with the same intensity as the rest of the season. tOSU didn't elevate their game when Florida didn't fold after the initial score, but they hardly gave up.

Also, who the hell cares if we're outnumbered outside the stadium? If it's better than 5:4 inside I'll be surprised.

I was wondering what everyone else thinks the in-game % of fans will be. Each school gets 16,000 tickets, which I think is about 20% of the capacity of the Dome. The rest of the tickets are in the hands of a local residents, corporate sponsors, and ticket brokers. I know OSU fans will pay top dollar for tickets, but given the location of the game (and local ties to the corporate sponsors) it will be hard for OSU fans to keep up. I would be happy if it was only 60-40 in favor of LSU.

On a side note, what would you say the fan make-up was at the last 2 BCS Championship games? I was at both, and would say it was over 85% OSU fans v. Miami and maybe 60-70% OSU fans last year.
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The BTN is young and has its qwirks, but I LOVE the quantity of highlights I can get (on their 'sportscenter', as opposed to the 3-4 plays I might see on ESPN), including coach's shows (where they walk you through every meaningful play). Also, they usually replay about 4 games during the week, including some espn/abc games.
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