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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

Offensive: traditional Big-10 offense, huge offensive line, great running back, QB may not be the best in the nation but can manage the game.

Defense: good skill players and good speed and very discipline. Really do not know any names but I hear you have a speed rusher type DE.

Overall I think Ohio state has not been tested except for its 1 loss to Illinois. I do think OSU can beat LSU and it does not take a "perfect" game. This biggest deal for me will be to see how OSU defense can handle our offensive line.
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This biggest deal for me will be to see how OSU defense can handle our offensive line.
That will certainly be a challenge, especially against the run.

Up front, Gholston & Worthington are significantly better against the pass than the run. Freeman & Laurinaitis are great against the pass, but can struggle at times with a physical run game (especially Free). Against PSU, Laur was taken away and Freeman filled nicely (with the exception of a few runs). Against ILL, he did not.

Much like LSU, OSU's ability to heal will be crucial, especially against the run. OSU's best DE (Wilson) & DT (Denlinger) have been hurt all year, and are both much stronger vs the run than their replacements. Wilson is rehabbing in hopes of returning (injured in sep), Denlinger has been nicked up most of the year and played sparingly. Rose is a DT/DE hybrid wildcard, he's battled injuries all year, and was a load this offseason.
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buckeye247;1018195; said:
That was all i did when i was down there about ten years ago. I wonder if it was illegal.

Not real sure of the laws now, but them lil bastids got to be such a pest in the Parish I live in, they started paying $25 per tail to "trappers". Needless to say, I had "money" as a teenager. Of course looking back, I didn't have much, but for a 14 or 15 year old $400 bucks was a chitload of money.
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My biggest worry is the OSU LB's. Seems no matter how mnay guys you lose you always fill up with some of the meanest LB's in college football. Your test will be not being spread all over and and how well your secondary keeps up with our Recievers and Holiday.
As for your Offense... you can definately move the ball... the biggest question will be which LSu defense shows up and how healthy we are. Our Offense has a great running core in Williams, Scott and Hester... and if Flynn is healthy our 2 QB rotstion could cause problems.
The one benefit LSU has had all year is we are soo deep with talent in most positions we can rotate fresh people in and out. Not to mention we're a great conditioned school but it seems we can't get anything going until the 2nd half.
I look forward to a good game and by no means will either school blow the other out.
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Im certainly a buckeye but I know live in GA so I got to see a lot of LSU the last couple of yrs.
1st thing, ppl need to realize they do have more than Hester. They have a lot of good backs that are very diverse. Each one offers somethin diff. I think our o-line can get pressure on lsu..consistent pressure I think will be key. Flynn is really good when he has it goin. But, if he gets rattled...
Lsu fans, what do you guys think the chances are of havin perrilloux come in and run a little option? I think its a strong possibility. Esp how we 'struggle' against that type... The wide outs are very inconsistent. They can burn though.
Im not sold on the secondary at all. Zenon esp. He gets beat. a lot. Steeltz to me is a good 'ballhawk' but he seems to struggle wrapin up at times. He can hit tho. I think lsu benefitted tremendously w/ a healty Dorsey. He made every btr b/c of the pressure he got.
Lsu is a very good team. Ppl look at what UF, Arkansas, and Kentucky did against them, but dominated just about every1 else.

Idk, thats just my opinion of what I see. Certainly I could be totally wrong..
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IYE2;1018291; said:
Lsu fans, what do you guys think the chances are of havin perrilloux come in and run a little option?

I'd be prepared for it. Especially not knowing much about Flynn's health. Earlier this year, we used it several times a game. We'd run a old school option left and right, and even a little of what Tebow does, where he tucks like he's gonna run and when the DB's bite e stops and chucks it over everyone.

Perrilloux had some "issues" off the field, and I think that has limited his playing time down the stretch of the season. He didn't even travel to Bama.
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IYE2;1018291; said:
Lsu fans, what do you guys think the chances are of havin perrilloux come in and run a little option? I think its a strong possibility. Esp how we 'struggle' against that type... The wide outs are very inconsistent. They can burn though.
Im not sold on the secondary at all. Zenon esp. He gets beat. a lot. Steeltz to me is a good 'ballhawk' but he seems to struggle wrapin up at times. He can hit tho. I think lsu benefitted tremendously w/ a healty Dorsey. He made every btr b/c of the pressure he got.
Lsu is a very good team. Ppl look at what UF, Arkansas, and Kentucky did against them, but dominated just about every1 else.

Idk, thats just my opinion of what I see. Certainly I could be totally wrong..

I think you hit the nail on the head with our team. Great talent everywhere, but inconsistent.

Yes, I think Perilloux will mix it up a bit, especially after his showing in the SEC Championship Game. Hopefully he's out of Les' doghouse and will stay out of trouble now, since he's our best hope at QB for the next two years.

Should be a great game.
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