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#5 Ohio State 66, Michigan State 64 (Final)

OregonBuckeye;731070; said:
I'm praying someone, anyone, steps up as a leader by tourney time otherwise we will get knocked out very early. It's also about time we figure out what the hell we're doing on offense. It seems like we either jack up a 3 early in the shot clock or throw it down to Oden and hope he makes something happen. Basically, we're searching for an identity.

I don't think we'll know that until we face adversity again. We almost choked away the UT game too. I'm happy with the win but I'm disappointed by where we're at at this point in the season because the team hasn't "clicked" yet. I'm still waiting for that game where we put it all together and reach our potential.

Brightside: Big-10 win over solid opponent
Downside: Inconsistent

Leadership is so key down the stretch when you're in a tight game. Look at what Nietzel (however the heck you spell it) was able to do when he put his team on his back. He is no doubt their personality and their emotion, not to mention their go-to guy. There is no question that the Bucks have the ability and potential to be amazing. But without that go-to guy leader down the stretch, it's hard to be consistant. College hoops is such a game of runs and momentum. These guys so desperately need a leader to step up. Still time left of course for that guy to emerge, but...who's it gonna be??? I really thought it would be Lewis but now I just don't know. Hmmm... On the flip side...I'm of the school that a win is win baby. I'll take it!
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OSUBasketballJunkie;731066; said:
They are not overrated, they just need to play at a consistent level for a complete game, they played one great half and then a horrible second half. I personally do not feel they are overrated at this point. The one key element that is missing is the leadership and I have been saying it for a few weeks now......it is clearly evident late in the game we lack that leadership, no direction on offense, we seem tentative. Harris, Butler and Lewis need to step up.

I agree. the experienced players don't step up and take charge as they should . Maybe they just don't have enough confidence. I also believe we haven't had a great player like that since JJ. We don't have a neitzel.
Earlier someone said we don't need for nietzel to have a 30 pt game well he did boys and girls. We all know he can do what he did. He does it every game. The whole second half I was screaming "stay with neitzel"
He had a great game. i'm not worried about the team for the big ten. What I am worried about is the consistency when we get into the NCAA. If we have a bad half in there we are done against most teams.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;731083; said:
Not 3-18. Boy, in just three years, the expectations sure have changed.
that's not a bad thing either. having high expectations is part of the recipe of building a perennial powerhouse program... alliteration unintended. of course, our expectations mean much less to the success than their own expectations. my expectations, however, are not for the team to be national champions, final four contenders, or even winless from here on out. instead, my expectations are smaller... though "smaller" leads to bigger differences. my expectations are that after 20 games the players are better at defensing screens and picks. i do see some progress at times, but the lapses are frequent. my expectations are also that the team attacks the glass for rebounds. rebounding is not so much about size as it is about desire, tenacity, and work ethic. i see absolutely no progress in rebounding.

the season is nearing the point where the effort and experience from everything prior should be realized. the season is nearing the point where we're seeing what the team actually is and not so much anymore what the team could be. to be sure, ohio state is a top notch team that still can get be much better, which is a good thing; however, i'd like to see progress with those small things. the team must get better at defensing screens/picks and rebounding. shot selection while having substantial leads must get better, too.

by the way, as much as matta hates the zone, it should have been employed at about 4 minutes into the second half. it's a double-edged sword: stick with man and continue to be taken to the shed with screens/picks (but gain valuable experience defensing them) or go to a zone. at least a different look would have been nice to see just for the sake of possibly slowing down their offensive rhythm.
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First half: No team in the nation could have touched this team.

Second half: (Chirp, chirp)

Let's try to repeat the first half and learn from the second. Long way to go. A win is a win, especially one over MSU and Drew "fucking" Neitzel.
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Yep, sounds like some of us need to loosen the tie a bit and breathe. Let's say you weren't able to watch this game for some odd reason, and when you got home, you saw on the bottom line that OSU had beaten MSU. At that point, does it matter how?

Sure there are some adjustments to be made, and many improvements could be had. This team has been Jekyll-and-Hyde to some degree, and among other things, it can get very frustrating. But just sit back, relax, and enjoy what is happening. We are 18-3 and thought very highly of by anyone who is paid to talk about or cover NCAA hoops. This team has some work to do, but will be a very dangerous draw when it's all on the line. Look around and tell me how many coaches would trade their situation for ours straight up, starting with Mr. Tom F.U. Izzo.:tongue2:
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I don't want to hear this "A win is a win" or "No win is a bad win" shit, because that's what that is...shit. Granted, we probably shouldn't have been up by 20 at the half seeing as we shot the lights out from behind the arc (you can't always count on that), but there is no excuse for any team--any team--coming back on you from 20 down at the half on your home floor to have the potential winning shot hit your rim at the buzzer.

Whoever said in this thread that we have no floor leader is dead on...we were totally fucking lost out there once MSU scored the first 5 points of the second half.
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Freshmen. Halftime blowout. Take a shot, it falls. Second half. Miss a few early. Start thinkin', "I'm cold". Learn a lesson about momentum.

MSU is a really good team. Learn from the "second half loss".

The rematch will be our hardest game and Purdue one of our three hardest, so this week is a tough one.

Boy, what a first half. That was really something to watch.:osu:
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MililaniBuckeye;731145; said:
Whoever said in this thread that we have no floor leader is dead on...

I agree. I expected Conley to be playing that role. This is the first chance I have had to watch them play with Oden integrated.

I didn't see floor leadership in the first half either. Maybe I am wrong, but I think their major opportunity to improve revolves around this issue. I would say that they still play a bit too much like very gifted individuals and when MSU grabbed the momentum at the start of the half, they really did lack leadership.

That said, I think they might lose one or two games before year-end but they will make a deep run into the tournament, with a little luck, maybe to the Final Four. I could see that potential.
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I don't want to hear this "A win is a win" or "No win is a bad win" shit, because that's what that is...shit. Granted, we probably shouldn't have been up by 20 at the half seeing as we shot the lights out from behind the arc (you can't always count on that), but there is no excuse for any team--any team--coming back on you from 20 down at the half on your home floor to have the potential winning shot hit your rim at the buzzer.

Whoever said in this thread that we have no floor leader is dead on...we were totally fucking lost out there once MSU scored the first 5 points of the second half.
I completely disagree. When you're hot nobody can touch you and you come out to a 20 point lead. When you're cold you can't hit anything.....if you have the guts to pull through that cold streak and get the win then you have learned something.
Agreed, in the second half they didnt play well, but MSU is a better team than they get credit for and I'm happy they pulled out the win.
I'm sick of the negativity. The freshman are playing great...and with alot of pressure on them.

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buckeyeboy;731085; said:
Izzo's ridiculous. I can think of three distinct out-of-bounds calls that the refs blew in favor of MSU, yet every time the camera was on Izzo, he had this look on his face like he couldn't believe how much he was getting screwed. Pathetic.

Looks like that got Nova homered at Notre Dame last night as well. Absolutely pathetic the way that game was called.
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If I were Coach Matta I'd be happy as a lark right now. He has, in his hands, the best teaching tool he's had this year, the game tape. First half, exactly how he drew it up. Second half, no one out there knew what was going on. The young kids can learn a bundle at film today, I wish I could be there, should prove interesting. :biggrin:
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I thought this stat was pretty interesting. I figured it must have been something like this, b/c we couldn't miss in the first half, and MSU couldn't miss in the second.

First half FG%:

OSU -- 62.5%
MSU -- 30.0%

Second half FG%:

OSU -- 23.8%
MSU -- 62.5%
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Whoever said in this thread that we have no floor leader is dead on...we were totally fucking lost out there once MSU scored the first 5 points of the second half.

I have been saying it for a few weeks, leadership on and off the floor is lacking......

I don't want to hear this "A win is a win" or "No win is a bad win" shit, because that's what that is...shit. Granted, we probably shouldn't have been up by 20 at the half seeing as we shot the lights out from behind the arc (you can't always count on that), but there is no excuse for any team--any team--coming back on you from 20 down at the half on your home floor to have the potential winning shot hit your rim at the buzzer.

Really can't disagree with you......
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