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#5 Ohio State 66, Michigan State 64 (Final)

Sorry, but this team is overrated right now. The talent is there, but the execution and leadership is lacking. Maybe I'm just typing this out of frustration after one of the worst 20 minutes of basketball I've seen, but I just don't see us as a top-10 team right now.

They are not overrated, they just need to play at a consistent level for a complete game, they played one great half and then a horrible second half. I personally do not feel they are overrated at this point. The one key element that is missing is the leadership and I have been saying it for a few weeks now......it is clearly evident late in the game we lack that leadership, no direction on offense, we seem tentative. Harris, Butler and Lewis need to step up.
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NFBuck;731059; said:
Very hollow victory right there. We were nearly pantsed on national television again.

Sorry, but this team is overrated right now. The talent is there, but the execution and leadership is lacking. Maybe I'm just typing this out of frustration after one of the worst 20 minutes of basketball I've seen, but I just don't see us as a top-10 team right now.

No, you're right, unless we are all living the same bad dream. There are flashes of brilliance, but Butler, Harris and Lewis all but disappeared in the second half, and apparently the game plan was to keep the ball as far away from Oden as was fucking possible. I dunno. There is such a lack of consistency, I don't see us faring well against a top ten team right now. I don't understand why we would go away from what was working to get us a big lead.
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sure, they won a squeaker and can take something from that, but that was a bad, bad, victory.

Maybe I am old school but a win is never bad. We just watched them play a terrible half so some of us have forgotten they played almost a perfect first half. Give them credit for the good and the bad fellas.

The sky is not falling.....we will learn from this and move on......a young team just grew up a little bit more.....
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I'm praying someone, anyone, steps up as a leader by tourney time otherwise we will get knocked out very early. It's also about time we figure out what the hell we're doing on offense. It seems like we either jack up a 3 early in the shot clock or throw it down to Oden and hope he makes something happen. Basically, we're searching for an identity.

a young team just grew up a little bit more.....

I don't think we'll know that until we face adversity again. We almost choked away the UT game too. I'm happy with the win but I'm disappointed by where we're at at this point in the season because the team hasn't "clicked" yet. I'm still waiting for that game where we put it all together and reach our potential.

Brightside: Big-10 win over solid opponent
Downside: Inconsistent
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OSUBasketballJunkie;731069; said:
Maybe I am old school but a win is never bad. We just watched them play a terrible half so some of us have forgotten they played almost a perfect first half. Give them credit for the good and the bad fellas.

The sky is not falling.....we will learn from this and move on......a young team just grew up a little bit more.....
True. I'm definately just a little flustered after watching the second half. Learn from this and bring on Purdue.
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I'm praying someone, anyone, steps up as a leader by tourney time otherwise we will get knocked out very early. It's also about time we figure out what the hell we're doing on offense. It seems like we either jack up a 3 early in the shot clock or throw it down to Oden and hope he makes something happen. Basically, we're searching for an identity.

In the first half we played from the inside out and were having success. Second half, MSU made some adjustments, pushed Oden out a few feet further.....we started to get inpatient on the offensive end and started to shoot early in the clock from the outside.....shots didn't fall...MSU hit everything......basically that was the second half.

I will give our defense credit for the last 2 minutes, MSU had several chances to tie or take the lead and failed to do so.......they dug in and pulled it out.
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At the half I made a post stating that they should apply the boot to the throat. I was joking then, but now I think that may be what this team lacks. The ability to finish. That is experience though, and that is what the upper classmen need to bring. They didn't tonight, and haven't at other times. It needs to happen by the tourney. If not, this season is already over.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;731072; said:
In the first half we played from the inside out and were having success. Second half, MSU made some adjustments, pushed Oden out a few feet further.....we started to get inpatient on the offensive end and started to shoot early in the clock from the outside.....shots didn't fall...MSU hit everything......basically that was the second half.

I will give our defense credit for the last 2 minutes, MSU had several chances to tie or take the lead and failed to do so.......they dug in and pulled it out.

You pretty much summed it up. :)
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OSUBasketballJunkie;731069; said:
Maybe I am old school but a win is never bad. We just watched them play a terrible half so some of us have forgotten they played almost a perfect first half. Give them credit for the good and the bad fellas.

The sky is not falling.....we will learn from this and move on......a young team just grew up a little bit more.....
i never stated that the sky is falling. i'm not extracting anything from this poor second half showing beyond a poor second half showing. what some would call *ahem* an ugly victory, i would call a bad victory. sure, a win is never bad in the fact that it is another notch, but i'm not sure that there was anything positive from the second twenty-minute game... as long as the team doesn't learn anything from it. i'm sure that won't be the case.
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i never stated that the sky is falling.

That comment wasn't directed at you....more of an observation on my part and to tell everyone to look at some of the positives and not dwell on the negatives of the second half. I would agree this was an ugly victory, that is putting it lightly. I believe they can take some very positive things from the second half...the most important one was we never gave up the lead and made some defensive stops late in the game to preserve the victory. They will watch the film and correct their mistakes, but in my opinion, the only mistake they made in the second half was not having the same intensity they had in the first half in order to match MSU's effort. This team is 18-3. Not 3-18. Boy, in just three years, the expectations sure have changed. :biggrin:
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Izzo's ridiculous. I can think of three distinct out-of-bounds calls that the refs blew in favor of MSU, yet every time the camera was on Izzo, he had this look on his face like he couldn't believe how much he was getting screwed. Pathetic.
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