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#5 Ohio State 66, Michigan State 64 (Final)

Very hollow victory right there. We were nearly pantsed on national television again.

Sorry, but this team is overrated right now. The talent is there, but the execution and leadership is lacking. Maybe I'm just typing this out of frustration after one of the worst 20 minutes of basketball I've seen, but I just don't see us as a top-10 team right now.
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Why do you shoot 2 3's on your last 2 possessions? One when you are down by 1, one when you are down by 2. That is just stupid if you ask me. I dont care if you're shootin 120% for 3.

You would like to see better shot selection late in the game, but taking those threes got us a 20 point lead in the first half.....a couple of those three point attempts late were wide open shots, they just didn't fall. This team will always depend heavily on the three, especially with Lewis out there, he doesn't take anything besides three point attempts at this point. :(
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