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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Don't know what's going on with my console. Last week it left Mesquite and ended up in Mexico according to the tracking. Yesterday, it says it is back in Mesquite and experiencing "adverse weather conditions."

ETA of Tuesday, now.
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jwinslow;1868997; said:
UCF is gone until Monday. We are going to let the CPU sim that game since both parties were available at various times.

We are waiting on UK and SMiss.

We should be able to advance again soon with all of the missing parties doing their recruiting online and having bye weeks.

You can sim IU v. UCF altogether. Not sure if I'll have time tonight since I have to buy another car. Bought one three weeks ago and it blew up, can you believe That?
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kn1f3party;1869028; said:
You can sim IU v. UCF altogether. Not sure if I'll have time tonight since I have to buy another car. Bought one three weeks ago and it blew up, can you believe That?

Pics or it didn't happen. Jk. Man that's rough, hopefully no one was injured and nothing else was damaged.
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kn1f3party;1869028; said:
You can sim IU v. UCF altogether. Not sure if I'll have time tonight since I have to buy another car. Bought one three weeks ago and it blew up, can you believe That?

now when you say blew up, do you mean it literally blew up? or you just talking about the engine going kaput?
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