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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

The game was very frustrating.... Their LB's had one of those games where they had all 99's AWR... Everything I threw seemed to be batted down or picked if they were within 20 yds of the throw. It was insane.. Then, they faked a punt that I was ready to stop but ended up breaking tackles and running it in for a 50 yd TD....

They added a late score when I was screwing around. They didn't move the ball on offense much at all before that
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just so Gomer doesn't freak out on me :wink:...says I had to restart the game cause while playing I had a little power surge that caused everythin to poo out on me, I was up by 10 in the 2nd half at the time (so i wasn't losing and got mad)
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eobuck;1869780; said:
If I'm the only game left, then just sim it. Supposed to have a user game, but I believe he is also on auto.

Is So. Miss projected to make a bowl game?
Well you were ranked 25th before the humiliation vs Nebraska. You're sitting at 6 wins, so I think that's a pretty safe bet.

One would hope your boys could beat IU.
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