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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

kn1f3party;1869311; said:
:lol: should have clarified engine seized up. Fucking shitheads had it leaking oil after the courtesy change when we bought it.

Did you take it back and shove your foot up their ass? Make them pay for the new engine/car or sue them. My future brother in law used to work for Monroe, and he'd heard stories of people getting new engines/cars because of simple things like that.
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Well, just finished my last game of the regular season against USC. Was an odd game to say the least.

My QB threw for 807 yards with 8 TD's and 7 INT's. 6 of the 7 INT's were big time overthrows by my QB and the other one was a tipped pass.

Ended up winning 72-55. EA was forcing so many things to happen it wasn't even fun. I can't stand playing against the computer when they use certain teams, it's ridiculous.
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Moved up from 10 to 7 after beating the #3 team in the country.. 10 wins in a row and I am the lowest ranked 1 loss team. grrrrrrrr. I will end up in the Orange playing an at large... assuming I win the ACC game.

OH btw... can we have as many users as possible play scUM each season so they stay down with the bottom feeders? I get nauseated seeing them at #3.

PS. This was my 500th post on BP
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