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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

I play as any of the above.. DE, LB, S.... Against you, I struggled against the run in our previous games and so I really wanted to control guys other than the DE so I could pursue better. After I lost to you for the second time, I really thought about what I needed to do to stop you and I had a very specific defensive game plan coming in.
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umm, ok, just askin cause in every user game this year, I think I gave up 28+ pts (40 somethin to u and jwins, and 28 to Mac)

I know some of it is prob the quality of players (like i mentioned in my rant), but me being a DE just doesn't seem to do anything for me, I think I'm more worried about being a LB and blowing the coverage where the CPU wouldn't have
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BuckeyeMac;1868497; said:
Wow. Have to give credit which sounds like Gomer tore apart Vandy's D too. Maryland has a good defense, and a better offense. Good luck in the ACC Title game Gomer...my turn next year? :biggrin:

We will see.. I am losing some solid linemen at the end of this year.... Even though you haven's won against Vandy or Maryland, you have been right in there till the end. something's gotta give, I know I need to make sure I ready for a battle every time I play you.
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I've always played as the MLB. I get burned by it sometimes but I also make some very good plays (for example one of the INTs against you bucknut was me from my MLB). IMO it gives me a better handle on the run game because I can go to either side on a toss play if needed. However, sometimes I feel I get burned on pass plays. Now playing as the safety it helps with the run game because it puts another guy in the box but could also drop back in coverage. So to answer your question yes it gives you more versatility. I've always played very well as the MLB. And you saw that by having over 100tackles from my MLB each of the 1st two seasons. This year was different because I had a true frosh in the mid 60's overall.
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Damn... If I had "accidentally" somehow restarted a game against Bama at the beginning of the year, I would be in a position to play in the BCS 'Ship..... Even though that would be fun, I am glad I have played this thing straight up the entire time taking losses if I lose, taking injuries as they happen, and the wins as they come. I hope everyone else is playing with the same attitude.

I have been noticing A LOT of restarted games lately, and I hope they are all on the up and up. I am not going to accuse anyone of restarting because they want to avoid injuries or losses, but we have the game settings where they are to challenge (most of) us. If it was to be something where you can only lose to other users, we should play on Freshman. It is one thing when the game freezes or the game doesn't upload (It has happened to me) but I have seen a couple of these games, against good CPU opponents, where it was restarted 3 or 4 times.

Anyway, enough of the negative stuff. I am having a blast in this dynasty and everyone I have played against have been good sports when they beat me and when I beat them. Glad we have such a good crew playing this thing.

Go Bucks
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2nd that Gomer!! Even though I've had infuriating and disappointing results, I'm having a lot of fun with this group of guys! Hopefully, when were done with '11, we can continue with NCAA '12. I know I plan on it!
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UCF is gone until Monday. We are going to let the CPU sim that game since both parties were available at various times.

We are waiting on UK and SMiss.

We should be able to advance again soon with all of the missing parties doing their recruiting online and having bye weeks.
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