Damn... If I had "accidentally" somehow restarted a game against Bama at the beginning of the year, I would be in a position to play in the BCS 'Ship..... Even though that would be fun, I am glad I have played this thing straight up the entire time taking losses if I lose, taking injuries as they happen, and the wins as they come. I hope everyone else is playing with the same attitude.
I have been noticing A LOT of restarted games lately, and I hope they are all on the up and up. I am not going to accuse anyone of restarting because they want to avoid injuries or losses, but we have the game settings where they are to challenge (most of) us. If it was to be something where you can only lose to other users, we should play on Freshman. It is one thing when the game freezes or the game doesn't upload (It has happened to me) but I have seen a couple of these games, against good CPU opponents, where it was restarted 3 or 4 times.
Anyway, enough of the negative stuff. I am having a blast in this dynasty and everyone I have played against have been good sports when they beat me and when I beat them. Glad we have such a good crew playing this thing.
Go Bucks