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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

I tried to avoid as many late season games as possible so we can zip through to the off-season.

Hopefully my interest comes back on, it has been down for most of the last 48 hours.
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frustrating game was frustrating....i gotta start recruiting better or my team is gonna be terrible, I have no speed on defense, so it makes it so much harder to play defense against users....I'm sure Gomer would agree, the difference was def the Defense, my players had some ridic missed tackles, the TD that put u up 7 near the end my LB decided to go with a WR that was covered which caused your TE i think it was to be wide open in the back...my players are fucking stupid on defense, ugh

I gotta learn to start reading defenses better in user games, threw 4 INT's (3 were my fault of not reading the defense correctly), really pisses me off, GG Gomer, knew this would come eventually, too good of a player for me to keep beating you
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Bucknut24;1868492; said:
frustrating game was frustrating....i gotta start recruiting better or my team is gonna be terrible, I have no speed on defense, so it makes it so much harder to play defense against users....I'm sure Gomer would agree, the difference was def the Defense, my players had some ridic missed tackles, the TD that put u up 7 near the end my LB decided to go with a WR that was covered which caused your TE i think it was to be wide open in the back...my players are [censored]ing stupid on defense, ugh

I gotta learn to start reading defenses better in user games, threw 4 INT's (3 were my fault of not reading the defense correctly), really [censored]es me off, GG Gomer, knew this would come eventually, too good of a player for me to keep beating you

Good Game to you! I always feel the pressure playing users. My D came up with some big plays and once my offence stopped putting the ball on the turf (including a fumble at the 1 going in), my offense was able to consistently move. I had to settle for a couple FG's and a two point conversion, but my punter never saw the field.

BIG WIN for the Maryland program in general. A Chance to win the ACC and a BCS bowl game are great steps in the right direction. (Including two of my three coaching goals)
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BuckeyeMac;1868497; said:
Wow. Have to give credit which sounds like Gomer tore apart Vandy's D too. Maryland has a good defense, and a better offense. Good luck in the ACC Title game Gomer...my turn next year? :biggrin:

yea, I couldn't do anything against his offense, i threw anything i could think of, and he still beat it....his D is stout too, a lot of times, he did what my defense couldn't cover WR's and not have to blitz, i found myself with a lot of time, but no WR's would be open (and thats where 2 of the INT's came from, i tried to force it)

I HAVE to have a top 30 class next season in recruiting or i am screwed, gonna focus heavily on DE's and CB's next season
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honest question as well to you mac and gomer (since you guys have played me 3 times now)...do you guys think you have an advantage over me on defense by playing as an LB or S and me playing as a DE? Im really trying to play a LB more, but I just don't have the confidence yet to do it in User games
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