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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

And with that we have advanced...I'm going to take in the superbowl festivities with friends down in Dallas (not the game however...not that rich lol)...I'm gonna get my game in now. Ill be out until Monday...but since its just recruiting left for me I can recruit online.
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well the computer finally got it's way. can't believe how many broken tackles LSU had, screen plays, runs, short passes, bombs... D couldn't take their guys down. Pair that with the fact my QB decided to "overthrow" my WRs on 3rd downs, I was lucky to only lose by 7.

We'll see how the SEC turns out, but obv no1 down south wanted a team from Indiana representing the SEC.

#1 recruiting class feeling nice, got some 4*'s to go along w/ the 5* bunch. Putting Purdue on the map, next year we go big.
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GomerBucks;1867489; said:
Can anyone tell me where I an in recruiting? Did any one sign with maryland this week?

=============== #10 Maryland Terrapins (9-1) ===============
Last week, Maryland won 48-21 against Miami University (8-4).
This week, the Terrapins will host #3 Vanderbilt (9-1).
In recruiting news, the following Maryland targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) QB Mike Long has committed to Maryland
- (***) HB Jeff Richards has committed to Virginia Tech
- (****) QB Lamar Snyder has committed to Penn State
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=============== Miami University RedHawks (8-4) ===============
Last week, Miami University lost 48-21 against Maryland (9-1).
This week, the RedHawks are idle.
In recruiting news, the following Miami University targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) HB Rashad Duncan has committed to Miami University

wooo, I just picked up a 1* Kicker!! :lol:
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