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I didn't understand why Jack didn't play the tape over his cell phone to Audrey's dad, or have Chloe record it, when he was still inside the bank. If they didn't make it out, the tape would have been destroyed.

And if I had been the bank manager, I would have said "Lock me up back inside the vault" instead of going outside with Jack.

So, what happened when Aaron called Jack on the cell phone? We didn't even see if Jack talked to him, right?
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So, what happened when Aaron called Jack on the cell phone? We didn't even see if Jack talked to him, right?
Did you fall asleep? Just as Jack was getting out of the car at the bank, Aaron called to tell Jack that a warrant had been issued by Logan. Jack told Aaron that Logan was behind the plot, not the VP. Aaron asked what he could do, and Jack replied, "Keep your eyes open and watch your back," then they both hung up.
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Did you fall asleep? Just as Jack was getting out of the car at the bank, Aaron called to tell Jack that a warrant had been issued by Logan. Jack told Aaron that Logan was behind the plot, not the VP. Aaron asked what he could do, and Jack replied, "Keep your eyes open and watch your back," then they both hung up.

Thanks - I guess I did - long day yesterday. :!
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Did you fall asleep? Just as Jack was getting out of the car at the bank, Aaron called to tell Jack that a warrant had been issued by Logan. Jack told Aaron that Logan was behind the plot, not the VP. Aaron asked what he could do, and Jack replied, "Keep your eyes open and watch your back," then they both hung up.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Actually, Aaron pretty much told Jack the VP wasn't involved and it was the President and Jack confirmed it with him. Aaron is in danger now, because we know that call was monitored....
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Actually, Aaron pretty much told Jack the VP wasn't involved and it was the President and Jack confirmed it with him. Aaron is in danger now, because we know that call was monitored....


Actually, the episode I saw, it went down exactly as Dryden said. I can assume that the call was monitored, but the show never indicated that in any way. And Jack was the one who told Aaron, not the other way around. My guesses:

Either Aaron or Heller will die soon. Or both.

Heller could be evil, but I'm not convinced of that...yet.
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And Jack was the one who told Aaron, not the other way around. My guesses:

maybe I am wrong but Aaron already had an idea of the president's involvement when he stated to Jack basically...

"The VP is not involved in this, is he Jack? or something like that....I guess I am simply reading between the lines when I am assuming Aaron already has an idea that the President is involved.


You don't want to know what I know....:biggrin:
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maybe I am wrong but Aaron already had an idea of the president's involvement when he stated to Jack basically...

"The VP is not involved in this, is he Jack? or something like that....I guess I am simply reading between the lines when I am assuming Aaron already has an idea that the President is involved.

Aaron called Jack to let him know the warrant had been issued for him, and perhaps because he was starting to have some questions about the president (after Logan made him leave when Gardner asked about the warrant). Pierce may have suspected the prez, but he didn't know until Jack told him.
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