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Great episode last night.....I am still on the fence with Heller, they protrayed him as being a good guy in the trailer for next episode, I just get this feeling, something is not quite right.

I loved the Bond-esque music in the last ten minutes :biggrin:

I really liked the music also....great touch.

this is ridiculous. now all of a sudden the president has balls? come on 24....you're better than this.

what? Your suprised that he now is showing another side to his character? Its not the first time this has happened on 24.....remember Nina? I like the twist that he is behind all of this.....
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I actually think the writers did an excellent job with Logan's character development. He hasn't actually changed all that much...the most unbelievable part came about halfway through the show, when he was bitching at Henderson, in such a way as to make the viewer believe he had balls. By the end of the show, however, he was borderline panicking again, and he was struggling when confronted by his wife and the VP.

I agree with 44820 that Heller could be evil like the devil. I only say that because it would give the show it's next big twist. I will say, however, that if you (44820) are reading those spoiler sites and passing that info along here...I am gonna be pissed. Seriously.
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what? Your suprised that he now is showing another side to his character? Its not the first time this has happened on 24.....remember Nina? I like the twist that he is behind all of this.....
it's too transparent. he whines and cries and can't tie his shoes without consulting with 8 different people....then all of a sudden the episode we find out he's the bad guy he magically grows a pair? just because we know something different about him now shouldn't change the way he acts.

and no, i don't remember nina. i still have to get my hands on seasons 1 and 2.
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That'd be great if Heller were evil!

"Audry, I'm really sorry about electrocuting your husband and leading him to his death, and I feel really bad about that incident where I choked you and threw you against a wall, and of course, all that stuff where I kicked the snot out of your dad and killed him too, but I love you. Will you marry me?"

Last nights episode (with the bank teller) reinforced the one truism about 24. It doesn't matter how good Jack Bauer is, if he tells you to "stay with me" you will get shot by somebody within the next 5 minutes.
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I agree with 44820 that Heller could be evil like the devil. I only say that because it would give the show it's next big twist. I will say, however, that if you (44820) are reading those spoiler sites and passing that info along here...I am gonna be pissed. Seriously.

That is not a spoiler, its just my opinion. I wouldn't do that to the board, and to try to prove my point, I knew about Logan almost 2 weeks before it happened but kept it off the board as I always will. Trust me.

I just get this feeling that Logan is not the only one involved in this and typically 24 always has that major twist.......I am 50/50 on Heller at this point.

and no, i don't remember nina. i still have to get my hands on seasons 1 and 2.

BN27, I would recommend picking those up when you can, season 1 is my favorite season.

Last nights episode (with the bank teller) reinforced the one truism about 24. It doesn't matter how good Jack Bauer is, if he tells you to "stay with me" you will get shot by somebody within the next 5 minutes.

So true.....as soon as he heard the tape, I knew he was going to be in a body bag before the end of the episode. :biggrin:
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That is not a spoiler, its just my opinion. I wouldn't do that to the board, and to try to prove my point, I knew about Logan almost 2 weeks before it happened but kept it off the board as I always will. Trust me.

I just get this feeling that Logan is not the only one involved in this and typically 24 always has that major twist.......I am 50/50 on Heller at this point.

I hope Heller isnt corrupt, he can be a bad-ass.

I was hoping they would keep that bank manager alive, he was pretty cool after he figured out what was going on...
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