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Hey, you guys are too tough on Jack. Remember, he wasn't dating Nina, he was railing her. It was an affair, remember? And I don't think you can blame the guy for not suspecting someone he'd been working with for years before they even suspected there was a mole...even if she was ass-ugly.

Anyhoo, any bets on who the next bad guy at CTU is? That psycho guy, the new chick (Jerry?), or neither?
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Good episode last night.

Although sometimes you wonder about things like only being able to send in 4 guys to take out some terrorists trying to kill a couple hundred thousand people. Like it's tough to find more law enfocement in a city where martial law has (unofficially) been declared. But I manage to just let that stuff go and enjoy the ride.

The new one (Sherry/Jerry?) is a little touchy, huh? Buchanon just brushes her shoulder while saying nice job, and she says "That was wrong."

But I realize that some people can be sensitive when you mention 'shoulder' and 'job' in the same sentence. :wink2:
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BTW, I think the new girl's name is Sheri, based on something I read yesterday.

edit - make that Shari.
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Oh yeah!

Maybe Logan ain't the pussy we all assumed him to be?

I wouldn't be so certain of that. He was a major schizo at the end of season 4. Me thinks he's a puppet for someone else who's playing a doomsday scenario in his mind.

Something keeps running through my mind though. At the end of season 4, Logan said he would never tolerate murder under his administration. Either he simply changed policy or he was lying then. If he is truly behind all of this, then he's been behind it for a long time - dating even back to Marwan.
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