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Sutherland pacts for 3 three more years of "24"

By Nellie Andreeva Mon Apr 10, 1:34 AM ET

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "24" star Kiefer Sutherland has inked a multifaceted deal with 20th Century Fox Television.

The rich pact, which is set to begin in June, calls for the actor to continue on the hit Fox drama for three more years and includes a two-year development deal for Sutherland's soon-to-be-launched production banner.

Details on the deal were sketchy, but sources pegged the acting portion alone at more than $40 million for the three seasons, which could make Sutherland the highest-paid actor in drama series.

While the deal with Sutherland locks him in for three additional years beyond the current fifth season of "24," the 20th TV/Imagine TV-produced show so far has been picked up for one additional season.

Under the pact, Sutherland also will be elevated from a co-executive producer to executive producer on "24" next season alongside Joel Surnow, Robert Cochran, Howard Gordon and Evan Katz.

The development portion of the deal is said to include overhead and a development fund for Sutherland's company. Sutherland will hire a development executive and will begin to develop and executive produce projects for television as well the Internet and wireless devices.

Sutherland called his past five years on the show "one of the most creative and rewarding experiences in my career."

In its fifth season, "24" is enjoying some of its best ratings and critical notices. The show, which introduced the now-hot serialized thriller genre, also has become a DVD best-seller and has spawned a mobile phone series.

Sutherland's performance on "24" has earned him a Golden Globe award and four Emmy nominations.

On the big screen, he next will be seen opposite Michael Douglas and
Kim Basinger in "The Sentinel" and will provide the voice of the lion in Disney's "The Wild."

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In last week's Rolling Stone there was an interview with Kiefer Sutherland, and there's one funny story in it:

He once heard that some college-going 24 fans had developed a drinking game in which you have to down one shot for every time Jack Bauer says, "Damn it," which is the show's "fuck" and "shit" substitute. So during one episode, in one scene, he took it upon himself to say "Damn it" three times in a row, "Boom, boom, boom. And that was just one scene. By the end, there had to be fourteen 'Damn its.' And I could just see all these college kids going, 'Oh, fuck!' "

I will spare you the entire article, because it portrays Kiefer to be the total alcoholic that he really is, but if you're interested in reading it, it's here:

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