Maybe TDunk got it in one? The 'expectations' of the fanbases, and the panderings of the talking heads that write about, or even have the vote to put these teams in place to participate in the playoff seems to weigh in in bunches. I'm old enough to recollect when ND had the power/sway to come into a state and say, we'll take your best OL, and RB thank you very much, and did. I guess the mystic bubble that surrounds ND back then still holds power, but they just aren't elite anymore. Very good, yes, but elite, not so much. Cannot remember if it's been discussed, but can I assume that there is a committee that evaluates teams in an on-going way, and shapes the rankings? Would like to see the metrics of what makes a playoff team, versus one with a better record, in a lesser league, playing a weaker schedule. Am very happy to be loyal to a team that really doesn't have to worry about all that stuff, as tOSU has a bubble of its own, and from I read/infer, a two loss tOSU will get 'in', versus a team with fewer losses, but weaker schedule (or more probably, a better traveling fanbase, that will fill stadium seats). And grudgingly, have to agree with Zurp, once a team is in, lightening could indeed strike, and the WR catches a ball and takes it to the house, upsets a heavy favorite, and does it again the next week to stand tall on the championship podium. Believe tOSU has done that, (circa the 2002 Buckeyes against Miami), and again in 2014 against Alabama. Go Bucks!