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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Correct. But Tressel and Urban were the real dirty coaches......
Both had their issues, and Ohio State was right to deal with them as they did. I'll never make excuses for them. That being said, neither comes close to what Simple Jim has been up to where the literal integrity of the games are being called into question, the Vegas lines were compromised and an opposing player was cheated out of a Heisman. Simple Jim and the two coordinators should be banned from ever coaching again at any level.
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How about this, this thing many call "karma" but I call the law of sowing and reaping?

ttun loses to PSU, or loses to Maryland, and lose to OSU, and then are knocked out of the playoffs.

Then we sit back and enjoy the scenario while awaiting the punishment for cheating to commence?
Honestly, I think without the cheating they are better than PSU and MD. The only one who can beat them is most likely OSU, and I feel pretty strongly that UGA, FSU, and LSU can beat them as well.
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I feel like that the idea of hacking is a bit much. I suspect it is more of a spy in the midst at tOSU or a crime of opportunity. Hacking across state lines and such seems like an insanely dumb decision. That would seriously put you in jail.

The hacking issue was gone over before. There was a known vulnerability in the software we were using to disseminate clips to the kids and for them to study. OSU changed software vendors at the same time.
It was actual hacking. And that's also what the FBI originally stated they were looking at, more or less: "interstate cyber crime"
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What is it that I'm not understanding? I get that their fans are blaming Ryan Day for snitching. I suppose that snitching is tarnishing the rivalry, slightly. But here's a quick list of other things that are tarnishing (or have tarnished) the rivalry:
1. The 12-team playoff model. (2024)
2. The opportunity for more than one Big Ten team to make a bowl game. (Starting in 1974-ish)
3. Giving them any kind of chance for a re-match. In 2011 through 2013, and starting again in 2024, the two had and will have opportunities to meet on the field a second time, making the first matchup irrelevant.
4. When M*ch*gan decided they didn't want to play in 2020 because some of their tennis players had the sniffles.
5. When M*ch*gan decided to make it an uneven playing field by illegally stealing signals.
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Honestly, I think without the cheating they are better than PSU and MD. The only one who can beat them is most likely OSU, and I feel pretty strongly that UGA, FSU, and LSU can beat them as well.

Before the cheating, they tied Rutgers and lost to Rutgers.
I don't think they're very good without knowing what their opponent is doing and being able to tailor their reaction precisely.
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How about this, this thing many call "karma" but I call the law of sowing and reaping?

ttun loses to PSU, or loses to Maryland, and lose to OSU, and then are knocked out of the playoffs.

Then we sit back and enjoy the scenario while awaiting the punishment for cheating to commence?
That's the best scenario, in my mind. I mean, we don't even need them to lose to PSU or Maryland. We just need Ohio State to beat them. I don't think they get into the playoffs with 1 loss over any undefeated or 1-loss teams. I mean, this scandal has to weigh in on committee members' minds A LITTLE BIT. I can see them voting an undefeated M*ch*gan team in. But a 1-loss team with this scandal - why not elect another 1-loss team?

I don't know the PAC-12 championship game setup, but if Oregon and Washington win out, the one that lost to the other one (I forget which) will get in over M*ch*gan, in my mind.

HAHA - how about this scenario? M*ch*gan loses to Penn State AND Maryland (it won't happen, but play along). Being knocked out of the playoffs, they say, "Yeah.... we investigated and we found out we were cheating and we've fired all of our coaches and we're choosing not to play any more games this year as our punishment." So.. the number of days since Ohio State last beat those cheaters increases a bunch more. That'd be a pretty M*ch*gan thing to do.
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What is it that I'm not understanding? I get that their fans are blaming Ryan Day for snitching. I suppose that snitching is tarnishing the rivalry, slightly. But here's a quick list of other things that are tarnishing (or have tarnished) the rivalry:
1. The 12-team playoff model. (2024)
2. The opportunity for more than one Big Ten team to make a bowl game. (Starting in 1974-ish)
3. Giving them any kind of chance for a re-match. In 2011 through 2013, and starting again in 2024, the two had and will have opportunities to meet on the field a second time, making the first matchup irrelevant.
4. When M*ch*gan decided they didn't want to play in 2020 because some of their tennis players had the sniffles.
5. When M*ch*gan decided to make it an uneven playing field by illegally stealing signals.
Its just projection. Its because of Ryan Day's jealousy that all this is happening. Not you know, the cheating.

There's a norm McDonald joke in here somewhere
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Will be interesting to see the post-game scUM-Purdue handshake Saturday. Ryan Walters has been one of the few with the balls to comment on this publicly and he didn't tap dance around it. Does he just walk off and avoid Simple Jim, or does he give him a piece of his mind? Actually, every game from here out should be an adventure. I'd be shocked if most coaches don't just forego the handshake and leave Simple Jim wandering around on the field looking for his baseball. He's positioned himself as possibly the biggest pariah coach in CFB history.
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The hacking issue was gone over before. There was a known vulnerability in the software we were using to disseminate clips to the kids and for them to study. OSU changed software vendors at the same time.
It was actual hacking. And that's also what the FBI originally stated they were looking at, more or less: "interstate cyber crime"

This is truly insane. Do people not get that they can literally go to prison for this type of stuff?

How is it that SCum is getting a pass by the B10? Seriously, taking off my hate glasses for that program. At what point do they stand up and say "hey that is not OK, we are about more than that in the B10". Like have some damn pride for yourself.

I am actually shocked by this more than the sign scandal. This really speaks to a program that turned a corner from a win at all cost to a win by any means. One to me means you are willing to sacrifice you body and sanity and the latter means we will cheat, lie, and steal. I think we all know why this happened (Hairball ego caused all of this). He could not take the beatings anymore from both tOSU and MSU and had to make it stop. So he resorted to cheating and breaking the rules. Because while I realize the tOSU rivalry is special, for SCum losing to MSU hurts just as bad if not worse.

I thought the assistant coach stuff was more about him specifically doing some nasty porn stuff. If it was really this hacking to get film of tOSU. Well this is just not acceptable and I am starting to ask: what do you have to do to get sanctions? Like at what point do you start vacating wins and pulling scholarships? Fines?

I am not trying to be a drama queen here but coaches are losing jobs due to their records. Whole programs might miss a bowl game due to this cheating. The ripples can go in places that you just do not fully grasp at first.
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Will be interesting to see the post-game scUM-Purdue handshake Saturday. Ryan Walters has been one of the few with the balls to comment on this publicly and he didn't tap dance around it. Does he just walk off and avoid Simple Jim, or does he give him a piece of his mind? Actually, every game from here out should be an adventure. I'd be shocked if most coaches don't just forego the handshake and leave Simple Jim wandering around on the field looking for his baseball. He's positioned himself as possibly the biggest pariah coach in CFB history.

It's not like he was some beloved gem of a human being before this, but this really turns the dial to 11 with other coaches.
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To your point, the pedo buster who took this video (Boopac Shakur) was shot and killed later that night in a confrontation Pontiac. Not sure if it was related to pedo busting or something else.
I saw that tidbit and did a bit of research. It apparently occurred during another pedo busting situation but it seemed like some teenager shot him and not the perp he was confronting.
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What is it that I'm not understanding? I get that their fans are blaming Ryan Day for snitching. I suppose that snitching is tarnishing the rivalry, slightly. But here's a quick list of other things that are tarnishing (or have tarnished) the rivalry:
1. The 12-team playoff model. (2024)
2. The opportunity for more than one Big Ten team to make a bowl game. (Starting in 1974-ish)
3. Giving them any kind of chance for a re-match. In 2011 through 2013, and starting again in 2024, the two had and will have opportunities to meet on the field a second time, making the first matchup irrelevant.
4. When M*ch*gan decided they didn't want to play in 2020 because some of their tennis players had the sniffles.
5. When M*ch*gan decided to make it an uneven playing field by illegally stealing signals.
I really don't understand SCUM fans misplaced anger towards OSU and Ryan Day.

This argument seems to suggest that OSU had something to do with their current predicament, which there is absolutely no indication OSU was behind this, and in fact knew they were cheating for a while and didn't nationally expose them.

Second, how do Scum fans think they have the right to do the things they did, and that the rivalry somehow should be a reason to let ridiculous behavior stand without doing anything about it. Pretty audacious
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