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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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While dfbia's rationale for the reason behind a new contract does bug me, there are two valid reasons that I can see. A massive buyout if Simple Jim gets an NFL offer (however unlikely) and new very detailed clauses spelling out what constitutes a with cause termination if he doesn't.
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This is truly insane. Do people not get that they can literally go to prison for this type of stuff?

How is it that SCum is getting a pass by the B10? Seriously, taking off my hate glasses for that program. At what point do they stand up and say "hey that is not OK, we are about more than that in the B10". Like have some damn pride for yourself.

I am actually shocked by this more than the sign scandal. This really speaks to a program that turned a corner from a win at all cost to a win by any means. One to me means you are willing to sacrifice you body and sanity and the latter means we will cheat, lie, and steal. I think we all know why this happened (Hairball ego caused all of this). He could not take the beatings anymore from both tOSU and MSU and had to make it stop. So he resorted to cheating and breaking the rules. Because while I realize the tOSU rivalry is special, for SCum losing to MSU hurts just as bad if not worse.

I thought the assistant coach stuff was more about him specifically doing some nasty porn stuff. If it was really this hacking to get film of tOSU. Well this is just not acceptable and I am starting to ask: what do you have to do to get sanctions? Like at what point do you start vacating wins and pulling scholarships? Fines?

I am not trying to be a drama queen here but coaches are losing jobs due to their records. Whole programs might miss a bowl game due to this cheating. The ripples can go in places that you just do not fully grasp at first.
I'm right there with you. I mean, you walk into your grandparents' house and you see someone stealing shit from right off the shelves. And you know he's going to go to your house, next. You tackle him, and call the police. The police say, "Yeah, we'll look into it." I mean... when are they going to look into this? You know they won't look into it until he's done robbing your house. "We'll make him and everyone agree that it never happened. How about that?" And M*ch*gan's excuse? "This stuff isn't very valuable, anyway. Breaking into this house to steal stuff isn't going to help me much. Also, your grandparents probably should have done a better job of gluing these things to the shelf surfaces."

I'm as much for due process in a court of law as anyone else is. And I think the Big Ten also should follow a set of similar rules. You can't just shoot from the hip. You need to let cooler heads prevail. But these crimes have been committed and inaction is just going to tell the world that you condone the crimes. (I'm talking to the Big Ten, not to anyone here.)

As many things do, this reminds me of the Simpsons.
The Big Ten is Chief Wiggum:
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They are still trying to push the "THAT PRIVATE FIRM HACKED INTO OUR NETWORK!!!" narrative.

"hey NCAA have this information we illegally hacked!" - How DFBIA thinks this went down. :lol: Yes those private investigators im sure were so willing to incriminate themselves just to get Harbaugh.

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What amazes me is that the dfbia is absolutely convinced that Harbaugh has some massive file on everyone else's cheating that he's ready to drop. That guy? Seriously? If he had anything on anyone, much less Ohio State or Penn State, he and John Bacon would have booked a stadium tour to expose it long ago.

Exactly. You have great info that could quickly ruin your top competitors, but you just sit on it for a "rainy day"? :lol: This makes absolutely zero logic sense to anyone but DFBIA.
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I'm right there with you. I mean, you walk into your grandparents' house and you see someone stealing shit from right off the shelves. And you know he's going to go to your house, next. You tackle him, and call the police. The police say, "Yeah, we'll look into it." I mean... when are they going to look into this? You know they won't look into it until he's done robbing your house. "We'll make him and everyone agree that it never happened. How about that?" And M*ch*gan's excuse? "This stuff isn't very valuable, anyway. Breaking into this house to steal stuff isn't going to help me much. Also, your grandparents probably should have done a better job of gluing these things to the shelf surfaces."

I'm as much for due process in a court of law as anyone else is. And I think the Big Ten also should follow a set of similar rules. You can't just shoot from the hip. You need to let cooler heads prevail. But these crimes have been committed and inaction is just going to tell the world that you condone the crimes. (I'm talking to the Big Ten, not to anyone here.)

As many things do, this reminds me of the Simpsons.
The Big Ten is Chief Wiggum:

No doubt.

The sign stuff is criminal I think because of what kind of advantage it gave TCUN.

However the part that has got me riled up is the lack of understanding, the lack of seriousness, the lack of ownership, and just straight ignorance by so many that are in public view.

To Michigan’s balls to extend this guy in the middle of this, to the Joel Klatts of the world asking for loopholes to be taken advantage of, to the “this is a witch hunt” and finally to the “well let’s not punish the kids”.

That to me just shows just how nonchalant these clowns are taking this. This isn’t funny and isn’t just sign stealing. I’ve said it basically every other post but this is corruption and this is game fixing. They put their hand on the scale in the biggest matchups of the year for the last 3+ years. Now they’re likely going to get to play the rest of the year and all these teams will be at the disadvantage again by needing new signals and new forms of communication all the while Michigan continues as they always have.

Just disgusting that hardly anyone is thinking of this as a corruption issue.
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:lol: Santa is going to drop "TRUTH BOMBS!!!" On the B1G today according to scUM sunshine pumper Isaiah Hole.

Signgate update from Hole​

Submitted by MeanJoe07 on November 3rd, 2023 at 1:35 AM

Not much new information. Mostly reaction. Big Ten ADs getting their very delicate lace panties in a wad and pushing the BigTen to act was unexpected. The weird pedo lower level staffer non-story (reported by former OSU's best, moral compass and authority on all that is holy, Zack Smith, the coach who pushed his pregnant wife down the stairs and sent her death threats) was one of the two remaining bad news items to drop. The alliance of never sanctimonious and holier than you schools who have never stolen signs are very peeved that the sanctity of their moral code has been violated. Very peeved! They're worried about the children. Hole is fired up (which means his voice almost noticeably raised) because he knows "the truth that will set Michigan free". He expects Petitty to learn this truth from Santa tomorrow which will force him to take a step back and reconsider. This will cause the wad girth of the aforementioned panties to increase in size substantially. Hole mentioned again that the goal of this orchestrated hit job is to prevent Harbaugh from ever coaching on the Mich sidelines again. He said that if he coaches Saturday that it's more likely that he's allowed to coach of the rest of the season. He remains cryptic about his source and what this "truth" is that will set us free.

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What amazes me is that the dfbia is absolutely convinced that Harbaugh has some massive file on everyone else's cheating that he's ready to drop. That guy? Seriously? If he had anything on anyone, much less Ohio State or Penn State, he and John Bacon would have booked a stadium tour to expose it long ago.
I have no doubt Jim’s computer is full of cat videos, fudge recipes, and John Cena quotes (Shane Gillis bit).
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They are still trying to push the "THAT PRIVATE FIRM HACKED INTO OUR NETWORK!!!" narrative.

"hey NCAA have this information we illegally hacked!" - How DFBIA thinks this went down. :lol: Yes those private investigators im sure were so willing to incriminate themselves just to get Harbaugh.

I (almost) feel bad for the one guy (he's probably someone's deep run troll) trying to explain things to them and they shit all over him.
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They’re pretty entertaining however one issue is, since they’re amateurs and not law enforcement officers, they often make procedural hiccups that would prevent any proof or evidence they collect from these encounters with predators from being used in court. There’s been a few high profile Internet “celebrities” who got exposed by one of these guys, but because of some fuck ups on the end of the predator hunter, the perp was allowed to get off scot free because the state couldn’t use the evidence collected. It would be better if they worked with law enforcement more often, but a lot of them might lack the patience or interest in doing that, since they can do it in a more sensational manner.

As Dan Lanning would say, they do it for clicks while law enforcement does it for wins (in court).
Yeah, so apparently one of the vigilante guys in the video was actually shot and killed doing this whole bust up routine. And this story states he had wrongfully accused someone before.

I get what he is doing and if it spooked and/or led to arrests than great (!!) but his process isn’t the best, imo.

I don’t want to even touch this part of the Michigan story - the sicko got fired and hopefully is getting help if he still roams in society.

Edit - I see this was mentioned on the next page. Moving on.

Fuck Michigan
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